Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Am I prepared for a new puppy?

dog crates west yorkshire on Pek-A-Poo or peek-a-poo Puppies for Sale in Chicago il Illinois ...
dog crates west yorkshire image


I'm getting a puppy for free from a friend. Mum said I could have it as long as I agree on certain things.
Her dog got out, it was a mistake, now after the puppies are born she's getting spayed.

This dog is a toy female is a Papillon x Mini Yorkshire Terrier.
She was found with an un-neutered West Highland White Terrier.
So the puppies are hopefully going to be gorgeous toy-small mongrels.

I already have 2 dogs. One a working Retriever, the other a retired Ratting terrier. Both been spayed and neutered.

They are both socialised and both amazing around the neighbours Miniature Jack Russell Terrier, who is always around our house when they are out working.

The puppies haven't yet been born, but we have arranged that I will get to know and bond with my chosen puppy throughout. I will not receive the puppy until it is 12 weeks old.
While it is growing up with it's mother I'll help with it's crate training and potty training so it knows basic manners and it'll start to be socialised slowly with my other dogs at 10 weeks in neutral environments.

I've looked up pet insurance, vaccination, cost for it to be spayed/neutered and micro-chipping

I part-time work so I can support a puppy and I have so much spare time as I always finish college really early. So I can train it.
We live in the countryside so space isn't a problem.

What do you think. Am I ready? I want a pet and responsibility and a new puppy would be nice.

It sounds to me you are ready and you'll be a very responsible dog owner. You seem to have all bases covered. Good luck with your new puppy.

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Will you help me make a list of things for a new dog?

dog crates gold on We have Shihpoo pups available now. Visit our Available Pups page.
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Hello, i do not have a thing for a dog and im getting a yorkshire i will have 150.00 for supplies what do i need and what kind of food do you prefer?
please be detailed

Obedience classes
Leash & collar
long runner leash for play
a few toys
stainless steel food and water bowls
doggy tooth brush & paste
nail clippers
Our pets need quality pet food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. "Vet approved" means they have a vet on staff to approve their product. In other words, someone paid to approve it. Same with foods most vets recommend. Salesmen "gift" vets then the vet recommends the food. Most vets are not nutritionists! Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient. California Natural, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out: more=1$$PetFoodsByRating?OpenForm

the first thing to remember about housetraining a puppy is there ability to hold themselves is limited. a rule of thumb is they can hold "it" usually 1 hour for each month of age. 2 months old = 2 hours, 3 months old = 3 hours, etc. when your puppy wakes up (marning, nap, whatever) the pup has to go, right then! take the pup out. when the pup eats or drinks, it has to go, take the pup out. after exercise (play), take the pup out. when the pup does it's thing outside praise it. a lot. tell the pup how good, how smart it is. you have to pay attention to the pups "looking for it's spot" behavior. when you see that behavior indoors, whisk the pup out. if you catch the pup in the act, simply tell it "NO!" and whisk it outside. if you find a puddle or pile after the fact, clean it up with an enzyme cleaner (pet food store) get a newspaper and hit.... yourself in the head and say "i should have been paying more attention" daytime training they get pretty fast. night time training is easier if you crate train the pup. also remember the one hour/one month rule. you will have to get up through the night to take the pup out. good luck

How much does a crate cost?

meggie Xox

my dog is small only weighs 4-9 pounds and is a morkie (malteese and yorkie)

It depends on what style and quality of crate you want.

For an already crate trained dog you might get mesh crate.

For travel, you'd need a special soft-sided carrier that fits under the seat on the airplane.

For use in a car, choose a special seat belt instead. They are safer than crates. If you must use a crate in the car, choose a plastic one. They are less likely to injure a dog if they break on impact.

For home, for general use and for crate training (which is what I assume you want), choose between a plastic (airline) crate or a wire crate.

If your dog is shy or barky, go for the plastic--it's more den-like and calming. If your dog is confident and curious, and/or you enjoy seeing him from anywhere in the room, choose a wire crate--it has better ventilation and a better view.

Here's a link to a good, middle quality plastic crate:
That one is $38.95. Shipping is $5.50.

Here's a link to a good, middle quality wire crate:
That one is $79. Shipping will actually be a bit less, $4.00.

