Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

How much does a Greenland Dog cost?

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A Greenland Dog is a type of sled dog. I keep researching but I can't figure out how much one costs. This is a school assignment so I need answers quickly. Thanks a lot. I love yahoo answers.
<3 Poof136
I chose a different dog and the answer was way easier to find. Thank you all for your answers I think Yahoo Answers is a great tool.

Contact a breeder and ask how much they charge for their pups. I know that an Icelandic Sheepdog from a reputable breeder runs around $1500-$2000. Not that its the same or anything, but that is a rare breed from a similar region.

So do some research online, locate some breeders and call them and ask. These links should get you started.

How much longer will my dog last for?

Q. My dog is a 6-year old shih-tzu who's extremely healthy and has no health problems whatsoever. How long do these dogs usually live for?

UK Kennel Club survey puts the average life span of a Shih Tzu at 12 years 2 months with most living between 10-16 years.

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How much does it cost to fly dogs over to Germany?

best dog kennel for airline travel on 700 series Vari Kennel Dog Crate
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My husband got orders to Germany and we are going to take our 35lb dog with us does anyone know how much it costs? I also have a friend with a 75lb dog going with her husband to germany. How much will it cost for our dogs if our husbands are in the army?

It's not just the cost of the flight. Rates are not published online as they are subject to change. You can call American Airlines at 1-800-CARGOAA (800-227-4622) for the most current rates. Below are other things that you must have and take into consideration before traveling with a pet. Since you are facing a PCS move you will also have to contact the consulate for more specific information on licensing your pet, selecting a vet, etc. while living in Germany.

Most airlines will ship your dog as cargo.

To fly into Germany, you'll need at a minimum:

Dogs and Cats:
â¢The original and 1 copy of a health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian stating that the animal is healthy enough to travel by air and is free of injury and disease. The certificate must be dated 10 days or less from the date your animal will be shipped.

*A rabies vaccination certificate issued and signed by a licensed veterinarian.

Collar or harness and leash, a muzzle, a kennel not to exceed these dimensions:
Weight of dog and kennel cannot exceed 100 lbs (45 kgs) and kennel has to fit these dimensions Length+Width+Height cannot exceed 90 in (228 cm). Kennels must be metal and cannot have top loading doors. No straw, wood or hay can be used in the kennel, but must contain an absorbent material. The kennel must be leak proof. The kennel must be clean and cannot be odorous. The kennel cannot have wheels. If it does, they must be removed or securely taped so that the kennel will not roll. It must have a sticker on the top and two sides in letters at least one inch high stating "live animal." The kennel must have attached labels with the shipper and consignee's name, street address and phone number. It must hve attached labels with food and watering instructions, the last time the animal was offered food and water, along with a supply of packaged food attached to the outside of the container or attach written instructions from an accredited veterinarian to not feed or water the animal. The animal must have been offered food or water within four hours before drop off at the pick up site. The kennel must be marked with "this end up" or directional arrows on at least 2 sides.

The dog must have ID tags with owner's name and contact information and appropriate licensing tags (e.g., for rabies).

Specific instructions for the European Union are found at

Dogs will only be shipped if the temperature at point of departure, along the route, and at the destination is between 45 and 85 degrees outside temperature. In other words, don't try to transport in the winter to Germany. If the dog is snub nosed (pug, for example) it cannot be shipped if the temperature is higher than 75 degrees.

You cannot have a stop in the United Kingdom. They do not allow dogs or cats into the country, however this is subject to change.

Airline to travel with dog to denver in december?


My family is planning to meet in Denver for christmas. It gets cold there. I was planning on taking my dog because I know he gets really depressed and anxious if we leave him in boarding. I have traveled with him before by airplane and all good. However, I am reading that if temperatures drop below 45 airlines wont take the dog as checked baggage. Has anyone gone through this? what was the solution? I don't mean to expose my dog to freezing, we'll coat him up. But how can I travel with him? I read about a acclimation certificate, any idea what this is? Any recommended airlines that specialize in flying into colder areas?

Airlines won't fly animals when the temp drops below 45 because while the temp is 45 on the ground it is way colder 30, 000 feet up. I wouldn't fly your dog as checked baggage because even with blankets and a kennel cover it can still be too cold for them. I would either buy a extra seat for your dog and ride with them in the kennel that way or board them for the duration of your trip.

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Dog on an airplane? Survival rate?

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Mac S

I need to fly my dog 800 miles in a crate. She's 14 years old and weighs 75 pounds. Will she survive the trip? Anyone with experience flying dogs that can help...I need advice on this. Plz an Thx.
She has not flown before. So, I am very worried about doing this. Paying for "ground service" is out of the question monetarily. Thanks for the advice.

has she flown before? i haven't even flown myself, let alone board a dog, but i think it would have a lot to do with her temperament in the first place. being an older dog, i think it might be hard on her. i've heard it's cold, noisy and not that pleasant. your vet can give you sedatives, i'd even try giving her a dose a few days ahead of time, just to see how fast she reacts to them, and how long the effect is..make her crate soft and warm. my daughter flew from tucson to seattle with a cat, but she was able to keep the cat with her. i'd talk to your vet about it...edit....regarding the answerer who advised against sedatives, a mild sedative, such as acepromazine, won't harm her. i give it to my dogs during thunderstorms and the 4th of july (they get terrified of the noise)..and that's what the vet gave my daughter for her cat, also. it calms them down, why risk having her be stressed and scared during her trip..

Tips for moving with pets?

Cat Lady

This winter, I will be moving from Galveston, TX to Tucson, AZ with my two cats and a dog. Yes, I have traveled with pets before, but not that long of a drive. It'll just be me and the pets in a u-haul, since Hubby will already be there.

I plan on the cat's being crated together, since they are used to being together. And my dog will be in the front seat since there's no room for her crate. She's a good dog and knows to just curl up and go to sleep.

The trip will take me two days, since I plan on stopping at a hotel at the halfway point for the night. Around 7 hours of driving a day. Breaks will be every two hours (30 mins) for a bathroom break for all of us.

I have already talked to my vet about tranquilizers for my cats, one loves car rides while the other isn't so thrilled about them. All three animals will have jackets just as a precaution, my dog gets very cold. I will also have a first aid kit for both me and my pets too. I also plan on keeping their feeding schedules as uninterrupted as I can.

