Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Why is my dog peeing in the house while im gone?

dog crates gold on Gaff's Thief Of Gold, a black brindle American Staffordshire Terrier ...
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Emily D

We just got her from my boyfriends family a few weeks ago, so this house is new to her. She is a chihuahua mix, 2-3 years old, and is well house trained. She is so good she even comes and tells me when she needs to go outside!
But when my boyfriend and I are gone during the day (can be 3-6 hours), I come home to find little pee spots on the carpet. We have a crate but do not like to use it; her old family would put her in it while they were gone and she was miserable. We always take her outside before we leave so she can do her thing, and walk her in the evenings.

The truth of the matter is that she is not accustomed to be left alone for long period of times. You have to teach her that you will be back after a short stay outside. For example go out side of the house for about 20 minutes. Then come back in. Keep doing that until she sees that you do return some times quickly. Every time you go out stay a little longer, and return as if you just went out for some bottled water at a store. Come back again and she will began to adjust to the fact that you keep coming back. Chihuahua's are very smart and quick to learn. She will learn and fast and will adjust to you being out. When you get back each time make sure you take her out to the potty, so she knows not in the house, only outside. I know of a book that's worth its weight in gold. Chihuahua's Secrets. It's on line as an E-Book. Checkout the site it is a treasure of information for chi's. Good Luck with her. I'm sure this will help.

What supplies do I need to buy for a new puppy?

Fairy Jenn

I have never had a dog before, but we are planning to buy one. Can anyone provide a list of items we need to buy before introducing the puppy to our house? We have no idea, other than food, what other things we should buy.

- food & water bowls

- flat collar & leash (I recommend Lupine, they are guaranteed even if chewed: )
-- id tag in case your pet gets lost

- grooming supplies, which vary based on your breed
-- dog shampoo
-- dog toothbrush
-- dog toothpaste
-- toenail clippers
-- bristle brush or slicker brush
-- comb (optional)

- toys
-- kong -
-- a squeaker toy
-- a chew toy
-- a cuddle toy
-- a tug toy

- treats

- crate

- bed

- pet stain cleaner for accidents in the house during housebreaking

- bitter apple spray to deter chewing (note: only about 50% of dogs actually respond to bitter apple spray. many of them actually LIKE the taste of it. in that case, use pepper instead.)

- quality pet food (see below)


On choosing a dog food:
Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food. (Or in your case, the puppy food counterpart of the brand you choose). A grain should not be in the first couple ingredients ingredient (corn and such are mainly fillers, dogs don't digest it well). Avoid foods that have a lot of "by products" listed.

Here is an article about byproducts:

And an article on what ingredients to avoid:


Some GOOD foods are :
* Merrick -
* Solid Gold -
* Canidae -
* Timberwolf -
* Orijen -
* Wellness -
* Chicken Soup brand -
* Innova -
* Innova EVO -

Or check this website for good foods:
(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)


Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, Purina, etc.)

Beware "premium" foods. "Premium" does not mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. It has the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)

Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that's why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don't focus a lot on nutrition. It's not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told "this is good food", so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it's good as well.


When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A

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What are some good tips for first time dog owners?

dog crates best reviews on Plastic Dog Crate | With Metal Top & Slanted Sides
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<3 musicme

im soon going to own a dog... a small dog. what are some good tips on taking care of a dog?

Make sure you have the money to properly care for a dog.
Vet expenses are $500. - $1200. the first year.
Pups should remain it the litter until 12 weeks old to learn social skills such as bite inhibition.
Patience and lots of love.
Praise and reward.
Google positive reinforcement training
House train. Crate train.
Do not hit. Do not rub the dog's nose in it.
Do not let the pup do anything you do not want it to do as an adult.
Pups have lots of energy. Pups must be walked and exercised every day.
Feed raw or home cooked.
If feeding kibble go to
Select a premium 5 or 6 star food.
Enroll in an obedience class.
Love your pup with all your heart.

how to introducing a energetic dog to two old cats?

we are getting a jack russel but she is very bouncy and energetic , she goes at other dogs and the two old cats i already have hate other cats ,whats the best way to introduce them without tearing each other apart and make them learn to get along?