With this company the cost of shipping goes down the more your order totals. You may find other online stores or catalogs with lower prices, but double check the shipping. That's usually where they get you, especially on crates. Usually UPCO has the best prices in my experience.

You can find similar crates at your local pet store, usually for a lot more. You can find cheaper crates, both in price and quality, at discount stores like Walmart.

Make sure the crate actually fits your dog. I have a crate that claims to be suited for a Great Dane, but it is actually too small for my German Shepherd.

Your dog should be able to stand naturally (head up) without bumping his head. He should be able to turn around easily, and lie flat on his side with his legs extended. It should be no larger than that if you intend to use it for crate training.

Over-sized crates permit an untrained dog to set aside a section of the crate for toileting. A crate that is just big enough to comfortably lie in discourages crate soiling because dogs don't like to soil where they sleep.

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Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

I am getting a new dog any recommended brands?

dog crates at tractor supply on Dog Crates Walmart | Dog Area
dog crates at tractor supply image
Q. for walks and at home? (leash,collar,doghouse,and so on)
i already know what kind i am getting i just whant brands of toys and stuff
she is actually six and she is a reacorgi ( Retriever-corgi)
I am really looking for a cheap new dog house size large for under $50 that dosen't have over $20 shipping and handling

For collars, I prefer the rolled leather collars...they don't break or rub off the hair on the dogs' necks. They cost a little more, but they last forever. For leashes, a regular leather or 1-inch wide thick nylon would be fine...6-8 feet in length. I'd skip the retractables for all but training exercises-walking dogs on retractables gives the dog too much room to roam when walking in public places (if you're walking in the country, fine, but if there are cars or other pedestrians around, just don't do it). As far as a dog house...I assume you are talking about a crate. Wal-Mart, Tractor Supply, PetCo, Sportsman's Warehouse-places like this are good places to find'll probably be a little more than $50, but less than $100. Toys: Kong, Nylabone Galileo (or other Nylabone products designed for aggressive chewers), a basketball (retrievers love to fetch, and if you can get the dog to retrieve this, it's fun for her, and good exercise, too). I like the "Look Who's Talking" brand toys, too...they are pretty durable, and the dogs love the sounds they make (cat, pig, frog, etc.).

Where can I find a cage, big enough to hold a small c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶ puppy?


I get all my children's (I mean dog) crates at tractor supply. Too bad you missed the black friday deals.

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will your dog hate you if you ignore the begging?

dog crate end table large on Dog Crates / Pet Crates / Crates for Dogs -
dog crate end table large image

Eric C

i tried to put my golden on diet but found very hard to resist his begging eyes and posture! LOL. it is so cute and really hard to turn him down...
it is so hard not to give him snacks when we were eating! we don't give him much, but regardless, he's too fat!
my question is: will your dog hate you if you ignore his/her plead for food? how do you do it? cut off your dog's begging? and not effecting your relationship?

Begging is a symptom...not the problem.
Dogs do what works. If your dog is begging, then begging works in your home, apparently.

Find a large jar, and put in it the dog's daily allowance of kibble. Anyone wants to give him something, it needs to come from there. the rules are, it only gets filled once a day, no cheating. If it's gone, it's gone.

He can have some cooked green beans - not canned, as they have too much salt. But green beans don't really add any calories, and dogs like them. Add water to his kibble - it will seem like more.

keep in mind that by teaching him to beg (and yes, you did), you are causing him to suffer more. All the time he sits waiting for a handout, his stomach is producing more acid in anticipation of having something to digest. Ultimately, you will end up with a dog that tosses up bile every time his stomach is empty for too long - another problem to treat.

The best thing you can do for him is to crate him during your mealtimes, and feed him two decent meals of lite kibble per day, soaked in water and placed on a cookie sheet so it takes him a while to eat it. You can feed him while you're eating dinner os you are not tempted to feed him other things, and so he is not present at the table.

This is for his health, and his happiness - and his life depends upon it. It's up to you.

For those with cats AND dogs, a few questions?