Am I missing anything for this trip? Has anyone else taken a 1,000+ mile road trip with their pets, and would like to share their experiences and tips? Thanks in advance for anyone who answers.

Please keep the badgering and belittling to a minimum.
I have driven a U-haul across Texas by myself before, so that's no big deal.

I will be walking my dog and one of the cat's on a leash since they love walking together.

And the other cat, who is really still a kitten, will have a litter box available to her while I'm walking the other two. She does not like going outside at all. It'll be in winter, and she shouldn't get hot in 30 mins.

It sounds like you have thought of just about everything. You should also get some meds to keep them from getting carsick. Be sure that the hotel allows pets, and that you have an emergency clean up kit for the hotel just in case there are any accidents.

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How can I convert my outdoor dog to an indoor dog?

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My parents have an outdoor dog named Bailey. He's 5 years old and has lived outdoors his whole life. I am planning to get my own apartment soon, and would like to take him with me, but I'm worried that he wont adjust well to being an apartment dog. Any suggestions?

First of all, his breed may be such that his preference is to be an outdoor dog. There are certain breeds which prefer to be outside. Secondly, he may be use to using a high amount of energy so you have to be sure to have the time to walk and play with him twice a day or more.
Third, purchase toys, chews and a crate. While he is older, he could get bored and possbily destroy the apartment- and certain breeds are also more destructive than others. Chews and toys will keep him busy and his crate can become his den- his own place to go to sleep. Feed him in the crate etc to make it a good thing.
Fourth, start now while at your parents house. I would bring him in for a few hours every day while you are home. This way he can become accustom to being more of a house dog over time. This is not a process to be rushed and should be done over a month or so. But again, he still needs to get outside and get proper exercise (exercise is one of the keys to having a happy/healthy dog)

What are the benefits of using a dog kennel/crate?


I have an 8 month old Sheltie mix, housetrained, who is well behaved and obedient/under control. He is trained to sleep on his dog bed. He doesn't get in trouble when we leave him alone, so I'm not sure what the benefits are of getting a kennel. So should I still get an indoor kennel/crate?

It would be good to teach him that a kennel is a good safe place in case you ever need to leave him with a vet. This would already be a scary situation for your dog and to be locked up for the first time by himself. Even though your dog is well behaved I would still teach him that a kennel is a happy place to be for those times that you may need to keep him in one. My dog loves her kennel, I always give her a little bit of kibble when she goes in her kennel. I also sometimes hide treats in her kennel. She never knows if there are treats in there or not. Make sure you never use the kennel as a punishment. Never ever reprimand your dog when he is in his kennel.

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I can't catch my dog when he escapes can anyone help me with tips?

dog crates home depot on ... King, Instant Garages, Storage Buildings, Party Tents: Dog Kennel Shop
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Susan D

My dog is 9 months old and if he is able to get out he runs into the street. I am afraid he will get out and get hurt. He almost got hit by a car and i realized this is a serious problem. Can anyone give me tips on how to train him not to run away?

You might want to get a dog run. They are bigger than a crate and provide safety when your not around. They cannot jump out of them if you get one with a top. Work with him everyday to establish boundaries. He clearly does not know where he is supposed to be. You as the OWNER need to show and work on this. Very soon may I add. Is he digging to get out? How is he getting out of your yard? Fix that problem. If he is diggin you can use Cayenne pepper to stop the digging. Start by filling in any holes with dirt and sprinkle the Cayenne pepper on the places he likes to dig. This may help! It helped me with my 3 month old puppy. She always wanted into my neighbors yard. She no longer digs there or any where else I put the pepper! Good luck and I hope you can fix this before your precious dog gets hurt! Check out Lowe's or Home Depot they have dog runs already in packages!

Trying to find the right crate?


I am planning on adopting a medium size dog about 20lbs. What would be the right size of crate for indoor, outdoor, and travel?

I recomend these:
I think a medium would suit your dog just fine! But please look for yourself!

A dog should not be put into one of these crates for outdooors at all. You may want to look into a outdoor kennel they have them at Home Depot.

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RAbbit cages? c&c england?

dog crates uk ebay on DOG-CRATE
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I am getting a rabbit, or two and want to try and provide them a good amount of space in an indoor cage without spending too much money. One idea is to use a dog crate or cage which i have read could be good although it is important to be careful about the bars and their width apart (with limbs and getting stuck etc)

I then thought about c&c caging as it can be quite cheap and is customizable. I have found a good kit with the squares of metal, cable ties and clips but i thought that if that wasn't enough then maybe i could get something very similar but meant for shoes from amazon:

Would something like this be good if they fit together etc.

also the 'shoe' ones would go at the back as a way of keeping in sawdust and litter.
I think i could make them fit!

The ones from ebay are very versatile. I've made many cages with these type grids.

What are you using sawdust for??? I'll assume you plan to use it as bedding?
That is way too messy for my taste. I never used bedding of any kind -- it's totally unnecessary.

If you have a litter pan (preferably high-backed) and a good litter (like Yesterday's News, unscented, or Carefresh) then that is all you need. (I'm in US, so don't know if those litters are available to you)

Here are two such cages I made. The first was for one bunny and the other was for two.

For a cage bottom you can use linoleum, untreated drywall, or even carpet (to name a few ideas). Only use carpet, though, if he's not ingesting it. You can also put in an old towel for him to dig, scrunch and cuddle with.

an indoor kennel/cage/crate with theese features and criterias?


can you give mea link to this please soo online

it needs to be in pounds becasue i live in uk

i want it to be a

indoor kennel type thing
a dog can be locked in it
a dog can spend the night in it
it has two compartments or it is big enough to put a litter tray in it without my small dog minding it.


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Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

How can I repair a Wire dog Crate?

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Roshelle B

I borrowed a wire dog crate (Coated wire pretty heavy duty) and my crazy beagle messed up the front including pulling some wires off. Is there some way I can fix this at home? I plan on telling her but I at least want to have it fixed!
Buying a new one is not a option right now, That is why I borrowed one. I did not think he would do this but things happen! With recently buying a house as well as 3 new rescues a $200 crate is just not in the budget...

My dog did the same thing to ours. I repaired mine by taking wire coat hangers and using a pair of linesman pliars.

I wove the new wire to match the old grid, I hope I made myself clear and I hope it helps.

what can i use on the bottom of a crate if the plastic tray is broke?