The first step in the process of acclimating a dog to your cat is to provide controlled safe exposure. The dog must either be in a dog crate or on a leash in the house 100% for a long long time. At the least this period will be weeks but many times it can be months. There is no hurry. Those who rush the process are those owners who end up with problems.

I recommend the use of a dog crates. The use of a dog crate is the safest way to make sure you can control the environment. It allows you to focus on the cats while the dog is in the room.

In the beginning cats are put in a separate room before the dog is brought into the house. I always put my new dogs on leash when I bring them into the house. This shows them that coming into the house is a controlled experience and not someplace where the dog can charge around and act crazy.

In other words I ALWAYS control the animals and the environment I allow the animals to be in. That's how accidents are avoided. I don't leave things to chance. By having the dog on leash I have control of him if the cat runs and he tries to chase.

People often ask "When can the dog be off leash?" The answer is simple - when you can control the dog under distraction. If you can't call your dog to you when it is highly distracted by your cat - then the dog is not under your control and it should either be on leash, in a dog crate or wearing a remote collar.

This test can be made by made by putting the cat in the dog crate before the dog is brought into the house. The dog should be on leash. The owner can drop the leash and let the dog drags it. If the dog then gets out of control and won't mind the handler can simply grab the leash and take the dog back outside outside.

A family Kitty investigating the new smells of the new pack member

The decision to correct or not correct the dog or how hard to correct the dog depends on if you are training the dog or just testing the dog. I wrote a free ebook titled "THE THEORY OF CORRECTIONS IN DOG TRAINING" You may want to review that material.

In The Crate

Once in the crate the dog is expected to be calm and quiet. If the dog barks at the cats they are verbally scolded. If they will not stop barking we either cover the crate with a sheet, spray lemon water in the dogs face or make them wear a No-Bark collar. We normally don't use bark collars on puppies until they are 16 weeks old.

The dog is never allowed to be in the house and out of the crate unless it's on leash. It's never taken out of the crate (on leash) when the cat is in the room until it has gone ONE WEEK without barking at the cats.

This does not mean the dogs are locked in dog crates for weeks at a time. They can have free (on leash) time in the house but in the beginning the cats are always put in a different room when the dog is out.

When I get a new adult dog my first priority is to establish pack structure. I normally wait several weeks before I allow the dog to have on leash house time. This program is covered in detail in my dvd ESTABLISHING PACK STRUCTURE WITH THE FAMILY DOG If you are a new dog owner I highly recommend that you get this dvd and run your dog through this program.

Cat owners who acquire dogs have two processes going on at the same time. They should be establishing pack structure with the new dog at the same time they are teaching the dog that their cats are now part of the dogs family pack. When owners take their time there are seldom problems.
During the period of time that an adult dog spends in the crate, he can be acclimated to a muzzle. I like the wire basket muzzles we sell because they are less restrictive to the dog. Dogs accept these muzzles quicker than the plastic muzzles we sell. The down side is they are a little more expensive.

For those people who do not want to spend the money on a wire muzzle the plastic Jafco muzzles are inexpensive and work just fine. It is important to learn to put them on properly. When done incorrectly the dog could possibly get them off. We always us marker training to put muzzles on (refer to my ebook on marker training if you have questions on this)

Getting the dog used to the muzzle during these first weeks gives the dog something else to think about other than the cats in the house. After weeks of wearing it in the crate it becomes second nature for the dog to have it on. When the day comes to allow the dog to be loose in the rooms with the cats it is important to do this while the dog is on leash. If that goes well then have the dog in a muzzle.

Should the adult dog shows the slightest sign of aggression towards the cats it needs to get a correction. The severity of the correction will vary by the temperament of the dog. Some dogs simply need to be told NO !! - while other dogs require a level 10 prong collar correction.

The correction needs to be strong enough that the dog will remember it the next time it thinks about being aggressive to

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Kamis, 21 November 2013

Where Can I find Good Dog Boarding?

best dog boarding long island on Welcome to the East Coast of Long Island, where the Weather is ...
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I wanted to know if there are any good boarding places on Long Island that I can send my dog for 3 nights.

Have you tried asking around. Word of mouth is usually the best route to go with these kinds of things. Also, your vet should be familiar with the boarding in your area and may even provide it.