Kia Koala

First, how do you work meals? Do you feed them supervised, or do you feed the cats on a higher platform the dogs can't get to? Second, where do you keep your litter box and how do you keep the dog out of it? Third, how do you keep your dog from eating the cat toys? I imagine its a problem, considering how tiny they are. Thanks for any input!!
Thank you guys for all the replies so far!! Greatly appreciate all the ideas :)

My cats have their own room, the food is on a table. The litter pans are behind a little wall of plastic crates. The cats can go over them easily, but the dog's can't.

I keep my litter pans inside of huge plastic storage bins with the lids removed. I cut cat-sized entrance holes in one end. It was easy to keep my older and much larger dog out of them - he can't reach the pans through the holes, but my new pups are small. I was shocked the day that I saw my pup Oliver actually USING the litter pan - he's a little smartie:)

In order to keep the smaller dogs out, I had to use a partition. It's not the best solution, but it keeps the dogs from snacking on kitty litter encrusted cat feces, which is not only disgusting, but probably toxic.

Cat toys? Cat toys are a hassle. It's not just the dogs, but the fact that they wind up under the appliances.

I have birds, too, and they have lots of small foot toys, which they throw on the ground for fun, even intentionally dropping them on the other animals. I spend lots of time saying "leave it", and "drop it" and "that is NOT yours". At best, I've only reduced the inter-species toy thieving by providing lots of toys for everyone.

It's a quandry:)

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What are good puppy supplies ?

petco dog crate 600 on Dog crates for sale | Dog cages | Dog kennels
petco dog crate 600 image


Do you know any good treats, kibble/dry food etc.. I have a list for the things I need to get for my feature dog. ( Saving up some money.) And I have alot of adding and subtractions. So I can bearly see what I wrote. Any-ways what are good treats, dog foods and bascially supplies for a puppy. ( Getting from a reptuable breeder, couldn't find a shelter near and I'm notting go to a petstore. Even though the cutness, make me weak.) I'm getting the puppy in 3 months. Near my B-Day. So, this whole plan was setup by me. And not my family members. Heres what I got on my list...(SOME are from amazon.. and modernpuppies , some of the equipment is cheaper.)
Midwest Blk. Exercise Pen ~$27.06
StarMark Clicker Dog Training Syst.~$1.99
2. Stainless Steel Coop Cup-10 oz. ~ 2.49 ( For traveling, crate if other bowls are in the sink, extras.) 3. Kong Puppy Small Toy Assorted Blue&Pink 3.66
Easy Groom Pethome grooming Kit. 7 pieces. - 27.99 ( Includes clippers.)
Kong Puppy Goodie Bone w/Rope X-small ( There was no smalls..:P)
1 Small PTPA/Crate 167.85
3 Small PTPA Potty Pads 1.95 ( Just to test if works , I will soon add more.)
1 small PTPA Bed -29.95
Puppy Food
Puppy Shampoo w/or w/out Conditioner
Puppy Conditioner w/ or w/out Shampoo
Puppy Treats
Puppy Collar & Leash/Harness
Puppy Dental Kit
Puppy Kwik Stop
2 Stainless steel bowls ( Not a connetion to a crate or kennel.)

About like $600- 650 or more..

Any advice or more stuff added to the list.How would the puppy act when it comes home? Will it cry/whine ? Basically I'm a mess right now.. Haha !! So any sites. I'm still excited.. I just want the months to be over !!

You don't need puppy pads, unless you actually want the dog to pee on the floor.

You can get a crate at Petco on sale locally - sign up for a Petco card, since you will be buying things like food forever, and they have discounts and coupons.

Don't buy any treats, ever. There have been major recalls of all sorts of treats, and a lot of them have been fatal to the dogs. The best treat is another piece of their kibble. They don't know the difference, and the minute they do, they don't eat their food.

Don't buy any kibble until you get your puppy, and get your puppy from a reputable member of the club for that breed of dog - NEVER EVER EVER from a puppy store, or you will be supporting this:
THAT is where puppies in any store come from - no matter what they tell you.
The reputable breeder from whom you buy your puppy will tell you what kind of food they are used to- and that is what you feed them. Their tummies learn from their mom what they are going to digest the best. So just wait.

