Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

How do I register my pitbulls when they didn't originaly come with papers?

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I have two full breed pitbulls. The breeders were too lazy to reg the puppies for one of them. The other one's father was reg but the mom wasn't. Needless to say none of them came with papers. Can I register them? I know a lot of people won't take them. If there is someone I can reg them through how do I go about that?

In the case of the dog with the unregistered mother you can't, both parents have to be registered for any legitimate agency to register them. In th case of the other dog. It depends. If the litter was registered and the breeder just didn't get the individual registration paperwork you may still be able to get the paperwork from the breeder if your dog is not to old. If the litter was not registered you can't register with any legitimate organization. You could probable register with the Continental Kennel Club but it would make you look sketchy to anyone who knows dogs at all as they will register anything. (Just to test the registry people have registered hamsters and other small pets as purebred dogs.) If your dogs are altered you can get an ILP through the AKC. You just choose the bred your dog is closest to (in your case American Stafford shire Terrier) You can find the infromation here

What is the difference between a american Staffordshire bull terrier and a pitbull?


I have this dog and i don't know how to tell if is a pit or a Staffordshire.

I have a huge long explanation for this, but I'll try to keep it simple.

Essentially, there are TWO different breeds, which originated from the same stock.

AKC registers dogs called American Staffordshire Terriers, they are bigger, more muscular, with squarer heads. They are showing dogs, not working ones.

UKC registers dogs called American Pit Bull Terriers. These dogs are tall, slender, athletic, with longer, wedgier heads. They are working dogs.

AmStaff and APBT originated from the same stock, however, when AKC decided to accept the breed into it's registry, it didn't want to have the words "pit bull" associated with it's organization, so they changed the name to Staffordshire Terrier, and later, American Staffordshire Terrier.

Here are some picture references:



There is also a breed called the American Bully (Sometimes referred to as an APBT, but they are NOT APBTs, they are MIXED BRED dogs (admittedly by Dave Wilson, the man who "created" this breed) They are SEPARATE from the REAL APBT

American Bully:

There is also a few breeds called Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier which some people confuse with other bully breeds as well.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a small, power packed mini dog, with round, bulbous heads. They stand less than 2 feet tall (normally 1- 1.5 feet)


Bull Terriers (come in standard and mini sizes) are egg headed shaped dogs, which are compact, but SOLIDLY built.

Bull Terrier:

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Is my German Shepherd small for his age? I think so.. Picture here.?

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Well, I live in Hong Kong and I got a German Shepherd Pure and a Tibetian Mastiff mega mix from another country. Now the country I bought it from apparently falls into the "category 3" countries and therefore, it's mandatory under law to keep it in a government kennel for 4 months for "quarantine" from the day it lands here.

It's been almost two months in the kennel now and currently my German Shepherd is 7 months old and Mastiff is 8. But I noticed that my German Shepherd is not as big as he's supposed to be.. or not think enough. I don't really care about my Mastiff mix because he stopped growing 4 months ago. I think he's terribly mixed up. But German Shepherds at that age are suppose to be thicker and maybe even taller than what he is right now. Even the kennel personal agree that he's smaller. Is it their fault?

Here are the pics~

Well, here are the facts about how they treat him there (which I think is not right, considering his age):

- They feed him only twice a day when puppies are supposed to be fed light food 3-4 times a day.
- They tell me after 5 months dogs aren't puppies anymore when I've been told by vets that they are puppies until they stop growing.. which is about 14 months for height and then 4 more months for width.
- They feed my dogs adult food.
- They don't get exercise, bath or whatever unless I go visit them. But I'm working full-time and the only time I have got to visit them is once per two weeks. And the location is so bleeping far out in terms of geography because it's on the other side of where I live. I have to take a Cab... There is no direct route.

Maybe I'm wrong. I use 70% of my salary just paying for them every month. I don't want to see my dogs weak, you know. I'm gonna take some vitamin and protein supplements next time I go.

What do you think? Is his size okay? What do you think is the problem here? Any suggestion is helpful. Thanks.

I have a German Shepherd, so I relate to your worries. Unfortunately, you didn't include what his height is at the withers, nor how much he weighs.By the picture alone, I can tell his is skinny and a bit small, but it's hard to truly compare through a picture. Is this the red variety, by the way? I just hope he isn't crossed.
A 7 month old German Shepherd should weight around 55-65 pounds.
This sites posts a weight-age table for puppies
At 7 months old, your GSD should be maybe 22-25 inches tall at the withers, depending on whether your is female or male.
General Info: Puppy food is essential. It contains a higher dosage of fats than adult food. This is necessary for a healthy digestive system and growth.
At this age, the dog should be fed no more than 3 times.
Dogs are puppies until they reach sexual maturation.
Don't feed protein supplements until your dog is mature enough or your vet recommends it. I think the problem here could be:
1. Genetics: Your dog COULD be a cross, even if he has papers stating otherwise. DNA testing is expensive, but it would eliminate all suspicions.
2. Runt: Your dog might be the runt of the litter, that is to say, that puppy that received that least amount of nourishment (milk). If the dog received scanty amounts of it, his growth would have been impaired compared to his brothers and sisters.
3. Diseases: Diseases that cause anemia; roundworms, tapeworms and any other parasite that interferes with the absorption of foods and nutrients
4. Exercise: Lack of exercise and a small crate will atrophy his muscles, joints and bones.
5. Food: Lacking nutrients needed by a puppy, such as when feeding adult dog food , especially of the cheap ones.

It could be a mix of all these things or some of them.
Hope you can fix this problem soon. The quicker you do this, the quicker the problem can be targeted and hopefully, reduce the impact later on. Talk to a vet about his weight and size, and see what he/she recommends.

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Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Where can I get a good deal on a dog crate?

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I'm hoping to find a wire dog crate that is at least 33" H for under $100. Right now my dog has a 30'' crate, and it's a tad short. They seem to be just over at places like Petsmart/ Petco. Is there somewhere where they are a tad cheaper, on-line is fine!

Ebay or Craigslist. Or you could find a local rescue near you, and see if they'll trade you for your 30" crate + a donation to their rescue =) I know the rescue I volunteer for would do it because they're not losing out and they'll get a donation.

If you go to and type in your zipcode it'll bring up some rescues near you that you can contact.

Good luck!

Where can I find the bottom plastic piece to a dog crate?


We've had our dog crate about a year and the bottom (plastic piece) split in half. I called petsmart and petco and niether of those stores carry them. I was wondering if there was somewhere I could find one online. THanks

Try then pick the state you live in On the right hand side of the page there is a place for pets. You can post a wanted ad and see if any one has one they want to get rid of

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How to build a roof on a dog kennel?