I have a couple of dog crates ( the black wire cage ones). The plastic tray bottom that comes with them have cracks in them but the cages are still good. I put a blanket in there but the dog chews them. Does anybody have an idea of what i could use to replace it? I tried a kennel mat but the dogs chewed it. do they sell just the bottm for these cages some where?

Try depending on manufacturer and size of the crate they may have one. so will many pet suppy catologues.
Or cut a piece of plywood.

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I'm planning a road trip to Seattle. Got 2 dogs traveling with me, are they allowed on ferries to Vancouver

dog crates vancouver bc on ... dog make friends at the Whistler Sled Dog Co. (Courtesy Sled Dog
dog crates vancouver bc image


I'm assuming you mean Vancouver ISLAND as there's no ferry from Seattle to Vancouver. The Clipper leaves Seattle but is passenger only and allows crated animals. There's also ferries from Port Angeles and Anacortes to Victoria on Vancouver Island and from Tsawwssen in BC to both Victoria and Nanaimo. And from Victoria you can also take a ferry to Horseshoe Bay in North Vancouver.

Dogs are allowed on the ferries but only on the car deck levels. Some of the BC ferries also have dog areas - a little room where can let the dog run around in while you relax in there reading a book or whatever. You can also just put a leash on your dog and wander up and down the lanes of cars and up and down to the other car decks.

Bringing a saddle on the plane with me tonight?

God's girl

I am bringing my 17' english saddle tonight on the plane.. or at least I'm going to try to. It was VERY expensive and there is no way I am putting it out with the check baggage, I paid far too much for it to have it get recked or stolen. I have a saddle cover that will be on it. I'm just not sure how I'm going to do it. I can't mail it because I need it TOMORROW.
Do you think it would fit under the seat?? Or where do you think I could put it??
Do you think security would let me through?
I am flying from Edmonton, Alberta to Kelowna, BC.. just one province to the next.
I can't leave it behind.
any ideas how to get it on the plane and where to put it??
I don't really want to put it in the overhead bin things because it will take up to much room and then people won't be able to fit their bags in.
My flight is at 5:00 so I don't have much time to figure it out.
I have to bring it on the plane, I am doing a show.. I can't just go without my saddle.
Can you buy special saddle bags? Like bags that are actually made for saddles?? I have a saddle cover but that's it. I might see if they have bags at the tack store.

If it exceeds the maximum amount for carry on baggage, you cannot
bring it. I go on airplanes a lot and I find it very rude when people
bring on oversized carry on items. The maximum size varies depending
on airlines but standard is usually a medium sized back back. I would
suggest just asking if you can hold the item if you're worried about
checking it in.

I had a dog shipped in a giant crate from Alberta to an airport in Delta
(near Vancouver) and it cost about 250$. They are careful with that kind
of cargo otherwise animals could not be transported. Just get a really
sturdy box, stuffing (newspapers, bubble wrap, surround wrap, blankets,
etc.) and put it in there. That is your best bet as I don't think you'll want
to hold a saddle (or be allowed to.)

If you're ambitious, shove it into a back pack and stuff it into the overhead
baggage area. It will not fit in front or behind you if you're not flying first
class. There is usually a weight limit so check the airline website and look
around as weight varies depending on airlines.

Yes, you can actually buy a full saddle bag that zips right up and goes
around the flaps and seat properly but that will make the saddle even
more bulky. Would you buy another seat for it ? (Of course, if it's not a
ridiculous price haha.) Some are super padded and some are not, usually
around 60-120$ brand new. My western one was 120$ new but I've seen the
English ones go for around 60$ (I'm lookin for one still.)

Have fun at your show and hope you can work something out.

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I am going to get my mom a puppy for Valentines day, how much are shots and accessories for it????????????????

dog crate 100 series on 26
dog crate 100 series image


My sister said it was a boston terrier. IDK if it helps but we only have 15 days left to get it and all the toys and the food and whatever else there is to get it. My mom doesnt know about it yet and we really need to know. I think the puppy is like somewhere around 6 months old. Im not sure though, my sis knows more.

Well if it doesn't have any of its vaccinations or de-worming yet, the avg initial visit w/a vet would be maybe around $100. Then some of the vaccines come in a series, where they will have to come in a few weeks for the 2nd shot, and a few more week for the 3rd shot. Those 2nd and 3rd series are about $15.00 ea. It all depends on what vet you go to and what they charge. I used to work in an animal hospital, and they are a bit pricey for the area I live in (central NY). So it might be less $$ than what I'm telling you.

Also you're gonna need to consider toys, food, beds, etc. I used to work at a pet store prior to working at the animal hospital and on avg I'd say someone coming in shopping for a new puppy would spend $100 on all this stuff. Of course, it depends on how much you buy. These people spoil their pets and bought a ton of toys and expensive beds. Also keep in mind that if you crate train it, you will probably spend around $50 on a crate. Good luck!

Almost forgot- if the puppy isn't spayed/neutered, the animal hospital I worked at charged about $200-300 for the procedure. Don't forget yearly check-ups $80 per visit, yearly dental cleanings $200, and flea and tick medications, $50.00 for a 4 month supply. Lots of expenses. May not be a good "gift" but if your mom can afford it, and wants a dog, she will love it! Good luck!

how much does a dog usually cost to take care of monthly?


i want to get a dog but i have to research care of dogs so my mom will let me get one i need to know how much what i will be paying for and how much the individual thing will cost.

Thanks a lot Rachel

There isn't going to be a set price.
There are too many variables. The size and breed of the dog for one as well as where you live. The prices in Ohio are about double what I paid in Texas for vet care.

For example the size of the dog can significantly impact the food price. A 50 pound bag at $25 will last a 10 pound dog alot longer than a 100 pound dog. You may need 2-3 bags a month.

There is also flea protection, heartworm protection.. which are also based on weight. Shots are going to cost alot in the beginning for puppy series, however an older dog may only need boosters.
Depending on the breed, there may be grooming needs. That can run quite a bit. Make sure to look at the needs of the breed you are thinking about.

And don't forget about any emergencies that come up. I have a dog that was diagnosed with epilepsy this month. The ER visit cost me $330. The meds will run $30 a month, plus bloodwork every 6 months at $100.
Also, add in your initial costs. A crate, dishes,dog pen or chain, leashes..etc.

Good luck!