In fact, if you go to a good breeder, they will tell you everything to buy, and they will never be any farther away than the phone if you have a question. Find the right person, and you will have the answers for your puppy. They aren't the same for every breed of dog, and that is the most important thing to know- you need someone who knows their dogs to help you.

Rather than running around collecting stuff, you should be researching where to get the right puppy - once you find that person, you will have all the answers you need, for the life of your dog. Ask them.

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Can i use a wire dog crate cage for a bunny?

dog crates ebay on Duty Pet Playpen Dog Exercise Pen Cat Fence S 814836015387
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I was looking on ebay and i typed in rabbit cages and there expensive so then i typed in dog kennels and the cages look the same and the dog ones are cheaper.
It wasnt wire on the bottom of the cage they had a tray that you can take out.

Dog crates and exercise pens are good for rabbits...
Make sure they can't get out or get caught between the bars...
another great alternative is NIC panels...
that is what we use to make our hutches...
I believe in the US they are available at a fairly decent price.
The nice thing about NIC's is that you can change their size/shape and add to them as needed!
Our bunny playroom with NIC hutches:

How can I make extra money until I can find a full time job?

Tammie L

I've been selling things on ebay for the last 4 years and I use to average an amount of $4,000 a month. Things have been getting harder and now i'm looking for other ways to make money online until i get a job. My question is does anyone knows?

Ahh, I'm with you. I'm always on the lookout for ways to make some money online (since I'm a student and don't have time/energy for a "real job).

Mashable is a really popular online blog that covers social media and stuff, and they complied a list of 100+ tools/sites to make money online. It's here: I have it bookmarked myself.

Also, look into Amazon Turk ( ) Where they have random things people need done for small amounts of money - but small amounts add up. The other day i saw a hand full of writing assignments (such as 350 words on dog training for 2 or 3 bucks) but a lot of them are just worth cents. worth a look though.

The only online thing I've gotten a paycheck from (as most have minimum 10$ payouts and this is the only site i've reached that on) is Cash Crate ( I got 20$ from them! That's filling out surveys and trial offers and such. I really like that one.

You can also look into a lot of freelance writing things if you're into that. Google can help there.

Good luck!
- May

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Which airlines can you fly with a large breed dog?

dog crates 500 series on KENNELS: The Home of Retriever Champions
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As "extra large" (500) crate will fit all the 727-777, MD 80-90, DC9. As cargo pretty much anything except Embraer RJ's.
Giant crates have a much smaller fleet to deal with.

I want a pomeranian but my parents say i have to buy one an they pay for food etc. so how do i save up to 500$?


It's going to cost more than $500. Don't get me wrong I'm sure you have already found one somewhere for $500 but the odds of that pup's parents having been thoroughly health-tested are slim to none. That's just what you need -- a $500 puppy that will end up costing you $3,000 in vet bills during the first year....

And once you've found and afforded a puppy and your parents have paid for food, then who pays for the puppy's first vet visit? How about the second, third and fourth visits? (Puppies have to go through a series of vaccinations.) What about dog bed? crate? collar and leash? toys? spay/neuter surgery? puppy classes so that you have a well-socialized dog?

And once all those things are paid for, who's going to care for it once you go back to school? It will still need to be walked and let out several times during the day, and it won't be fully housebroken by the time you go back to school in the fall so there will still be much training to do or else you'll have messes all over the house... your parents would be just thrilled about that...

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Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

How Long will it take for my dog to get better after her spay sugery?

dog crates 48 on ...
dog crates 48 image


Hi Everyone,

My little girl was spayed on Friday. I know it's only been 3 days but she's still sleeping around. This is normal. She's also looking for places to hide...under the table, under she in pain? How long will it be before she's back to her old self?

Thanks everything....I appreciate all of your advice.

It can take up to a week or more for a female dog to fully recover from a spay. Age can play a big role in how long recovery takes, as do other factors like size of dog, other health issues, etc. Did your vet give her any antibiotics to take after her spay? What about pain killers? Did they do anything else besides spay her at the same time?