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We recently moved to a very busy rd and our landlord wont let us bring our two outside cats inside since its not safe for them to roam I put up a 10x10x6 dog kennel I put chicken wire and a tarp on top but when it rains the tarp gets filled and sinks down. How can I build a roof? What materials could I use or can u purchase an already made roof? I would put the tarp over the roof as well. Any ideas? Thanks!

This is easy all you need to do is put a wood stake in every corner of the chicken wire and ensure you cement the stakes down into the ground, you can then add a roof made from wood but ensure you put roof tiles on top of it, you can buy treated wood roof tiles and they are'nt expensive, you would have been better off with a small shed and a wire enclosure and sneak the cats in at the week ends, you should'nt have rented any place unless cats were allowed.

How to remove rust from dog kennel that is safe for dog?


Got a metal dog kennel that has years of rust on it. I want to know what is safe to use for a new puppy? The cage is good except for rust. Would I use coke and alumi foil? What do I do once I get the rust off?

It depends on the amount of rust. My first step would be to use a wire brush to mecahnically remove any loose rust.

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Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

What would i have to do to raise a siberian husky?

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I am thinking about getting a siberian husky ive never owned a dog before. I want to now what ill need todo regarding vaccinations and other medical stuff. how much will that cost. and i want to know how much will i be spending on food and other things each month for the husky.

Buying my Siberian cost me about $750, but that is because he had papers so it cost more.
When I first got him, his puppy exam at the vet was $46.00.
His Tracheobronchitis shot was $18.00
His DA2PP puppy initial was also $18.00
His first lyme disease was $27.00.

It turned out he had worms so the fecal lab analysis was $44.00 and the meds for getting rid of his worms were $18.00.

His puppy heart-worm pill was $5.50 and his <22 lb frontline plus was $16.00

I went to a different vet after that and his vaccinations became the DHLPP vaccination boosters but I have lost the paperwork with how much those cost, they were not very much though if I remember correctly.

His registration papers cost about $25 for simple registration (there are many options)

He is 9 months old now and I pay about $7 a month for his <50 lbs interceptor heart-worm (he is about 48 to 50 lbs now).
I pay $20 every 3 months for hartz tick and flea drops (frontline works better but hartz is a lot cheaper).

He was neutered when he first turned 8 months, the bill breakdown was like this: Pain pills $8.00, Catheterization $48.00, IV fluids $16, Analgesic injection $13, Anesthesia for first hour $69, Patient monitoring: $16, actual neuter surgery $105, elizabethan collar (to not lick wound) $12.
I also got optional blood-work on him before surgery that was $46 and microchip placement that was $53. My total bill was about 385 dollars.

I feed him Nutro natural choice large breed puppy food. One 35 pound bag costs $50 at petco and lasts me about 2 months or so. If buying from petco, they track how many bags you buy, and your 10th is free, if you buy from a local store, you can sign up online and Nutro will mail you a slip that you give to your local pet store so they can track your dog food and when you get 10 bags they can mail it in for reimbursement for the 10th bag, so either way you can get the 10th for free.

He tears through toys like no other, but two toys have lasted, one is an orca bone offered by petstages, available at petco, target, etc. The other is a tuff tuff bone, the only fabric toy that he has not torn up, I got mine from petco, the walmart and target similar ones get destroyed within the day.

My husky is crate trained. When I got him, I used a $60 large crate that I bought from walmart. Save yourself the trouble and buy a more expensive expanding crate that can go up to extra large. Even though he is only 50 lbs, he can not even sit up straight in the large crate, I had to get an extra large one for him, luckily my friend had one they didn't need so I didn't have to pay any more money.

Depending on your dogs temperament, you may have to think about puppy classes. I've heard the ones at petco and petsmart are around $100 for the basic class. My Siberian was my first dog I've had to take care of all on my own, although I grew up with dogs, it is different when all the work is on you. My Siberian is stubborn and very smart, he learns different and new ways to be annoying all the time. I have not had the need for professional training though by being clear about what I expect from him and consistent with praise and punishment. I socialize him at the dog park every two weeks or so which is free for the park I go to, but some parks do charge 5-10 dollars a day, usually indoor or well monitored parks.

You need to make sure you can exercise your husky properly. I take my dog on 3-4 1 to 1.5 hour walks a week and on the weekends depending on weather i'll take him on a 6-9 mile hike on Saturday and a 4-6 mile hike on Sunday, plus lots more fetch in the yard. He still has too much energy after all this.

You also need to be able to contain him without running away. I have a 100 foot run for my Siberian that i use when i'm out in the yard with him. I make sure his collar it tight so he can't slip away and I've had good luck with it. It is best to have a large fenced in yard for your Sibe, and many claim electric fences didn't stop their Siberians.

How can I juggle work, sleep, and my an over energetic dog, with a less than cooperative boyfriend?


My boyfriend and I just got a black lab named Buddy, on my insistence, as my boyfriend (who from now on will be referred to as the wife) is going to be joining the service soon, and I don't want to be left alone while he's gone. Right now we work overnight at walmart, and come home as soon as we can to spend time with Buddy. But every time we come home, we find a new object he's gone and chewed up. I've given him tons of chew toys, and he still has the ones from his old owners, he has plenty of food before we leave, and we walk him before going out, but still, he finds issue with at least one object in the house. It's frustrating me to no end. Also, the wife has completely different ideas on pet training. He gives buddy food from his plate, then complains when buddy won't leave him alone to eat. He gets upset with me when I have to push Buddy off of me or risk bruising, but let buddy jump on him once and hell shall be paid.

I don't want to have to douse my home in bitter yuck, lock buddy in a crate or small area, or remove all of my personal possessions from my living room to remedy his chewing problem. (Even if I did all that, I fealr my carpets may become his next target.) But what else am I to do? I'm open to nearly anything. Also, how can I combine a disciplined training style with a relaxed and carefree training style?

If your Labrador is an adult dog, is he taken out before work and given the level and type of exercise needed to tire him out physically? Tired dogs do not wreak havoc inside the house when left alone or bark at everything in its line of sight because it is something to do (not saying this is a behavior your dog shows).

Wired dogs with surplus energy, are less likely to settle down and wait for the humans in their household to come home.

In addition find a dog club and sign up for classes. It would be useful if you and your boyfriend had the same expectations of the dog (routine, structure, rules, boundaries, good manners) and attitude to handling the dog.

If a crate is large enough for the dog to stand up comfortable and turn around and not used as a way to keep the dog from being underfoot when people are home and the dogâs needs are met, it is a useful way of keeping a dog safely contained in one spot when the owner is not there to supervise it.

An alternative to a crate is a âdog proofâ room, with nothing left inside that could be destroyed or ingested possibly casing a GI blockage.

Read up on and implement NILF (nothing in life is free - principle being dogs have to work for what they want) and leave a copy out for your boyfriend to read, I suggest. What he does with the information is up to him.