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Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

What is a good dog travel kennel for the SUV?

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Looking to buy a travel kennel for our lab to have in the suv while he is a puppy and was wondering what others have used that have worked well for you?

Most of the collapsible dog crates are fin efor in the car, but it might be best that the crate you buy has two door (some only have one). that way if you are in an accident and one door is blocked, you have an alternative way of releasing the dog.

I would also reocmmend that you do not get one too big for the dog. Yes you want to give the dog ample space, but a crate that is too big can result in the dog being thrown agaisnt the side of the crate in an accident, causing nasty injuries.

There is also a more expensive option, and that is to have a custome made crate built. This woyuld make the most of any available space in your car, where a normal crate may waste some space.

You could also have a tialgate and grille(guard) as opposed to a full crate if you are sure oyur dog would not be destructive.

Transporting cats across country in a car - anybody have experience with that?


What is the best method to keep cats safe and comfortable in a car for four days?

Personally, I would set up a litter box, food and water and let them roam. Would catnip work to calm them down?

Any input is appreciated.
Your answers are really awesome - thanks all!

My cat Joey has logged about 7500 miles in my car (so far) in her life time. It's just miserable for her not matter what.

My cat Lucy has logged 3500 miles in her shorter life. She's pretty easy going and mellow about it.

Molly, the youngest, had only traveled 700 miles so far...she was upset at first, but settled down eventually.

If you can't tell...we move a lot!!!!

I wouldn't bother with food, water and litter box...they won't use them...they are too uneasy. I've even let my cats out at rest stops and set the stuff out...they still don't use them...just let the litter box, food and water be the first thing you unload and set up when you reach your destination!

The safest thing is to keep your cats in a hard boxlike could even try strapping it in...but normally-I just let my cats wonder around in the car until I get out...then they are either on a leash or in their carriers. They may be uneasy and meow for 30-60 minutes but will eventually just lay down on the floor or the seat or up in the back window.

Just make sure your cats are SECURE before opening the car doors...they will very likely bolt and you';ll never catch them. I almost lost a cat that way.

Honestly-on my next move (next January)...I am just going to put all three cats in this large dog kennel I bought and leave them in their for the duration of the trip (about 10 hours). They will be fine.

If you have any questions, just contact me through my profile page. I've made a 30 hour trip with cats twice and 12 hour trips with cats twice.

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How can I transport my dog without car?

dog crates medium size on medium sized metal dog crate - $40 (danforth) in Toronto, Ontario for ...
dog crates medium size image

Chut!Je me

I need to bring my medium size dog where 185.1km away from my home. It takes 5 hours by train. I don`t think dogs are not aloud to ride train, specially fast trains. I dont have car.

A lot of bus or train companies allow well behaved dogs although some will not allow "dangerous" breeds or dogs over a certain weight. Some also require them to be crated.

I take my dog on buses often and have never had a problem.

Fox why dont you get off your soapbox. Maybe the poster doesnt know how to drive, maybe they couldnt pass the test, maybe they have a medical condition that means they arent allowed to drive. My aunt cant drive because she is utterly terrified of being behind a wheel. Does it not occur to you that maybe the poster can easily afford a car but does not have one for other reasons. Or maybe the dog means more to them than a car. Do grow up.

How can i send dog from california to idaho?


I have my sisters dog that is a medium size dog that i need to sent to her in idaho...i dont evn know what ype of breed it is more of a super mut with all respect....anyways I dont hitnk it even has all his shots..bottom line is there any way I can send her her dog with out getting special permission or health certificete feom a vet? as that are what the airlines require , please sister loves her dog and wants to have it with her as she has recently moved to idaho from ca and was not able to take it with her at that time...thank you

You'll have to drive that dog if you don't want to get it's shots, and even then some states require health certificates for you to be traveling or visiting their state, so that's also something to be aware of.

A dog that is well taken care of should already be updated on his shots, so it sounds to be like your sister is S.O.L on this one. That dog needs to be vaccinated, shipping or not.

And NO airlines will allow you to ship a dog without a health certificate from a vet. A CLEAN bill of health. You'll also need an airlines approved shipping crate. Some airlines dont allow specific breeds, but since yours is a mutt, no problem, and others have size limits, which may be a problem for you.

My suggestion:

Call your airlines to get the specifics, and have your sister send money to take care of the dog she left behind.

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Which is better, AND WHY, a Beagle or Teddybear schnoodle?

dog whisperer crate 800 on Toilet Training Puppies on Potty Train Puppy 800x800 Jpg
dog whisperer crate 800 image
Q. I would also like to know which is cuter, if I have friends over to see who has a cuter dog, and easy to care for.

Don't get a dog just because it's "cute" - you have to be able to live with its behavior!!! A scnoodle is a high-priced "designer" mutt and I don't recommend them. Beagles are an even worse choice - yes, they are very cute and very sweet with kids, but they are scent hounds bred to live in packs and hunt all day. They are fairly easy to housebreak if you use a crate, but as far as general training - unless you're training them to hunt rabbits, you are very nearly wasting your time. They have powerful tracking instincts which nearly guarantee that they will try to run away every time you open the door. You can get them to sit and do tricks for treats, but you will almost NEVER see a beagle in an obedience competition. They can be incredibly stubborn and they will dig, bark and howl endlessly if left alone.

Even "free" dogs cost money to take care of. If the dog isn't properly trained, it can chew up your house and your stuff. If it's not housebroken, it can ruin your floors and your furniture. How "free" is a dog that does $1000 in damage to your house? Many "free" dogs turn out to be sick - how "free" is a dog that costs you $800 at the vet because he has Parvo or distemper or heartworm?

Quality dogs are expensive to buy and take care of. An adopted dog may cost as little as $35 - a good purebred pup can cost $1000 or more. Puppy shots are another $200, then $100 a year for boosters. Annual Heartworm test and preventative medication $100. Professional trainer $600 and up. Going on vacation? Boarding kennel $40/day. Spaying? $250.

Dogs are terrific companions but they require training and discipline and exercise. You can't hang out and party all night with your friends, because you have to be home to walk the dog. The smaller the dog, the more often they have to go out. What happens if you go away to college?

You could get a rabbit or a guinea pig - they're friendly, easy to keep, live in a cage, don't have to be walked or trained.