Usually our vet sends the dogs home with antibiotics and painkillers. If your vet didn't, I would ask him for some for her. Each dog reacts differently to surgery, and he may not know she is not responding as well as you would like to see. Usually, while it can take a week or more to completely recover, most of our dogs going thru the spay process start feeling better in about 24 - 48 hours. You do not want to let her run around for about 10 days, and you should monitor her activity level, and she may rest more frequently until she is well healed. Some dogs will try to hide if they do not feel well. Do you have a crate for your dog? Having a crate is a good thing, especially following surgery because this becomes their den, if you will, and they will feel safer lying in there to recover. Usually we tell our adopters that if the dog is seeking the crate, they are not feeling well and want to be left alone. Allow them time to heal on their own, and fairly soon, you should see some improvement. If she is still trying to hide at the end of the week, something is definately wrong, and you should take her back to the vet. Likewise, if you see any blood spotting or her gums are whiter than pink, or she feels hot to the touch, get her back to the vet immediately.

If you are not comfortable with how well she is doing, it is always correct to call the vet and discuss it with him or her. You pet's health is important, and just like we don't like going to a Dr who does not respect our feelings, the same should be true for our pets' vet. If you are not happy, seek a second opinion.

Please keep us posted and let us know how she does.

What size cage for dog should I buy?


Next week I'll have a new family member - Weimaraner.

I'm not at home from 12am to 3pm so he will have to stay in (inside) cage for 3h . What size cage should I buy for such a big dog?

It would depend on the reason/purpose of the cage. If your dog/puppy is housebroken and you are not using it for that training purpose, you should buy the largest cage available. This will give your dog/puppy the most room to move, stretch, lay down and get comfy etc...
I read your question and noticed it was for the time you were away and got the impression it was not for house training reasons. If it is for that purpose you could still buy a very large cage and like another mentioned use a divider (some cages will come with this.) If you use a divider you will want to give your puppy/dog enough room to be able to stand up, turn around and lay down comfortably but no more as this will cause them to be able to pee and/or poo in a back corner and still have the room to move/lay away from the mess. I had purchased a crate and as far as I know it is the largest size made (54 x 48 x 45.) <--- I bought mine and used it for about 5 weeks w/ the divider to help housebreak my puppy, and got rid of it once she was house trained and have never had/felt the need for one since.
I hope this was helpful and good luck.

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Crate Training a Dog….?

dog crates indianapolis on Pekingese For Sale
dog crates indianapolis image


How old is too old to try to crate train a dog?

I have 2 Rotts: Roseâ6years old & Ollieâ5years old.

If I do try to train them, do you think it will make them think they are bad?
Make them get aggressive?

If they are not too old, any pointers would be great! Along with any web sites or stores that sale large crates & accessories for them at a cheep price. (I live in Indianapolis, IN)

I have decided that this may be the only way to keep them under control when I leave the house, since they like to trash the house. (They are fine when we are home but when we leave it is a free for all.) We adopted them both when they where a little over 2 years old. & have not had any problems with them till we moved into our new house about 2 months ago.

Also looking to find a good Minivan barrier that will work well with out scratching up the interior for when I have to bring the dogs to the vet etc. To keep them in the back, & not roaming the Minivan.

Thanks in advance everyone!

They're never too old, it just takes a little longer sometimes, that's all!

Rather than write the whole thing out - I found a lot of ansers here (see below in the source box)

Hope this helps.

How much does it cost to ship a 3 lb maltese from Billings, Montana to Indianapolis, Indiana?


I am wanting to buy a maltese puppy that is about 2.35lbs right now. I am really wanting her, and I have never shipped an animal across the United States. I don't know much about crate or anything but I could talk to the person who is giving her to me. I would like to know if anybody knows around how much it would cost me to get her or some good airlines at low prices. I am wanting to spend about $160 or less and I am wondering if that is even possible. Thanks for helping out.

Before you spend all that kind of money why not ask for a rescue group that does transports. We do Great dane rescue"s and they have a transport for dogs all over the midwest and Canada.
We have transported dogs from Danes to Daschounds with our group to get them to their destinations.
Try looking for dogs/transports and rescue"s to see if you can find any info on this for sure.
As far as shipping I am not sure what that cost best to contact airports and see what the charge is. Crates of course are extra and I am not sure how long this trip would take but I suggest you contact the Indianapolis International airport and some of the airlines to see.
I cannot see it costing that much but with the crate it sounds about right.