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How do I get my dog to pick more spots to go outside?

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we have a ~4-5 y.o. female husky who we got from the shelter in october. she's settled in fine and is well-behaved, but she'll walk forever trying to find a good spot to poop. some days she'll refuse to even go near her somewhat regular spots repeatedly, then poop on the carpet if we leave her alone for only an hour (like she just waited for us to leave). any ideas?

her routine: she lives in an apartment. walks are between 15min and 40min depending on the time of day. she gets walked four or more times a day, both before we leave and as soon as we get home. we take her running occasionally but she gets bored/tired pretty quickly. longest periods alone are 4 to 5 hours 3 mornings a week and most days she does fine. she has regular indoor play, likes to sit on the balcony and watch the squirrels and people, every couple weekends she goes to our parents houses and plays in the yard, every 2-3 weeks we take a long walk with her black lab friend across the hall.

First off, it sounds like you are a very good pet owner! I'm glad to hear that you are giving her frequent and long walks. With her being a husky, she NEEDS them! It's also good to hear that she isn't alone much!. As far as going outside... that's a tricky one, esspecially with shelter dogs who most likely didn't have proper training from the start. I would advise that you crate train her. You get her a crate where she can comfortably sit, stand, lie down, and turn around, but don't get it too big b/c she may very welll choose to void in one corner and sleep in the other. You have to be careful to slowly introduce her to the crate. Do a lot of research before you start, if you don't crate train correctly, she will learn to hate it. If you train her right, then she'll love! (though there are allways exceptions!) If you crate train her, then if she doesn't go to the bathroom before you leave then crate her. She most likely won't go in her crate. When you come home, try her outside again. If she doesn't go, then WATCH her... if she starts to go, rush her outside.

As far as being pick about the spot... you choose a spot, take her to it every time you go outside. Wait! Hopefully she'll get less picky. It's really a matter of who has more patience! You could even leave a "deposit ;) " on the spot you want her to use, that way she'll get the idea.

When cleaning up messes, make sure to use and *enzymatic* cleaner desinged for getting out pet smells! These are the only products that get the smell out well enough that the dog won't recognize the place as her "spot"

good luck! ~J~

How do you get your dog housetrained?

hot stuff

my dog is a dachshund(a very cute dog) he doesn't get the point of going outside to go to the bathroom. any ideas?

1. Get a crate (called a house)
2. Put the dog in the house at night.
3. When you open the crate in the morning, take the dog directly outside to go.
4. When you bring the dog in, judge the amount of hours (usually 3 or less for a puppy) until you need to take the dog out again.
5. If you dog makes a mistake, remove the dog (never hit), and take the dog outside....ok say bad dog, and good dog when he goes.
6. When you come back inside, take the dog to his house.
Come back in a short time, and let the dog go outside again.

This should take about a week or 2 weeks, and your dog will start listening to you.

Also use dog treats when you praise your dog for going outside....but not after the first week.
Make sure your dog does not have the run of the's a baby and has to learn one room at a time.
This should be the room you are in......and set the oven timer if you need to remind yourself in 2 or 3 take the dog outside.
Try to get the dog to run and jump and play outside...throw a ball or something.

Relax and enjoy your new friend, but they do need discipline.

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how much do it cost to give a dog there shots?

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i am thinking about getting a dog/puppy.

Short answer: If you're worried about how much vaccines are, you can't afford a dog.

Long answer: If you give vaccines yourself, $20 or so for the series. However, I do not recommend this if you do not have experience with veterinary work and if you don't have epinephrine on hand. At a vet clinic, expect to pay between $40 and $150 every few weeks for vaccinations and the office fee while the puppy is receiving his puppy series of vaccinations, then the same charge yearly. Current protocols recommend vaccinating every three years AFTER the puppy series is done, but many vet clinics, boarding facilities, and training classes still require proof of yearly vaccinations.

Care expenses for a dog add up quickly. Quality dog food is at least $40 for a 30-lb bag. Safe toys and treats are expensive. Depending on the dog's breed, you will need to pay for professional grooming or invest in the tools to do it yourself. This can be as simple as a grooming glove or curry comb for a short-coated breed, or as complicated as several different combs, brushes, and rakes plus a forced-air dryer specifically for dogs for other breeds. You will need to pay license fees in your community. You will probably want to spay/neuter your pet, which runs in the vicinity of $100 - $500 depending on where you live and the size of the animal. You will want to go to at least a few months of training classes to assure your new pet and you are working well together toward obedience. You will need to replace items that your puppy chews. You will need to purchase a safe crate to confine the puppy in when you cannot watch it-- $20 - $150 for that, too.

Add in unforeseen costs like emergency vet bills (most puppies will need at least one emergency visit before one year of age-- usually due to something they ate) and you should have the means to pay for this care. If you would have to deny your pet veterinary care due to cost, reconsider owning a pet.

Dogs are expensive. Purchase price is a mere fraction of the expenses. Costs vary widely for all aspects of care, but plan at least a few thousand a year for non-emegency essentials.

Which airlines can you fly with a large breed dog?


As "extra large" (500) crate will fit all the 727-777, MD 80-90, DC9. As cargo pretty much anything except Embraer RJ's.
Giant crates have a much smaller fleet to deal with.

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Any opinions on what might be happening with this gang moving in East Los Angeles?

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Jaun Ramos

The Riverdale Gang is a New York/Cleavland based gang. They are hired hands of the Mafia. The Armenians who have been apart of this in LA are famous working dogs for the Odessa crime outfit. This is a sign that the Italians and Russians are trying to push out the Mexicans.

In New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ontario, Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois the crime is run differently. In these areas the Calabrese's, Genovese's, Mazzini's, and a group of former soviet block gangs have a board. There are 24 members, 6 voting members, and chairman.

These organized crime organizations have one rule we handle the money you do the work. They do this by hiring an "angency" normally a motor cycle club. They have them clean the money using front investments and companies. They have their contractor hire a subcontractor i.e. the fall guys who normally get whacked or put in prison. They have normally 10 to 12 subcontractors in a city and 2 to 3 contractors who don't know enough of the puzzle to talk when they go down.

These guy normally take more then the $40,000 to $60,000 that they offer as pay and the board orders a "extermenator" to come in and take them out. That is why the murder rate in these cities changes so much year to year. They hire professionals often from mid west or South America and clean house. These gangs are no match for their grenades and heavy fire power not to mention training.

The only good news is if this is happening they are much cleaner running, the mob does not like bad press. They will also have less drug running and only allow a few smaller operations because Ohio, Illinois, and Kentucky are their only drug green zones they made for the Russians concerning their drug business. They can still transport though. If there are people in this area who deal, produce, or sell drugs they might want to do business else where. Just ask the crips from youngstown oh thats right there all gone.