BEFORE you get any dog you should read some great books on training, so you'll know what to do. (Try not to pick books randomly - there are a lot of bad books out there also!) These are some of my favorites and you can get them on
What All Good Dogs Should Know - Volhard
Good Owners, Great Dogs - Brian Kilcommins
Dog Tricks : Eighty-Eight Challenging Activities for Your Dog from World-Class Trainers by Haggerty and Benjamin
Don't Shoot the Dog - Pryor
Training Your Dog: The Step by Step Method - Volhard
Dog Problems - Benjamin
Cesar's Way - Cesar Millan
Also, watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Cesar Millan is the best trainer I've ever seen on TV.

Find a good breeder by going to or talking to people at dog shows. You can also find info about the breed clubs on the AKC site - they probably have a rescue group where you can get an older dog for less money. The best breeders will be members of their breed club, promoting healthy dogs with great temperaments. They should ask you a bunch of questions to make sure their puppy will be getting a good home. If all a "breeder" seems to care about is whether your check will clear, you can be sure he won't care a week later when the pup is dying from distemper or parvo and you want your money back.

Whatever you do, DON'T go to a pet shop, a flea market or buy one sight-unseen off the Internet!!!! You'll pay top dollar for what is usually a poor quality puppy mill dog. And you'll be supporting one of the cruelest industries in the country. The breeding animals are often kept in deplorable conditions - spending their entire lives in small wire-bottomed cages. They probably haven't been vaccinated against contagious diseases or tested for any health or temperament problems or genetic diseases - that costs money and cuts into their profits. A female is often bred every time she comes into heat. When her poor little body can't take it any more, she is often clubbed in the head and tossed into a dumpster or an open ditch. Most puppy mills ship their pups to pet stores at wholesale prices and many pups die before they even get there.

Where should I look to find a Papillion under the amount of $100?


I was the one who asked how to talk my mom into letting me get a new dog. She said yes in about 6 months or so. Yay! I'm going to pay for: the dog, food and water bowl, collar, leash, bed, toys, and dog soap. Where can I find a low priced female, toy, baby Papillion? Thanks to everyone who helped me out before! ( What I mean is like should I get from a pet store or what?)
I tried but it didn't work. Can anyone from Louisiana help me to find a place?

Sorry to burst your bubble but unfortunately, for that amount of money, you probably won't find ANY good dog of any breed. Toy dogs and rare breeds are the most expensive. Toy dogs can also be yappy, nippy and very hard to housebreak! You should use a crate from day one, and supervise the pup's every free minute. Don't let the pup learn that it can pee anywhere it wants - it's a lot easier to PREVENT bad habits than to break them.

Find a good breeder by going to or talking to people at dog shows. You can also find info about the breed clubs on the akc site - they probably have a rescue group where you can get an older dog for less money. The best breeders will be members of their breed club, promoting healthy dogs with great temperaments. They should ask you a bunch of questions to make sure their puppy will be getting a good home. If all a "breeder" seems to care about is whether your check will clear, you can be sure he won't care a week later when the pup is dying from distemper or parvo and you want your money back.

Whatever you do, DON'T go to a pet shop, a flea market or buy one sight-unseen off the Internet!!!! You'll pay top dollar for what is usually a poor quality puppy mill dog. And you'll be supporting one of the cruelest industries in the country. The breeding animals are often kept in deplorable conditions - spending their entire lives in small wire-bottomed cages. They probably haven't been vaccinated against contagious diseases or tested for any health or temperament problems or genetic diseases - that costs money and cuts into their profits. A female is often bred every time she comes into heat. When her poor little body can't take it any more, she is often clubbed in the head and tossed into a dumpster or an open ditch. Most puppy mills ship their pups to pet stores at wholesale prices and many pups die before they even get there.

Beware of people selling puppies at "reasonable" prices! Even free dogs cost money to take care of. If the dog isn't properly trained, it can chew up your house and your stuff. If it's not housebroken, it can ruin your floors and your furniture. How "free" is a dog that does $1000 in damage to your house? Many "free" dogs turn out to be sick - how "free" is a dog that costs you $800 at the vet because he has Parvo or distemper or heartworm?

A good pup can easily cost $1000 or more. All dogs require a lot of time, energy and money to take care of properly. A crate, books and supplies can cost up to $300. Puppy shots are $200, then $100 a year for boosters. Annual Heartworm test and preventative medication $100. Professional trainer $600 and up. Going on vacation? Boarding kennel $40/day. Spaying? $250. If you can't afford to pay for a good dog, maybe you can't afford to maintain one either?

BEFORE you get any dog you should read some great books on training. (Try not to pick books randomly - there are a lot of bad books out there also!) These are some of my favorites and you can get them on
What All Good Dogs Should Know - Volhard
Good Owners, Great Dogs - Brian Kilcommins
Dog Training for Kids - Benjamin
Dog Tricks : Eighty-Eight Challenging Activities for Your Dog from World-Class Trainers by Haggerty and Benjamin
Don't Shoot the Dog - Pryor
Training Your Dog: The Step by Step Method - Volhard
Dog Problems - Benjamin
Cesar's Way - Cesar Millan
Also, watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Cesar Millan is the best trainer I've ever seen on TV.

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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

What do you think about Greyhound racing?

dog crates rspca on These wire crates are made from black electro plated wire. Their ...
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I've heard all the hype. But I'm curious how educated people feel on this?

Is it really a terrible sport for the dogs? The horse people don't condemn horse racing (that I've heard). Is it the PETA people turning legitimate businesspeople into the spawn of Satan? Did a few bad apples spoil the reputation of everyone?
Cat: I totally agree with you and I appreciate that you didn't just repeat the facts that may or may not be exaggerated propaganda (like they torture and shoot the dogs???).

I love lure coursing and I know the Greyhounds love to run... but I don't think anyone educated has a problem with Greyhounds running.

It's how the treat and care for the dogs. That's what I'm unsure about. The dogs won't win unless they're treated well... but what about the dogs that are no longer needed? I dunno.
Caninelegion: Thanks for your answer. Sounds like you have some knowledge about this. Do you know how I can find out about the "industry responding positively to the criticism"? I don't know enough about Greyhound racing to know the first place to look.

Greyhound racing is not a terrible sport, nor is it a horrible thing for the dogs.