Average pay for over night boarding facility for dogs?


Hi. I have an interview at a boarding facility for dogs. It's an over night weekend position, the hours are 4pm to 9:30am Saturday,Sunday, and Monday.

The location is in the Eastern, more upscale part of Long Island, so I'm not sure if that would have any effect on the pay, or since it is over night if that would demand more money.

Any knowledge would be great. Thanks.

Assume it's a minimum wage position unless you have some special skills or training or you are doing grooming or some other service for the dogs. You might get an extra buck an hour for working second shift, but I would't expect a lot. You're basically a night watchman.

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Senin, 18 November 2013

Are there dog crates that will accommodate two dogs with a divider and two doors?

dog crates wire on Home / Animal Health / Dog / Wire Dog Crate with Double Door
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The Truth

We have limited space and I was wondering if any of you have seen dog crates made specifically for two dogs, with a divider between the dogs and two doors.

There ARE crates that would work like that, but you would have to do a solid divider (like a thick slab of wood) or two wire dividers set inches apart from one another to prevent the dogs from reaching through and getting at one another.

One wire divider would leave enough room for them to get at one another if they get agitated (which can happen), and ears/tails can be injured or lips torn up. My dog's crate has three doors - one in the middle front and one on each end. I could put dividers in there and be able to put one dog on each side no problem.

This one would work just as well (one door on each end):

Please remember that the crate should be only big enough for a dog to sit, stand, turn, and lay down comfortably. That may be difficult to do if you divide one up like that. You may end up with a space that's too big, which may lead to elimination in the crate if the dog(s) can sleep away from it.

And i would NEVER recommend letting two dogs share a crate - if they're shut in and get agitated (again, VERY possible) then they'll fight. Also, a crate should be a dog's personal den. Some dogs can get defensive over their spaces!

What can I use to stop the underside of dog crate from "sweating"?


My rabbit is housed in a large dog crate, with the plastic slide-out floor cover in spongey shelf liner. He only sleeps in the cage at night. When I move the cage to clean it, I see that the underside of the wire crate and plastic floor have sweated. Is there anything I can put on the floor of the cage to absorb the heat and prevent this?

Sounds weird but go to acraft store. In there, you can find all the things to make dried flower arrangements. There are some drying agents that you can used, some in crystal or dust form. These will help absorb the moisture and dispel it through out the day. Just make sure that your rabbit can't get to it.

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Is it ok to leave my dogs in their crates?

dog crates covers on PupRwear Dog Boutique - Pampered Dog? Designer & Custom Pet Dog ...
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I have a 8 month old ridgeback/rottweiler, and a 10 month old rottweiler. We live in an 1000 square foot apartment, with a huge deck. They used to stay in their crates when I went to work, but recently we thought we could leave them in the bedroom during the day. They were doing fine at first, but I came home today and they had chewed on the cable wire. I think I need to put them back in their crates. Their crates used to be in the bedroom, but it got so cramped. I was wondering if it would be ok to put them in their crates on the deck. The deck is covered, and has a wicket fence around it, and a net above it. WE live in San Diego, so its not cold or anything. Is it mean to leave dogs in crates? They get plenty of excercise, they go to the dog park for 1 hour a day, and I run them each 15 min a day, and walk them 30 min a day. Plus they have tons of toys, and they have their kongs, with treats. They play all night w/ each other.

Not if it is more than 4 hours a day.. And certainly not on the deck! Why don't you put them in the kitchen with some chew toys?

What is the best way to attractively disguise a dog crate?

Jason R

We have to get our puppy a new wire crate and want to put it in the bedroom but dont want it to be such an eyesore. Any ideas?

Try a dog crate cover...I've seen designer looking ones online. Check the link below for the basic idea.

Best wishes!

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How warm should a dog sleep in?

dog crates soft on portable dog cages, portable dog cages Manufacturers in ...
dog crates soft image


I have a 6 month maltese and I heard that they need to be in warm weather because they have no undercoat. I put him in a crate with a soft bed that he lays in. I usually set the thermostat on AC at 72 degrees. Is this warm enough for the dog to sleep? It gets pretty cold at night downstairs.
or should i put him in the garage with the garage door open slightly for air to get in. It usually is 80 degrees in there.
I can't set the thermostat to anything higher because it will get too hot upstairs where i sleep. I can't control how many degree it is upstairs or downstairs as it is programmed to have it works the same time for the whole house.