I left the LAPD to work in Dayton Ohio thinking it would be easier. The truth is until this news I wanted to go back. These boys are how I found out they only play gang in East LA. They will kill off all of the local gang leaders and replace theM. They did it in Cincinnati. These guys are just bullet proof. You try to start a case sue and bribe officials. The courts here work for them!

what to do what to do ? please helpp cant take it anymore need desperate helpp.?


I currently live in rundown tiny little town youâve probably never heard of in New York. 90% of the people are not people you would want to associate with and it has nothing to offer to anyone. I go to the middle school here where allot of the people are not to pleasant and the people that are descent .. most arenât that nice. I hate where I am and would do basically anything to get out of here. Iv lived in a very nice big house in a cute little cul-de-sac with lots of children and dogs living around and flowers out front and its quit and peaceful and nothing ever really happens . Iv lived there all my life. never been moved or considered moving once. well my parents havenât anyway. they wont. they're planted here the rest of there lifeâs. All the sweet quietness its just not me. I like to be in big cities with lots of people and excitement and lots to do. not on some suburbs in a forgotten Crappy old town. Also my has and always will be to be on Broadway, to have hit singles, platinum records ect. our drama club here is the worst thing you ever seen since there isnât much talent in this school. we have no money for props or costumes . we use hammy down costumes or ones sewed by the (horrible) drama club directors mother. The set is just paint and cardboard and they cut the only two good places for theater around here. the high school plays and the glove theater. both donât have enough money to put on any more productions and got cut. I have a singing teacher and have been told I can be famous with my voice. I also write music and am beginning to learn how to play the guitar. I put my heart into acting and i usually get the lead rolls in drama club. i am in 7th grade age 13 by the way. I have two older sisters one is 28 and lives in south Carolina and one us 23 and lives in New York City. lucky. My parents are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veryvery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very (I could go on for a few years or so with very's) over protective, and closed minded. they would never let me out of there site once much less let me move away. unless i got a scholarship somewhere or something but Iâm not sure they would let me go then depending on how far it is. my 28 year old sister just had a baby (Her first) and my mom is upset that they live so far off and she worries about my irresponsible sister in NYC who just got a new job at and accounting firm. (sheâs been around she even worked for JP Morgan for a while!) I plan on going to NYU college when I grow up (its the best entertainment arts school around look it up ) all the schools around where I live suck and so do the towns. I need to get out i hate it here i hate it at school and Iâm not waiting around for another 5 years until i can leave. iv considered boarding school but Iâm not sure that would work. Iv read about some 11 year old girl getting a part in Broadway before and going to school in NYC but i cant find were i read it. Oh and i was also a show team gymnast for 2 years then i quit and now im doing gymnastics and dance again. I am seldom happy and i have bigger dreams than wasting away in this pothole piece of crap place. so what to do what to do ? how do I get away ? scholarships? boarding schools? ANYTHING you can think of please frigin help me.
thank you so much

p.s. I have a great scene of fashion and Iâm middle class in money were pretty well off soo.. and my uncle is very well off so if that helps :P
P.p.s there are no private schools or anything around here.
P.p.p.s I have traveled to several different places : NYC 5 times, Florida every other year since I was like born, New Jersey every other year also, Canada, South Carolina twice and counting, and all the places along the way. I LOVE traveling.
oh and i've also been to Penslyvania where my rich uncle lives. all my other family live around. but dont think of shipping me to my uncles. i would never ever ever ever wanna live there. they are old and boring and the bedrooms are sooooooooooooo creepy.

Parents are like pets, all come with different personalities. Some are more protective than others. But keep it cool, life is harder when you leave home, even though you have more freedom. It flies by faster as well. That little town may seem more like home after you hit the busy streets of NY and find it's not the dream town you thought it to be. NY is more dangerous, people will attack you for what little money you may have in your pocket atm. So when you get there, be sure to keep your guard up, and GL with NYU. Work hard and you will achieve ALL your dreams :)

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How could a person have the heart to kill a dog?

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I love Lab

Like people who work in pounds.

I mean dogs want nothing else, but to please people, they love you unconditionally, and are loyal no matter what. I don't see how people can manage to do such a horrible deed.

So my question to you is, how do you think these people can deal with this?
I'm not saying I think they enjoy it.

So what would you offer as a solution? I know dogs that have lived in a 6 X 12 kennel in a no-kill shelter for 8 YEARS with just a stroke or 2 a day, maybe a volunteer to walk them 30 minutes once or twice a week. Is that quality life?

Turn them all loose to starve or be hit by cars? Many of them were alrady strays. Nature is pretty damn cruel and starvation, being eaten or attacked or dying of untreated disease or injury are all pretty horrible deaths - worse than a quick injection.

Believe me the hardest job any shelter worker has to do is chosing who lives and who dies when the shelter runs out of room - and they all will at some point. The shelter Foxy came out of was trying to go no-kill. Foxy had to live in a 6X6 kennel for 3 months with 4-5 OTHER LARGE/MEDIUM dogs - 10-12 small dogs/puppies were shoved in each 6X^6 runs, 3-4 cats were in each cage, air crates of 2-3 cats or litters of kittens were stacked 6 ft high all along both sides of the halls. And Foxy was deemed "unadoptable" due to age and the start of spinal problems, so she had zero hope of getting out unless Siberian rescue took her and there were continual young, healthy (9-12 month old) Siberians to pull. It was just luck that I lost a 13 yr old Siberian and that Foxy had a chance to fit into my pack before the county came down on the shelter for unhealthy conditions and forced them back into a high-kill shelter. And this is a county with STRICT leash laws and VERY strict kennel/breeding laws - both of which get enforced.

How much to you donate to rescue ? Even if you find a place for the unwanted animals to live as miserable a life as living in a cage with little contact is - who feeds them? A large sanctuary that runs low on food or donations, becomes a terrible hoarder in need of rescue themselves (and this DOES happen especially in these trying financial times). And what happens when the manager of private rescues/sanctuaries passes away - again suddenly a large number of animals are in need of rescue usually and overburden an already stressed system.

There is no easy answer because a pet does not work out unless the personality is correct and that isn't necessarily available at your local shelter. My closest shelter is 95% Pits and although they are a wonderful breed - they are NOT the breed for ME. Foxy fits my pack although she was 1.5 away where a Pit would not - IT DOES NO GOOD TO PUT A SHELTER DOG IN ANOTHER UNSUITABLE HOME - you need to find responsible, hopefully life-long homes. Yes, I think some people have gone overboard in THEIR definition of "suitable" where even good owners no longer qualify and some organizations have gotten too intrusive, but the "first come- pay and walk out" method doesn't work either. Many of those dogs are soon back in the shelter again as strays or the home was not ready for the breed.