Good Luck:)

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Are Papillon dogs hypoallergenic?

dog crates west yorkshire on If you're looking for a great bong - you can't beat EveryoneDoesIt!
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Are Papillons hypoallergenic (can people be allergic to them)? What other important things are there to know about the papillon breed?

No dog is 100% hypoallergenic. Hypo means less allergies and No paps are NOT less allergy. Even low shedding dogs can still cause allergies.

My major concerns would be:
Fragility. Too many people acquire a toy breed puppy without understanding how incredibly fragile a toy breed is. You can seriously injure or kill a Papillon by stepping on him or by sitting on him when he's curled under a blanket or pillow, where he frequently likes to sleep. And Papillons can seriously injure or kill THEMSELVES by leaping from your arms or off the back of your sofa. A larger dog can grab a Papillon and break his neck with one quick shake. Owning a toy breed means constant supervision and surveillance of what's going on around your tiny dog. Papillons must always be kept indoors, in a safely fenced yard, or on-leash -- they are just too easy to injure when not under your complete control.

Papillons are NOT suited to children, no matter how well-meaning the child. Children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Papillon who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Most Papillons feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and fearfulness (even defensive biting) may be the result.

Providing enough socialization. Papillons need extensive exposure to people and to unusual sights and sounds. Otherwise their natural caution can become shyness or suspiciousness, which are difficult to live with.

Grooming. To keep their feathered coat free of mats, Papillons require regular brushing and combing, and occasional trimming.

Shedding. Papillons shed quite a bit. Their hairs come off on your hands when you pet them, and stick to your clothing, upholstery, and carpeting. Be prepared for frequent vacuuming.

Barking. Papillons are often too quick to sound the alarm at every new sight and sound. You have to be equally quick to stop them.

Housebreaking. Toy breeds are almost always difficult to housebreak. It is so easy for them to sneak behind a chair or under a small table, and it takes only a few seconds for the deed to be done. The results can be hard to see. When you don't see it, you don't correct it -- and so the bad habit becomes established. If you hope to housebreak a toy breed, consistent crate training is mandatory. Papillons should not be loosed in the house for many months, until their small internal organs become strong enough for reliable control.

Remember most shorthair breeds shed.
Low shedding breeds.
Brussels Griffon
Chinese Crested
Italian Greyhound
Shih Tzu
Silky Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Airedale Terrier
Australian Terrier
Bedlington Terrier
Border Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Dinmont Terrier
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Irish Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier
Lakeland Terrier
Norfolk/Norwich Terrier
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Soft Coated
Wheaten Terrier
Welsh Terrier
West Highland Terrier
Wirefox Terrier
Irish Water Spaniel
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Black Russian Terrier
Portuguese Water Dog
Bichon Frise
Tibetan Terrier
Bouvier des Flandres
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Cesky Terrier

Rare breeds which some of them i know are low shedding
Belgian Laekenois
Berger Picard
Lagotto Romagnolo
Spanish Water Dog

What breed of dog would suit my lifestyle?

Q. Hello :-)

I just graduated from University as a professional photographer. That means that I'll be travelling long distances (sometimes across the world) every couple of months.

I would like to find a small dog (under 15 LBS) that would fit this lifestyle. It doesn't matter if it's a purebred or âdesigner dogâ, but I don't really want a mutt. I would prefer if the dog had a soft, straight coat.

I do have a few breeds in mind but I'm not sure if they're good travel dogs. Either way it should give you an idea of the dogs I'm interested in (please no hairless dogs). Anyway here are some of my ideas:
west highland white terrier
yorkshire terriers
morkies (maltese / yorkies)
maltipoos (maltese / poodles)
yorkiepoos (yorkies / poodle

So if you could let me know if the breeds I mentioned are good for traveling and / or give me other breeds suggestions, I would really appreciate it. I would also appreciate an tips for travelling with dogs (by car and plane.)

Thank you!
@ AKC - Are you having a bad day or something? Don't you think that you're maybe jumping conclusions? Just because I don't consider "designer dogs" mutts (although I do consider them mixed breeds), doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of a dog.