The vast majority of people involved with the sport do it because they love the dogs. Believe it or not there is not a lot of money being made by anyone. Most owners and breeders have a day job and/or have a spouse with a full time job. The kennel workers I know don't get paid vast sums of money - they get minimum wage and work from 6:30am til 10:30 pm seven days a week, 365 days a year because they absolutely love the dogs.

The dogs on the track are kept in very good condition (as you said in your description). They are athletes making money for their owners, they have to be treated well, kept healthy, etc. Most people believe otherwise (I recently heard someone say that people break the dogs' hips in order to make them run faster) but common sense dictates that if people want to make money on their dogs they will keep the dogs in good condition.

Another myth is that they aren't socialized - but greys recieve more one on one attention than many pets in homes. Every day they are handled by the kennel worker or trainer. They are gone over with a fine toothed comb looking for any stiffness, soreness, cuts, nicks or bruising. They get daily massages to keep them in shape. And they get lots of loving. I have been shown many 'kids' by trainers at different tracks and I've seen more than a few tears when one of those kids leaves for adoption.

From a breed standpoint, greyhounds are some of the healthiest dogs out there. Because they are bred strictly for performance they are the only large breed that does not suffer from hip dysplasia. They also have one of the longest average lifespans for the large breeds at 12-14 years (and I have known greys to live up to 18,19,20). Because of the money (yes I know money is evil!) involved in racing, the bloodlines have been maintained by professional breeders and the genetic diversity of 46 founding female families is tremendous.

From a pet standpoint racing does wonders for greyhounds. Retired racer adoption is highly successful because the dogs have a background unlike most other pets. Retired racers are (usually) adopted as adults - they are well socialized, responsive to human commands, crate trained (which translates easily to housebreaking), and have excellent leash manners.

The major knock against the racing industry is what happens to dogs after they are no longer successful racers. Many PETA folks characterize racing owners as cruel and uncaring. But believe it or not racing owners started the adoption movement long before PETA became involved. The first organized greyhound adoption program began in England in the 1960s to combat a stereotype that greys were not suitable for home life that was popularly circulated by other purebred adoption groups and the RSPCA. In the US an ontrack adoption group was first founded at Seabrook Racetrack in New Hampshire. Again, you don't hear about it but many tracks have onsite adoption programs. You also don't hear about states like Connecticut and Massachusetts which have laws that ban the euthanasia of healthy greyhounds by anyone but a shelter or rescue group. Massachusetts also has a retirement fund for greyhounds bred and/or raced in that state, paid for from a portion of the gambling at the two Mass. racetracks.

While it is true that there are still greyhounds euthanized at the end of their careers, that is a small number. And with the number of dogs registered every year decreasing dramatically the number not adopted is shrinking as well. Most adoption groups expect to see 100% adoption rates in the next 3-5 years. And realistically, the number and percentage of greyhounds euthanized today is significantly smaller than those of other popular breeds and mutts that are euthanized annually in shelters.

Is racing perfect? No. Are there bad people in the industry? Show me an industry that doesn't have some bad people. But racing has some of the harshest punishments for bad people and is one of the most regulated industries out there. And in my experience the worst treatment of greyhounds I've seen has come from adopters - not racing owners.

If i saved up between £200 and £300 would I be able to get a beagle puppy from the RSPCA?


Okayy so if i saved up £200-£300 would i be able to get a beagle puppy from the RSPCA. The price including all supplies that will be needed. and the puppy?
My mum has agreed to pay for the vet coverings and pet insurance.

Maybe. But this isn't going to cover all the other things we discussed in your previous question. If you have to scrape together £300, how are you going to pay for other vet bills or an emergency?

The price will likely include a basic collar, a leash, vaccinations, and altering the dog, but it's not going to include food, basic vet care, a bed, a crate, etc.

Edit: That's great that mummy is going to pay for vet bills. So you'll be able to get ahold of her in 7 years when you've moved out and have the dog and the dog gets a bowel obstruction at 2am and needs £2500 in surgery? They require payment upfront.
Who is going to pay for training?
Who is going to pay for basic upkeep?
Who is going to care for the dog if you decide that when you head off to uni, you can't take the dog?

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I have a 85 lb. Rottweiller and a sedan. What is the best way to protect the inside of the car?

dog crates in cars on Slant sided hunting dog crates
dog crates in cars image

Susie Q

This dog gets very excited when he sees another dog or if someone gets near the car. I use to have a Jeep and a dog crate when I took him out for a ride. Now I drive a volvo sedan that is in excellent condition. I am afraid the seats and doors will soon be scratched and torn by his nails.


Get a dog creat that you can put in your back seat. A dog taxi crate can be put together in your car. Or you can take the back seat out, but that is taking it too far.

Would a dog be okay in the back of a Uhaul?


I'm moving to another city 6 hours away and don't own a car. I've rented a Uhaul, but was wondering if my dog and cat would be ok in the back of the truck with the other stuff I'm moving. We have a dog crate that we have used on the train before, and also a cat carrier.
i forgot to mention that i would be riding in the back with them...

i don't consider my animals furniture! i love them loads, and i've never used a uhaul before, so i was just asking...

Not at all !!! There is not enough air back there & it will get too hot!!!! Put the animals in the cab of the truck!!!

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Will my dogs kennel fit on the airplane?

best dog kennel for flying on Minndakota Kennel
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I know the airplane is a Delta Boeing 737-700 im flying economy and they say she has to fit under the seat. The dimensions of her Kennel are 23'' x 15.3'' x 11.5'' and shes 9.3 pounds
Someone help TT^TT. Shes a snub nosed dog so she cant fly in cargo.

Delta's website says you must CALL them to determine toe exact size kennel you may take on a specific flight. I believe you can also buy the kennels from them if desired, Call customer service.

How common is kennel cough and how does a dog get it?


My dog just got kennel cough and i just want some background information on it.

Kennel cough is very common if you go to the pound it runs ramped there, the reason for it is that Kennel cough ia a virus and it is passed through the air, just like people with colds and when they cough or sneeze, the virus flies in the air, all a dog has to do is breathe it and they will get it. If you have other dog in the house you should separated them or they will get it too. There is a vaccine that they give that sometimes prevents dogs from getting it. If you want more info please click on the link below.