I support rescue in many ways including donations every paycheck, but when I retire, I may not have the funds to do that. Many, many people are in the same trap - they would love to help but the fact is they have other obligations. Life is pretty unstable these days even for humans - that makes it twice as hard on pets. I have fostered some litters, even paying vet bills to get the dog and pups signed over to rescue and covering the costs myself - because for many years I show., breed and sledding my Siberians but NEVER expected them to support themselves with litters. I believe you breed for LOVE AND IMPROVEMENT of a breed, not "because if the dogs can't support themselves, I can't keep them". Personally I do have a problem with people making a business out of dogs because NEEDING the income to pay vet bills or cover expenses leads to overlooking genetic problems (and that happen A LOT ... "or it can't be my line") and accepting unsuitable homes (I'm sorry affording a puppy does NOT mean you should have a puppy of that breed - and that happens A LOT). Unless you are willing and able to support the dogs you have, kennel or not, NEEDING money leads to compromise in standards. And it's the puppy buyers that suffer the torture of watching loved pets die young when they didn't have to.

I am not rich by any means, but my dogs have been my love and a very expensive "hobby" and I have gathered more knowledge and been more active in Siberians than 90% of the "professional" show breeders I know. The vast majority have never worked their dogs at any level .... "I can't afford to do both" - well show alone has lead to the twisted, over extended animals you see in Doxies and Bassets, the breathing problems of the over wrinkled and pushed in faces of many breeds and I'm sorry, I haven't seen a decent GSD in years in the ring that didn't look deformed and could stand without the rear wobbling (yet a GSD went 2nd working at Seattle although it was wobbling every step ... please don't tell me that improves the breed). There ARE responsible show breeders - but showing alone does not mean responsiblility.


How long can you keep a dog home in a kennel during the day?


So my girlfriend has had her dog staying with her parents since she relocated out West with me. Now we were thinking about bringing the dog out this way. However, we both work 9-5 jobs and wouldn't be able to get home at lunch. Are dogs okay to be left alone that long? Would crating him during the day be bad? Would his bladder be able to take the occassional ten hour day without us coming home?

Thanks so much!!

8-9 hour days are commonly handled well by a lot of dogs. Puppies can't hold it that long, but adults should be fine. Usually, if you're going to be gone that long, it's good to let your dog have the run of the house instead of being crated the whole time, but don't do that until you're sure you can trust the dog. My dog has gone as long as 12 hours by himself with no accidents (no accidents at all, but I never left him alone longer than that, at that was a one-time occurence)

How often is the "occasional" ten-hour day? If you spend a lot of time making sure the dog gets exercise and companionship when you are home, it shouldn't be a problem, but if it's going to happen every week or more, you should seriously consider leaving the dog where she is, or maybe hire a dog walker.

Watch for signs of separation anxiety. If the dog is currently never alone for more than a few hours at a time, you might want to have your gf's parents do some "practice runs" and gradually leave her alone for longer and longer periods until they are sure she can handle it without becoming destructive or barking, howling etc.

In general, making sure the dog gets sufficient exercise and companionship when you are home is the biggest thing. If you and your gf often come home from work and are tired and crabby, or want to go out a lot in the evenings, the dog will not be happy and will probably make life miserable for you by becoming destructive or "hyper." Be honest with yourself and do the right thing for the dog.

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What exactly is a dog crate?

dog crates metal on Dog Crates, Dog Cages, Puppy Dog Crates, and Dog Crate Accessories
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Mummy of o

i've been reading about dog crates, and are these the metal "cages" or are they the plastic ones with the metal door??

Also how often do you use it for your dogs? some people say no more than 3 hours, but what about night time, is it ok to put the dog in a "crate" for the whole night while asleep?

As much info would be great!

Thanks in advance
Also is there a big difference between plastic or metal ones? which ones are more comfortable and safe feeling for your dogs?

All the dog catalogues carry them
and they run from fabric, wire, and plastic.
Fabric can be ripped open by a dog that is determined
Plastic can be chewed through
Wire is the safest, collapses easily so it can be carried in the car.
Crates are used for transporting dogs, housebreaking, and just a place that a dog can call his own when he wants some peace and quiet. All my dogs have loved their crates, and although there are some issues about the length of time a dog or puppy can be crated , when I'm housebreaking a dog, they are in it at least 8 hours at night with no problem. During the day, especially when showing, the dogs can spend up to 5 hours in a crate which keeps them safe and out of the way of all the ruckus at dog shows.
At home I always have 2 or 3 with open doors for the dogs to nap in, and they do nap in them, preferring them to their big soft dog beds.
I also crate them when running the vacuum as all my dogs seem to feel the vacuum is a monster and needs to be killed.

What is a good size kennel for a full grown male German Shepherd?


I live in a studio apartment and I currently have a dog crate for him while im gone. He needs more than that. He isn't neutered nor will I ever get him neutered because its not like he can get prego and have puppies, so i want to let him walk aroung and stuff without him chewing on stuff or marking everywhere in the apartment. Kinda like a giant crate for him. German Shepherds cant be confined in a crate for 8 or 9 hours and a time without walking space. I am barely home because of work or because im out exercising him hours at a time at dog parks, regular parks playing fetch, or just sociallizing him at pet stores or walmart. I had him since he was a young puppy and he is well trained and socialized and exercised all day. No need to get him neutered.

What about x pens? They are metal pens you can put in various shapes and sizes.

Not neutering him is okay, as long as there is no chance of him getting loose and impregnating any females.

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How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?

best dog kennel new jersey on ... Dog Kennel, Best Dog Boarding Kennel in South New Jersey, Grooming
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Jill pan

How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?
I had 4 newborn puppies of Miniature Schnauzer in my house (New Jersey), they was whelped on 18th of May, 2006,Iâm planning to sell/adopt them, who could tall me how can I do now? Shall I have to register them and how and go where to register?

You can advertise them on any number of on-line free classifieds in your area. Do Google or Yahoo search for the sites.

You can put up flyers at grocery stores, pet supply stores and other businesses in your area.

Better still tell your family and friends that you have 4 puppies available for sale and that if they know of anybody looking to buy a Miniature Schnauzer then to contact you.

Please be sure to screen each potential adoptive home throughly by asking them questions such as: Have you had any experience with dogs before? Do you have any other pets? Do you have any children? How old are they? Do you live in an apartment or a house? If you live in a aparment or are renting do you have your landlords permission to get a dog? How many hours a day will the puppy be spending alone? Will the dog be kept indoors or outdoors? This type of dog will not do well outside in the hot summer and cold winter!! Will they be taking the puppy to obedience classes? What will they do with the animal if they are going to travel? Do they have a vet? What will they do if there becomes a time when they are unable to keep the puppy/dog? These are just a few of the questions you should be asking if you want to find the best home for your pups!