I'm sure the dog will be fine at 72 degrees. If he seems cold, just get him a little doggy sweater for the night time and colder weather. He should be perfectly fine :) If you're extremely worried about it, try asking your vet what he or she thinks. There are also Maltese Forums you can read. I will link one below.

Congrats on your puppy (:

How to you keep your dogs warm inside crates?


Other than placing a blanket over the crate, what are other options to create a cozier crate for the pup? The crate should be ventilated and not stuffy.
Thanks for all your advice. I guess I'm worried about chewing, and want to prevent any destruction as well as dangerous ingestion of flannel/cotton/spongebob.

I placed soft fleece blankets in my dog's crate. They also have two pillows, which are optional. You can get bumpers for the walls of the crate so that when the pup leans on the walls it's comfy, I wouldn't advise these for a chewer though. I cover their crate in the evening as well. I do not cover it during the day, but when they were puppies I covered 3 sides during the day and left the front uncovered. This seemed to keep them calm. They love their crate and have gotten so used to it, that often times I find them napping in their crate when they want to get away from everything.

To keep ventilation you can make a crate cover out of a thin sheet like material, this will keep the crate airy. I wouldn't use a heavy material, expecially if your home is warm. My dogs always end up burrowing. As soon as they get in their cage, they curl up under their blankets by themselves. So perhaps you could try leaving one side uncovered.

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my boyfriend wants to get a dog?

dog crates ratings on Eucalyptus Indoor/Outdoor Dog Crate review at Kaboodle
dog crates ratings image


but i am very scared of dogs..always have been ever since i was a little girl when i got bit by my grandmothers poodle. What kind of dog do you suggest......if I change my do you go about buying a dog....and what are the average costs for dogs?? I know nothing about dogs so I just want to get an idea of what to expect.

Dog costs very GREATLY and IMMENSELY by breeds!

Honestly.. I suggest a gentler breed, like a Newfoundland. Remember, ALL breeds are capable of biting. And WILL if a threat is in hand, poor training and/or socialization or low tolerance, medical problems or in pain. Larger Breeds as puppies are very "bouncy" at younger ages and can knock over younger children. Smaller breeds don't really have a tolerance for younger children, and younger kids can hurt them if they step on them, etc..

If you know nothing about dogs, I honestly have to say either re-search for a while before getting a dog and/or don't get a dog.


Google: "How to find a reputable breeder" "Information on Puppies" "How to care for a dog" "Truth about Puppy Mills" "Sad truth about teacup dogs"

ETC.. Also, shelter dogs are cheap, $100-300.

ETA: Sorry, just had to add a "Pulls on hair screaming O_o" at the Labrador. Labradors DON'T ALWAYS have a happy-go-lucky nature. My neighbor's Lab Tanner attacked my Yorkie when I had her. Tanner was really trained, I don't know what caused the attack but....

Anyways, just expect the un-expected with dogs. Here's a list of dog breeds:

Dog Tricks, how to teach:

Crate Training method (VERY successful):

Here is a good link for answers of what not to feed dogs:

As for making homemade dog food, here is an excellent link for Recipies for homemade dog food:

Here is another excellent site on making your own dog food and also has info on the added vitamin suppliments:

Good, high-quality food list:

has crate training been successful with your puppy/dog?

Sophia R

i have found that it really does not work for my 3 month old puppy. It drives him to madness when he is in there, he also started to pee in there. I have started to leave him in the kitchen and he is a lot happier and 9 times out of 10 will pee on his peepad. Does everyone agree with crate training?

I know I will get a lot of thumbs down ratings for this answer , but I strongly disagree with crating. A lot of people argue that dogs need a place where they feel secure. They don't need a crate to feel secure, they need to know that their human(s) have their [stuff] together. I have never met a crated dog that didn't have some type of mental problem. I have three dogs, none of which have ever been crated. Two of them stay in the house all day while I'm at work, and they never relieve themselves indoors. As far as housebreaking, puppies will have accidents. Their bladders can't hold it for more than a couple of hours. It just takes a little dedication and a lot of praise to housebreak them.