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How much would it cost to take our family dog with us to Norway?

dog crates 200 size on what size crate for my dog? Crate size Guide
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Milla V

Our dog is a golden retriever that weighs 70 lbs. My dad wants to know how much it costs to take a dog like that to Norway? (we live in Houston)

Do you mean for holiday, or bringing your dog over permanently during a move? The process is so complicated that there's no way to do it for holiday unless you plan at least 6-7 months ahead of time.

You need to do the following, in this order:
1. Microchip.
2. Rabies vaccination and other shots up to date.
3. Test to make sure the rabies shot is active. It can only be carried out by a lab in Kansas, and you have to wait at least 120 days after the vaccination to be tested (but not more than a year). This is where the 6-month wait comes in.
4. Tapeworm treatment within 10 days of your flight, and again in Norway within 7 days of arrival.
5. Pet passport, which is just a health record that everything above was done correctly and in order.
6. Notify the Norwegian Food Safety Authority of your arrival.

So you have to consider the cost of all the vet visits and tests. Then you will need to buy an approved carrier for international travel. A dog that size can only fly as checked baggage or cargo. The price depends on the airline and how many layovers you have (avoid stopping in the UK, their rules are really strict, thus the costs are very high). You have to call the airline with the exact measurements and weight of the crate to get a price. I've seen it cost anywhere from $200 to over $1000 for US-Europe flights. I spent over $1000 to fly my pets within Europe when I moved, due to the strict regulations of the UK and the associated costs.

How can i convince my dad to get a dog?


I'm sixteen and my dad refuses to let me get a dog. I am very responsible. I have a rabbit that i take care of. I'm willing to pay for the dog with my own money and clean up after it. I have nothing to do over the summer and I am at my house alone much of the time. We have a good sized house, and a very large yard. Also we've owned dogs before, but they died about five years ago. I really want a dog more than anything.

Even though you have proven that you are very responsible, dogs require a lot of time, energy and money to take care of properly. If the dog isn't properly trained, it can chew up your house and your stuff. If it's not housebroken, it can ruin your floors and your furniture. Your parents may assume that you'll get bored with the dog when you start playing sports and dating and go away to college. You can't keep a dog in a dorm or in most apartments. They don't want to be stuck taking care of a dog for 12 years if you can't handle it.

A good pup can cost $1000 or more. Even "free" dogs cost money to take care of. A crate, books and supplies can cost up to $300. Puppy shots are $200, then $100 a year for boosters. Annual Heartworm test and preventative medication $100. Professional trainer $600 and up. Going on vacation? Boarding kennel $40/day. Spaying? $250. If you can't afford to pay for a good dog, maybe you can't afford to maintain one either?

BEFORE you get any dog you should read some great books on training. (Try not to pick books randomly - there are a lot of bad books out there also!) These are some of my favorites and you can get them on
What All Good Dogs Should Know - Volhard
Good Owners, Great Dogs - Brian Kilcommins
Dog Tricks : Eighty-Eight Challenging Activities for Your Dog from World-Class Trainers by Haggerty and Benjamin
Don't Shoot the Dog - Pryor
Training Your Dog: The Step by Step Method - Volhard
Dog Problems - Benjamin
Cesar's Way - Cesar Millan
Also, watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Cesar Millan is the best trainer I've ever seen on TV.

You'll be out on your own very soon and you can make up your own rules when you have your own place.

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Can anyone recommend a pet sitter in Las Vegas?

best dog boarding las vegas on American Kennel Club announces Vegas
best dog boarding las vegas image

Joe S

I am a Las Vegas resident and I am going to be going on a short 3 day vacation and I need to find a pet sitter for my 2 cats. I don't want to leave them in a kennel. Does anyone know of a reputable sitter in Las Vegas?

When I lived in NJ. Went to my vet and he game me a referral. I used to have a 24 hour a day job with 7 days a week of work.
I got a lady that was willing to take care of my dog on short notice.
And also when I would come out here to plan my move.
She never stole any stuff. She was the best. The dog loved staying in the house as well.
I used to pay $45 a day for three time visits, clean up and feed the dog.
I live here now and pay $20 a day to leave the dog at the vet who boards her. I use the Vet in Henderson on S. EAstern near Smith's grocery store and the Horizon Ridge crossing.
They do a great job and the dog comes home clean and no infections. Just bring her chow with me.
So you may want to call that Vet. I think they are called Sunridge Animal Hosptial.

If you cannot find the name. e mail me and I will check my receipts 00 for you

Is Las Vegas really as bad as it is made out to be?

Becky Bear

I want to see Garth Brooks for my Sweet 16 gift. But he only plays in Vegas. I don't want to go on a plane or leave my dogs for a however long we would be there as it is so this makes all the difference to me: Is Las Vegas really as dangerous, filled with drunks + stuff, and sin-y as it is made out to be? :( Thanks
Are the tickets hard to get? They seem to be available on ticketmaster but I didn't actually try to buy them yet. :/
And thanks everyone!

Vegas is like many other cities: Use common sense and don't go to dangerous or questionable places and be mindful of your surroundings and hours of the night. Many people feel that this is Sin/Skin City and they can do whatever they want and get plastered like they wouldn't back home -- so they do. But, for the most part it's in fun. If they are mean when they are drunk at home, then they are mean if they are drunk in Vegas. If you want to take your doggies, you can board them at Doggie Day Care or at a local vet for very reasonable -- Vegas is filled with dog lovers. If you can get the tickets before hand for a Fri or Sat show, get them. The rest of the nights you have a chance to get them when you get here. But, Garth is Garth! Not the best live entertainer, but the best in country music.

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How much do you think my dog's airplane ticket would cost?

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Kenshin Hi

He is 68 lbs, a German shepherd mix, and friendly. How much do you think it would cost for a trip from l.a. to Arabia, and Arabia to India? The turdy ticket sellers are reluctant to answer this question. (Emirates)

Pet Policy Emirates Airlines
Click here for Airline Forms and Pet Policies - Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines does not allow pets to fly in the cabin of the aircraft with the exception of medically certified service animals.

If your pet is flying with Emirates Airlines, if it is an animal other than a dog or cat, or if it is a very long flight, Emirates Airlines may transport your pet in the cargo section of the aircraft according to its regulations. This section of the cargo department has the same temperature and pressure as the passenger cabin. TIP: Be sure to tell the Captain of the aircraft that your pet is flying in the cargo hold so that they can be sure to keep the temperature at the proper level. Find more tips on airline pet travel in cargo.