Have them sign an agreement not to breed the puppies and to have they spayed or neutered by the time they are 10 months of age, then they must prove to you that they have done this. Also have them sign that they agree to keep the puppies shots up to date. Ask for at least 3 references and the name of their vet so you can contact them.

As far as regeristering them, in order to do that both of the puppies parents must also be registered. You must contact the American Kennel Club to register them. They will guide you through the process. You can find the American Kennel Club by doing a search through Google or Yahoo.

Good Luck I hope you find happy, loving and safe homes for your pups.

If it is at all possible visit their home to see where your puppy will be living.

What else do I need to know before I get a fox?


I may be getting a fox and I know a lot already because I have done plenty of research over the years. But what are some basics that I need to know?

What food is best for a fox? I know you can feed them dog food, meat and some vegies but what else?
Also, do they have to be crated? Or can they just sleep with you like a dog?
Also, what are some good/fun toys for a fox? I know dog toys work great!

Also, what shots will they need? Parvo or anything like that?


Foxes like raw meat like drumsticks and will sometimes take small bits of fruit and vegetables (don't give them anything you wouldn't give to a dog like chocolate and grapes). They like to take walks but will not heel by your side like a well trained poodle. They will zig-zag and pull while you just hold onto the leash and hope your arm doesn't fall off. Don't walk them in highly populated areas like past a school or the aisle at Petsmart. Some of the public don't recognize foxes as domestic animals (they are on the verge of becoming tame in Russia) and might try to get you fined even if your state allows it. Fennec foxes should be kept in large ferret cages when not being watched and fennecs scream when they are excited. Foxes like to chew so nylabone chew toys for dogs are good. Most species smell a bit musky, the red fox is the smelliest, but most people can get past it. You should NEVER have a fox running around the backyard like a dog would. A fox can easily jump a fence, run away, and in sad cases get shot by a hunter since foxes don't have a good homing instinct like dogs do. They need a backyard enclosure or a large kennel with plenty of things to climb (especially if it's a grey fox) and hide in like logs and ledges. Check your local laws before you go out and grab a fox kit. Some states allow only a specific species of fox. New jersey doesn't allow the arctic, red, and grey fox but allows Swift, Corsac, and fennec foxes.

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Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

What kennel do you recommend for a great dane?

dog crates great danes on Great Dane Information and Pictures, Great Danes
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I just adopted a 1.5 yr old great dane, and I was wondering what Kennel is best suited for this type of breed. He won't be outside, only in the kennel when I'm gone to class.

Any suggestions?

Check out this site: They have great quality kennels at a great price! As great danes are very large dogs, you will probably need to buy the extra large crate size. This article says that dogs up to 80 lbs would fit in a large crate but anything greater will need an extra large one so they have enough space. I posted a few possibilities for you below. Good luck!

If I crate train my puppy can I stop when she is house broken ?


I am crate training my great dane puppy but I just want to do that until she is 100% house broken . Is it a problem to remove the crate when she is house broken ?

You will not regularly need the crate forever, no. However, the dog is likely to be housebroken-meaning she knows to eliminate outside-well before she is actually reliable in the house in terms of chewing and destruction.

So you'll want to use the crate until the dog can safely be left alone and unsupervised both to protect your possessions and to protect the dog from ingesting harmful items.

Once she's learned how to reliably behave in the house without your constant supervision, it's fine to put the crate into storage if you prefer. A crate is always handy to have, even if you don't use it regularly. Sooner or later, you'll need one. A few examples: the dog is ill or injured and needs to be on strict rest; you visit someone else's home with your dog and need a place for it to feel comfortable and be confined; you have some sort of workman, repairman, meter reader, etc. in the house and must confine the dog due to their rules and to prevent surprise escapes as they go in and out of your house every few minutes; you're doing something that could be dangerous to the dog, like painting a room; if you ever get a second dog, you may want to separate them when they can't be supervised; etc.

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Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Can anyone else wait till black ops?

dog crate 6000 on Precision Pet SnooZZy Sleeper Flat Bed - Natural Dog Crate Pads & Mats
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Ryan Wintr

10 points goes to the person who can tell me the most info and what you can do on black ops

3 â Spy Plane - Shows enemy on mini-map (can be shot down).
3 â RC XD - Remote control car strapped with explosives (unlimited time and detonate yourself).
4 â Counter Spy Plane $1600 - Temporarily disables enemy mini-map.
4 â Sam Turret $1600 - Airdrop a place-able SAM turret that destroys enemy aircraft.
5 â Care Package - Airdrop a random killstreak or ammo crate.
5 â Napalm Strike - Airstrike that covers an area in Napalm.
6 â Sentry Gun $3200 - Airdrop a place-able Sentry gun.
6 â Mortar Team - Target 3 locations to bombard with Mortar strikes.
7 â Attack Helicopter - Call in a support Helicopter.
7 â Valkyrie Rockets $4000 - Launcher with remote controlled rockets.
8 â BlackBird $4500 - Shows both enemy position and direction on the mini-map. Cannot be shot down.
8 â Rolling Thunder $4500 - Carpet bombing airstrike.
9 - Chopper Gunner $5000 - Be the gunner of an attack helicopter.
11 â Attack Dogs $6000 - Attack dogs that hunt the enemy down.
11 - Gunship $6000 - Pilot an attack helicopter.


Player Match

Team Deathmatch
Mercenary Team Deathmatch
Free for All
Ground War
Search and Destroy
Capture the Flag
Firing Range


Tier 1
Lightweight: Move faster.
Pro: No fall damage.
Scavenger: Pick up ammo from fallen enemies. Replenish lethal grenades.
Pro: Start with extra mags. Replenish tactical grenades.
Ghost: Undetectable by the Spy plane and the Blackbird.
Pro: Avoid targeting from aircraft, IR scopes, and Sentry guns. No red crosshair or name when targeted.
Flak Jacket: Reduces explosive damage.
Pro: Deflect fire damage and allows you to safely toss back frag grenades.
Hardline: Killstreaks require 1 less kill.
Pro: Change the contents of a care package.

Tier 2
Hardened: Penetrate walls and objects with deeper bullet impact.
Pro: Inflict extra bullet damage on aircraft and turrets, and flinch less when shot.
Scout: Hold breath longer.
Pro: Faster weapon switching.
Steady Aim: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
Pro: Quicker aim after sprinting and quicker recovery from knife lunge.
Sleight of Hand: Faster reloads.
Pro: Faster aiming down sights with non-scoped weapons.
Warlord: Equip two attachments to your primary weapon.
Pro: Start with 1 extra lethal and tactical grenade (except smoke).