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Minggu, 17 November 2013

What supplies do I need to buy for a new puppy?

dog crates gold on bird hunters. Kountryside is also a dealer for Black Gold Dog ...
dog crates gold image

Fairy Jenn

I have never had a dog before, but we are planning to buy one. Can anyone provide a list of items we need to buy before introducing the puppy to our house? We have no idea, other than food, what other things we should buy.

- food & water bowls

- flat collar & leash (I recommend Lupine, they are guaranteed even if chewed: )
-- id tag in case your pet gets lost

- grooming supplies, which vary based on your breed
-- dog shampoo
-- dog toothbrush
-- dog toothpaste
-- toenail clippers
-- bristle brush or slicker brush
-- comb (optional)

- toys
-- kong -
-- a squeaker toy
-- a chew toy
-- a cuddle toy
-- a tug toy

- treats

- crate

- bed

- pet stain cleaner for accidents in the house during housebreaking

- bitter apple spray to deter chewing (note: only about 50% of dogs actually respond to bitter apple spray. many of them actually LIKE the taste of it. in that case, use pepper instead.)

- quality pet food (see below)


On choosing a dog food:
Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food. (Or in your case, the puppy food counterpart of the brand you choose). A grain should not be in the first couple ingredients ingredient (corn and such are mainly fillers, dogs don't digest it well). Avoid foods that have a lot of "by products" listed.

Here is an article about byproducts:

And an article on what ingredients to avoid:


Some GOOD foods are :
* Merrick -
* Solid Gold -
* Canidae -
* Timberwolf -
* Orijen -
* Wellness -
* Chicken Soup brand -
* Innova -
* Innova EVO -

Or check this website for good foods:
(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)


Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, Purina, etc.)

Beware "premium" foods. "Premium" does not mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. It has the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)

Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that's why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don't focus a lot on nutrition. It's not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told "this is good food", so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it's good as well.


When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A

Will you help me make a list of things for a new dog?


Hello, i do not have a thing for a dog and im getting a yorkshire i will have 150.00 for supplies what do i need and what kind of food do you prefer?
please be detailed

Obedience classes
Leash & collar
long runner leash for play
a few toys
stainless steel food and water bowls
doggy tooth brush & paste
nail clippers
Our pets need quality pet food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. "Vet approved" means they have a vet on staff to approve their product. In other words, someone paid to approve it. Same with foods most vets recommend. Salesmen "gift" vets then the vet recommends the food. Most vets are not nutritionists! Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient. California Natural, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out: more=1$$PetFoodsByRating?OpenForm

the first thing to remember about housetraining a puppy is there ability to hold themselves is limited. a rule of thumb is they can hold "it" usually 1 hour for each month of age. 2 months old = 2 hours, 3 months old = 3 hours, etc. when your puppy wakes up (marning, nap, whatever) the pup has to go, right then! take the pup out. when the pup eats or drinks, it has to go, take the pup out. after exercise (play), take the pup out. when the pup does it's thing outside praise it. a lot. tell the pup how good, how smart it is. you have to pay attention to the pups "looking for it's spot" behavior. when you see that behavior indoors, whisk the pup out. if you catch the pup in the act, simply tell it "NO!" and whisk it outside. if you find a puddle or pile after the fact, clean it up with an enzyme cleaner (pet food store) get a newspaper and hit.... yourself in the head and say "i should have been paying more attention" daytime training they get pretty fast. night time training is easier if you crate train the pup. also remember the one hour/one month rule. you will have to get up through the night to take the pup out. good luck

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What should you have for a puppy when you first get it?

dog crates gold on ... Dog Crate Gold Mod 204 | Crates, Kennels & Carriers | - www.mypetdeals
dog crates gold image

Kate P

I am getting a German Shephard/Husky cross dog who is 7 weeks old. She will be a big dog in the end as well.

Vet, premium quality food, crate, bed, food bowl, water bowl, collar, leash, 25 foot lead for safe play, treats for training, Natures Miracle (an enzyme cleaner) & toys.