If your pet is traveling in the cargo section, whether through the cargo department or as checked baggage, it must be in a pet crate that is IATA compliant. Learn more about IATA compliant pet crates. We also suggest that you consider crate hardware for your pet's crate as more airlines are requiring it.

Many airlines require a health certificate indicating that the pet is healthy enough for travel, is free of diseases communicable to humans and has been properly vaccinated, especially when traveling in the cargo section of the aircraft.

When runway temperatures are above 84F (29C) degrees at the departure airport, Emirates Airlines may refuse to board your pet as cargo or checked baggage. When the weather is very cold with a runway temperature below 45F (7C) degrees at the time of departure, Emirates Airlines may require what is called an Acclimation Certificate. Learn more about the pet travel airline temperature restrictions.

If you are traveling to another country, Emirates Airlines will want to see that you have the proper documents to enter that country with your pet. Most countries have their own version of a Veterinary Certificate. In addition, some countries require an Import Permit. Find pet passport forms and instructions in the Pet Travel Store.


It is a good idea to take your pet for a health checkup prior to flying. You will want your veterinarian to make sure that your pet is in top condition and all vaccinations are up to date. It is mandatory to see your vet if you are flying internationally.
Never give your pet a medical (prescription) sedative. If you want your pet to be more relaxed, then give it a natural pet calmer. Many airlines will refuse to ship a pet that has been sedated.
If your pet tends toward motion sickness, limit food intake until you have reached your destination. Be sure that your pet gets some hydration prior to travel. It is best to accomplish this at home if possible.
Always purchase your pet carrier or pet crate well in advance of your trip so that the pet can get used to it. Measure your pet from tip of nose to base of tail and from top of head to floor in order to select the proper size carrier. The airlines will require that your pet be able to stand up and turn around in the carrier.
Be sure to tell the airline you will be flying with a pet when you make your reservation as they impose restrictions on the number of pets on a specific flight. You must make your reservations on the telephone. You cannot make reservations for your pet online.
Even though air travel can be stressful for your pet, both planning and preparation will make things easier for you both. More information on airline travel tips can be found in our articles on pet travel.

How much does it cost to get your dog from India to america?


Before booking the flight: (This usually takes between 2 to 3 days if the Animal Quarantine center is close to your place)
- Take your doc to the vet that you usually take and update all vaccinations and their records; This vaccination booklet and if you dont have a booklet, a letter on the Doctors letterhead is extremely important to carry
- Once you get the letter from the doctor, based on where you live, you need to get across to the "Animal Quarantine Center" which are Government of India centers authorized to give you a certificate that your Pet is FREE of RABIES and other communicable diseases; At this place, usually based on how well you talk and how patient you are, the Vet/Chief Medical Officer will check your Pets records of vaccination (the earlier letter from your vet) and then issue a certificate. With this certificate you are GOOD TO GO. Some Animal Quarantine doctors expect you to bring the pet so that they can be checked by them before giving a letter
- The Animal quarantine center usually asks for your Pets Microchip details as well, so it helps if you have a Breed Certificate and the dog micro-chipped. This is not mandatory but some may insist and not give a certificate. This makes sense since micro-chip is the ONLY way to identify the pet after it boards an aircraft

After the Letter & Before boarding the aircraft: (this takes between 3 to 7 days based on what crate you want and whether you want to order for it online)
-- You need to buy a crate to put your pet inside; These crates cost anywhere between 3500 - 10,000 Indian Rupees based on the breed size, how fancy you want them to be etc
-- Ensure you buy a crate that is sufficiently airy and has place for the pet to move one full circle inside without hurting itself
-- Remember...the Crate ALSO has to carry inside a water dispense and a small bowl for dog food
-- Preferably have a small absorbent mattress put inside the crate so that even if the Pet passes urine, the matt absorbs it and it is comfortable for the pet to travel

After the crate, now the ticket:
-- For coming to the US, the best airline for Dogs/Cats/Small pets is Lufthansa; Emirates/Qatar and a few other airlines have issues in terms of carrying certain breeds of dogs (eg. They dont carry stub nosed dogs like boxers, pugs etc)
-- First book your ticket or the ticket of the PERSON who is travelling and then book the PET inside the same aircraft as ADDITIONAL BAGGAGE
-- Lufthansa takes the booking over phone based on the passenger reservation number and they arrange for a place in the aircraft cargo bay to fly along with the passenger
-- The pet(s)/Dog is NOT ALLOWED to travel inside the cabin and travels as a cargo in the LIVE ANIMALS area in the SAME AIRCRAFT

Pet Travelling in the Aircraft:
-- Once you do the booking, bring your pet inside the Crate to the Airport ALONG with your paperwork (the various certificates + anti rabies vaccination records) for checking-in
-- Airlines demand that the dogs Anti rabies vaccination is less than 3 months old and the certificate should reflect that date
-- Once you are ready for check-in (after scanning the crate separately through the scanners), put your dog back in and they would weight the crate with and without the dog
-- After they weigh, they would charge you anywhere between 250 to 500 US Dollars for the pet to travel as EXCESS BAGGAGE
-- Once you pay that using your cash, credit card etc, the PET is given an Excess baggage ticket and is ready to move
-- They would leave the pet with you and you can check it in just before you move to immigration

While the Pet in Transit:
-- Lufthansa as part of its package, takes care of the Pet very very well
-- The pet gets off at Frankfurt in a pet lounge and is taken around for a walk (for relieving) and is given some dog food and water before being put back inside
-- They are handled by trained dog handlers and they are in real good hands (as far as my information goes)

Check-out in the US:
-- Your dog would reach in the luggage conveyor area while you clear immigration and come to pick you luggage up
-- They can be picked up (still inside the crate) and taken to Quarantine section where the "Animal Quarantine Center" letter that you got in india, is seen by the officer + a visual inspection of the pet is done before letting you go out

After everything is over, you are now inside the US with your dog :)

Cost of this overall experience:
Cost of Crate = 3,000 to 10,000 INR
Cost of Ticket = 250 to 500 USD (approx. 12,000 to 24,000 INR); The cost is so varied because if it is a small dog like a Chihuahua it would cost 250 dollars but if it is big dog like a boxer, german shepherd, labrador they charge 500 USD for the baggage)
(i am assuming that you dont have any other costs for vaccination + certificates, in general)

Hope this helps!! Enjoy your time

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