Tier 3
Marathon: Longer sprint.
Pro: Unlimited Sprint.
Ninja: Silent movement.
Pro: Make no noise at all and hear enemies louder.
Second Chance: Pull out your pistol before dying.
Pro: Survive longer and get revived by your teammates.
Hacker: Ability to detect enemy equipment, explosives and turrets.
Pro: Sabotage enemy equipment and turrets, booby trap stolen crates, and remain invisible to motion sensors.
Tactical Mask: Protects against gas grenades.
Pro: Reduces the effects of flash and concussion grenades. Reveals the position of a flashed or stunned enemy.

Mercenary Contracts
G11 Cruelty: Earn 25 kills with the G11 | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
Combat Gunsight: Earn 25 kills with the ACOG attachment | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
G11 Ferocity: Earn 50 kills with the G11 | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
Advanced Gunsight: Earn 50 kills with the ACOG attachment | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
King of the SMG - Get 5 kills using a sub-machine gun without dying | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
G11 Brutality
Gunship Authorized

Operations Contracts
Demolition Victor: Win 2 games of Demolition | Expiration: 45mins of time alive in the game.
Hardcore TDM Victor: Win 2 games of Hardcore TDM | Expiration: 45mins of time alive in the game.
S&D Blood Bath: Get 3 kills in one round of S&D | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
Demolition Fury: Get 14 kills in Demolition | Expiration: 40mins of time alive in the game.
CTF Hurricane: Capture 5 flags in CTF | Expiration: 1hr of time alive in the game.
Headquarters Hurricane
Sabotage Warrior
Domination Warlord
Sabotage Colossus

Specialist Contracts

Face Paint (25)
Black Widow

Gun Camos


i would do campaign but thats a spoiler :)

Has anyone's dog had surgery for elbow dyslplasia?

Deana F

Our Black Lab mix is scheduled to have surgery for elbow dysplasia on 3/20. He is approximately 10 months old and we rescued him in Nov. 2006. He was not fed or treated properly up until we took him. He weighed about 45 pounds in Nov. and he now weighs around 80 pounds. He's very healthy other than the elbow problem. I'm just curious about what to expect after the surgery from someone who has had experience with this situation.

My dog had elbow surgey for an Ununited anconeal process.
(he broke off the tip of his elbow) he was not supposed to move really at all so I had to crate him for 4 to 5 months. I would come home from work at lunch, put a harness on him and carry him out to pee & poop and then back in the crate until I got home. It was a hassle because when I was at home, he would cry & cry to get out so I bought one of those portalbe kennels & set it up in my living room so when I was at home, he would not be so confined and I could sit with him & hold is teething bone while I was watching TV..
You should be fine. If you have someone to help you out, the recovery will be easier for you.

More importantley...
Is your vet an orthopedic specialist? I also have a pitbull that has severe hip diysplasia. She was 6 months old when the vet told us this. I was told that her hips were so bad that by the time she was 3 years old should would be pretty much crippled and would not be able to walk. They wanted me to do a bi-lateleral hip something and I could not afford the cost of this. ($6000.00) so, I took my chances...
One of my friends told me about a food supplement called hip health. I have been adding this to all my dogs food for the past 10 years and it really, really, really has helped my dogs.

My pitbull just turned 11 years old in febuary and to this day, I still come home to her being lazy & sleeping on my bed. (Meaning with the worst hips a dog could have, she can still jump 3 feet high & make me mad every day cause she rests her head on my pillow.
As long as you trust that you Vet is doing the right thing for your dog, than the aftercare is not such a big deal.

Email me if you have any questions. It is very late for me so I had to make this short.
Good Luck!

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What size crate should i get my american bulldog?

dog crates best price on New Age Pet eCo-Flex Decorative Dog Crate -
dog crates best price image


ok i know a dog should have a crate he can stand up and turn around, but american bulldogs very in size. My dog's dad was 120 lbs. what size should i really get for him? Please give me some numbers to work with here.

I would get the largest one that you can. You want him to have plenty of room to turn around when he is full grown. Depending on where you get one from the price can be from 50 to almost 200 dollars.

How much does it cost to fly your dog with you on the airplane?


Is there a difference between the price if its flying in the cargo or if its with you on your seat? Does this cost vary for diff airlines.?

It varies between airline and where you're travelling.

When we flew with our two dogs from Ottawa to Vancouver it was about $150 per dog. This was the cost essentially of an extra, overweight bag. (Both dogs are about 50 pounds/22 kilos each and travel in large-sized dog crates).

When we flew with them from North America to Europe the cost was $350 (Cdn) per dog (one-way).

When we flew with them from India to North America it was almost $1000 for the two of them (but this was a few years ago).

We've tried to chose airlines that have good reputations for shipping pets and we've always travelled on the same flight. We've heard good things (and travelled with) KLM, Swiss Airways and Air Canada (although I think Air Canada has now changed their policies).

KLM (if you transit via Amsterdam) takes the dogs out of the crates during the layover, walks them, gives them fresh water and fresh newspaper in the crate. During our Swiss Airways short stopover we could see them waiting to get on the plane - and there was an airline employer next to them, monitoring them. In both cases, airline staff were friendly and called the baggage handlers to ensure that our dogs were indeed getting on the plane with us.

If you are lucky to have a small dog (which fits into a carrier which can fit under a seat), there are some airlines which let you take the dog into the cabin (and then you don't have to have the hassle of shipping them in a crate).

Happy dog travels!

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How much should a small used dog crate cost?

dog crates 2 door on Keep Your Dog Safe while You are at Work. | Dog University - Talk to ...
dog crates 2 door image


it's small, but it has 2 doors that can open up. One door mainly in the front, and one door on the side. It's in good condition. :)

around $30-$50 but it may end up costing a little bit more or less depending on the brand

How can I make my dog be more calm when I get home?


So my dog is crate-trained so when I get home from school I let her out of her crate and she just becomes a total spaz. She doesn't stop jumping up on me and running around and skidding on the floor and its just so annoying and we usually cannot get her calm for about 10 minutes.

A few things you can do:

1. Wait to let her out until she is calm inside the crate. Just stand there until she is not freaking out. Don't say anything, just be quiet and calm yourself.

2. Open the door a little and snap a leash on her collar. Don't say anything now either, your voice ane demeanor will get her riled up. If she is acting like a freak, just ignore it.

2a- if you can't take her for a walk, put a leash on her and keep her with you in the house, but basically ignoring the dog until or unless she is acting calmly. Any attention even negative will reinforce her unstable behaviour.

3. Take her outside, to the yard or down the block for a little walk. If you want to speak to her just speak calmly, not happily or angrily.

4. Over time, you can repattern her behaviour to being much more calm when let out of her crate.

She is currently exhibiting a HUGE RELIEF behaviour display as you are describing now. Taking her out calmly will show her that she doesn't need to go apesnot to get a positive response from you!