Our pets need quality pet food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient. California Natural, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out:$$PetFoodsByRating?OpenForm

The first thing to remember about house training a puppy is there ability to hold themselves is limited. a rule of thumb is they can hold "it" usually 1 hour for each month of age. 2 months old = 2 hours, 3 months old = 3 hours, etc. when your puppy wakes up (morning, nap, whatever) the pup has to go, right then! take the pup out. when the pup eats or drinks, it has to go, take the pup out. after exercise (play), take the pup out. when the pup does it's thing outside praise it. a lot. tell the pup how good, how smart it is. you have to pay attention to the pups "looking for it's spot" behavior. when you see that behavior indoors, whisk the pup out. if you catch the pup in the act, simply tell it "NO!" and whisk it outside. if you find a puddle or pile after the fact, clean it up with an enzyme cleaner (pet food store) get a newspaper and hit.... yourself in the head and say "i should have been paying more attention" daytime training they get pretty fast. night time training is easier if you crate train the pup. also remember the one hour/one month rule. you will have to get up through the night to take the pup out. good luck.
three websites on how to crate train a puppy

Does anyone have any tips for raising a miniature schnauzer?


I'll be getting a miniature schnauzer puppy in about a month. Does anyone have any tips on raising it to be a good, healthy dog? Also, does anyone have any good name ideas for her?

I have two miniature schnauzers and they are the best dog in the entire world IMO. I love them so much and they are so neat and clean and loyal!
here are my tips:
1) Make sure your mini has a VariKennel. They love their little crates. CRATE TRAINING IS THE BEST METHOD! Do not go there with the newspaper training! I had my first mini housebroken in one week and my second one it took about three weeks.
2)Enroll your mini in obedience classes now! They need to be properly socialized. Minis should never be aggressive or timid.
3) Do not buy low quality brand pet food. Try Eagle Pack Holistic or Purina Pro Plan or Solid Gold.
4) Minis seem to love plush stuffed toys.
5) Routine, routine routine!
6) Pick a groomer that knows how to properly groom a mini. Its easy to go to a Pet Smart location, but often they are not trained to groom a mini the way they should be. Your breeder will tell you who she recommends for grooming.
7) Go to for an amazing forum for everything schnauzer!
8) I would call her Bella, Eva, Hannah, Angel or Glory

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What kind of clothing should I wear to fill out an application at a dog kennel?

the best dog kennel on Dog Kennels, Dog Pens, Fencing, Houses and Dog Doors by Options Plus ...
the best dog kennel image


I am trying to get a job at a dog kennel in my area, the manager told me to come by and fill out an application. Just curious, what kind/type of clothing should I wear so I will be able to get the job?

Dress nicely. It's not the prom, but wear something dressy. It will show that you really want the job.

How do you take down a dog kennel?


I got a large wire dog kennel for my dog, and someone threw away the directions to fold it up/take it down for transporting and storage, doesn't anyone know how?

A fold down,huh.We take them down by the panels,didn't know they had those out..

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Can you use a dog crate for a chick brooder?

dog crate 26 on ... Pet Crate by Suncast , Taupe / Brown / Blue Dog Crates - PCS2821
dog crate 26 image

Hannah Tyl

Okay, so we are getting chicks tonight, and right now we are preparing their brooder. We were wondering if we could use our dog's crate for the chick brooder. If we cut a hole in it where we would hang the heat lamp, would that be okay? Thanks:)

I would imagine so as long as it isn't too enclosed so it doesn't over heat, there needs to be a good air flow.

Only day old chicks need intense heat (35C) and just for maybe 4-5 days then it can be lessened quite quickly to say 26-28C within a week if the brooder is indoors. How old are your chicks? If they all lie away from the red heat lamp it is too hot and you need to raise it, they they huddle under it they are cold so lower it slightly.

Best to get a thermometer really and pop it at floor level in the brooder directly under the heat lamp for an hour to see what temperature it actually registers before you get the chicks.

What is the best food I should be feeding an overweight 11 month old dashhound.?


He weighs 26# and I feed him 1 time per day (1 cup regular dog food) He is crated for 8 - 9 hrs a day with very little exercise.

I don't understand why you are feeding your CAT dog food and i have never heard of such a breed. No duh take him for regular walks and feed him TWICE a day take him to the vet to see what they recomend. If you don't you are not a suitible dog/cat owner. I don't think a dog should be left alone that long.

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