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How do big dogs fly in a plane?

dog crates petco on ... Dog Travel & Outdoors Midwest Ovation Trainer Double Door Dog Crate
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Q. I have a siberian husky that is really furry doesn't like the heat but will tolerate it when she has to (with proper hydration). Shes 60lbs and travels a lot in the car but I wonder about a plane.
I need to know if its possible to fly with a dog like mine. It would be for about a hour and half. No stops. During the cool of the day.

How can I make this happen? Does anyone have experience with this? Looking for some pointers.

Kenneled in the cargo area of the plane. You will need an airline-approved dog crate, you can buy it at Petsmart, Petco, ETC. You also have to keep food & water in said kennel.

Can anyone recommend some good dog crates?

november R

They need to be reasonable price, and comfortable enough.

My dog is a one year old Maltese.
Where can I get the crates, and how much would they cost at an average?
Even better, I'm kind of cheap, so anywhere that they sell them for a really cheap price, please tell me.

I need one just to 'crate-train' her.

Pets Mart and PetCo both sell metal crates that are sturdy and durable, which I reccomend because they are easy to clean and collapse for travel. The size needed for your Maltese would run about $30.00 to $50.00, but you'd only have to buy one. You can get blankets and cushions to put in the bottom of them to make them comfy and clip water bottles to the side. I'd recommend the metal ones over the plastic carriers and fabric covered ones. They are much easier to clean if your dog has an accident. Good Luck.

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How to stop my dog from eating the window?

dog crates best reviews on ... Crate: 4000 - Dogs up to 70 lbs- (36 L x 23 W x 25 H) #GRC4000 - Dog
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We have a shelter dog that was never crate trained. The people who were fostering the dog warned us that we might not be able to do it because dog to won't associate the crate with a safe place. If he is in the crate, he either causes damage to himself or breaks the crate to get out.

In the past two weeks, the dog has started eating one of our windows when we leave. The curtains and screen are shredded, the curtain rod is broken, the sill has splintered in two, the left window trim was torn off the wall, and the handle is barely hanging on. He could get splinters in his stomach or something!

We've tried sedating him, but he throws the pill up. It doesn't matter how we feed it to him. He'll swallow the pill about 30 minutes before we leave, and when we come home the window has new damage and the pill is floating in a puddle of bile on the floor.

What can I do?
He's about four years old, and is fixed. He is a very lazy dog, and barely bats an eyelash when we leave. When we come home, he just wanders up to us, wags his tail, and turns around. And sometimes he doesn't even bother greeting us. I'm not sure if this is separation anxiety or not.
He has a kong; it doesn't interest him, even if food is in it. He isn't alone during the day; we have another dog (that can't even reach the window, so I know which one is causing the damage). Out of that list of ways to tell if your dog has separation anxiety, the only item that fits is that the behavior only happens when we're gone.

Everyone is giving you advice for chewing problems. This is Separation Anxiety....NOT a simple chewing problem.

I've been's not fun having your house destroyed! This is a panic response to your leaving. S.A. is very difficult to treat and takes a LOT of patience and time. Rather than sedation, I would ask your vet for an anti-anxiety pill...doesn't sedate, but helps controls the anxiety - that panic feeling.

You may also want to try a DAP collar or scent emitter. This releases calming phermones into the air for him to smell and is supposed to calm him down. They're spendy, but some say they're worth it. Others say it's a waste of money. I suppose it depends on the dog. The fosters in our group use it with mixed reviews.

Then, I would find a temporary solution...have grandma stay with him while you're gone, bring him with you if you can, doggie daycare, etc... You can use this to help keep your house and dog safe while you're starting your treatment training program with him. (SEE LINKS below for the specifics on the treatment methods)

Ideally, he would get a bunch of exercise before you leave for the day to get out some pent-up a long, brisk walk. That will increase your chances of success, though I know realistically, I don't even have time for breakfast before I zip-out the door in the mornings, and you may not be a morning person either.

I'm putting some links to the exercises/treatment methods used to put a stop to the insanity of separation anxiety. The methods are too long to type here, but these sites should give you a good idea of what to do and give step-by-step instructions. We actually had a dog behaviorist come out, which, if you can afford it, I highly recommend (not a trainer - a behaviorist).

Though it's true that many dogs need some time to get used to a crate, I've never fostered a dog with S.A. that didn't totally destroy the kennel and exhaust him/herself when put in it, so it's more than him not associating it with a "safe place". I would work on the S.A., and then try the crate training.

The people that fostered him should have disclosed this problem to you because it is severe and one of the most difficult behavior problems to treat. If you're willing to work through it, or can change some things to make your lifestyle fit, then great!
Your three best options are:
1 -work through could take months of long daily training sessions that may or may not be successful,
2 - change your lifestyle so that someone is always home with him or send him to doggie daycare during the day,
3 - return him to the rescue group where you adopted him.

In response: That's what our foster dog did....he was totally cool all the time....didn't seem upset when we left or anything...that's why I was totally shocked when I came home one day and he had tried to eat his way through the front door!


What are the reviews on different dog boxes for a truck?


I have a regular cab truck and train dogs. I was looking at dog kennels and covering it with a tarp vs these dog boxes. What are the pros and cons of these dog boxes?

If you are not going to get a real vehicle to transport dogs safely in-such as a van, I suggest that you purchase a camper shell for your truck AND install a sliding rear window in your cab (if you do not have one-but who doesn't) so that the animals can get heat and air.

Crates in the back and a tarp? No responsible dog owner would let you transport their dogs like that.

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Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Some funny one-liners?

best dog boarding northern virginia on ... VIRGINIA, VA, WASHINGTON, WA, WEST VIRGINIA, WV, WISCONSIN, WI
best dog boarding northern virginia image


What is a Yankee?
The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.
What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
The position of the dirt bag
Why is divorce so expensive?
Because it's worth it.
What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over?
Why is air a lot like sex?
Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any.
What do you call a smart blonde?
A golden retriever.
What do attorneys use for birth control?
Their personalities.
What's the difference between a girlfriend and wife?
10 years and 45 lbs
What's the difference between a boyfriend and husband?
45 minutes
What's the fastest way to a man's heart?
Through his chest with a sharp knife.
Why do men want to marry virgins?
They can't stand criticism.
Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?
Because those men already have boyfriends.
What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
After a year, the dog is still excited to see you
Why do men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.
Why don't bunnies make noise when they have sex?
Because they have cotton balls.
What's the difference between a porcupine and BMW?
A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.
What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?
"Are you sure it's mine?! "
Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?
Mace will do that to you.
Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia ?
Everyone has the same DNA.
Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
Breasts don't have eyes.
Why do drivers' education classes in Redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it.
What's the difference between a southern zoo and a northern zoo?
A southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front of the cage along with... "a recipe".
How do you get a sweet 80-year-old lady to say the F word?
Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?
A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time ..." -A southern fairytale begins "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t....

"they used to call her noah's ark, because two of every kind used to board her" hehehe

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