Besides, there are a lot of differences between mutts and mixed breeds or "designer dogs". For one, designer dogs are bred by actual breeders who keep a record of the dogs. If I were to purchase a 'maltipoo' for example, I would still know the history of the dog and about any health concerns. If I adopted a mutt then I wouldn't.

Try to calm down and stop jumping at people that you don't know. Thanks to the other answers.
@ Pamela - First of all don't call me honey. You're using it in a patronizing way and I don't appreciate it AT ALL. Second of all, AKC said that I shouldn't have a dog at all. That implies that I can't adequartely care for one.

Second of all I know several breeders who breed Morkies ETC, and I do know that they keep records and care about their dogs.

I wasn't asking for a debate on designer dogs. I was asking what sort of breed or mixed breed would fit my lifestyle. Thats it, that's all. I don't give a damn about you're opinions on the word "poo" or what you consider a mutt.

Now if someone can give me a real answer, I would appreciate it.

I have a maltese and he does great with the small trips that I take. He comes with me back and forth to my bf's house which is like a 20 min drive, 3 times a week and he's taken a few trips with us to Austin which is a 4 hour car drive. He loves the car, and I think that if your pet is use to traveling and you can maintain some kind of routine, even when your out of town like having the same toys, food bowl, bed (if you crate him) then he will do fine. As far as traveling in diff countries, I would def look into health hazards. Maltese's do have long, super soft hair that has to be groomed often, so ppl like it long my dog loves it outside and its just to difficult to maintain so he goes to the groomers once every 4 or 5 weeks. And he is a very social pet, I think that has something to do with me bringing him so many places, cause he's always around diff ppl and animals. I dont ever have to worry about him not getting along with other people, kids or animals.

Ohhh, they do not shed and are hypoallergenic

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How do I crate train a 6-month-old dog?

dog crates at target on ... K9 Equipment & Military K9 Working Dog Equipment - New Product Listing
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I just acquired a 6-month-old Brussels Griffon. He is not yet housebroken, crate-trained or leash-trained so, as you can see, we're a bit behind. He's a very sweet dog and sleeps quietly in his crate. I'm just looking for some additional tips, seeing as most of what I've read is targeted at younger puppies.

flannelpajamas you are completely wrong and have no idea what you are talking about. Please don't give out wrong information. Crate training isn't being mean to your dog and it isn't punishment. It is beneficial to a dog and is often the best thing to do when keeping an unhousebroken dog.

Anyway, just keep letting him sleep in his crate and take him out to go to the bathroom often. Always keep a treat with you and when he does go, give him it and praise him. It shouldn't take too long if you keep up the good work.

What can I do to help my neutered year-old male cat stop pooping on the floor near the litter box?

Sara K

Prior to the introduction of a new female cat, my Riley never went outside the litter box. Now he does it about once a day; it makes no difference if the litter box has just been cleaned. Several friends have told me to crate him following the incident, with a box and food in a large crate. But I am wondering if there are non-toxic products that might keep him away from his target area that is roughly four feet from his litter box. Please help!

Here are some suggestions to your litter box problems:
- Provide a box for each cat
- Provide constant access to a box
- Go back to previously used brand of litter and/or
- Discontinue new disinfectant
- Move box to where it was previously used
- Eliminate new or frightening noise near litter box
- Move food and water away from litter box
- If cat is only going in one spot, put the litter box at the exact location and gradually move it back to where you want it at the rate of one foot per day (OR you can simply place a bowl of food there, because cats do not like to go where they eat)
- If there are several places, try putting dishes of cat food in those areas to discourage further elimination there
- Experiment with different textures of litter (cats prefer sandy litter)
- Use a covered litter box for cats that stand in box but eliminate outside of it
- Keep in mind that some cats are rather picky, and prefer to have two separate boxes (one to pee in and one to poop in)

Problems arise when your cat doesn't like or develops an aversion to the litter box that you have provided. Let's be fair here. There is absolutely no reason to expect every cat to like the same material, or even for one cat to prefer the same material over an entire life span. First lesson learned: You did not train your cat to use a litter box. At best, you offered the cat something recognizable as litter material. If your cat is having litter box problems then you will need to figure out how to make the litter box appealing to the cat. Here are a few options:

1) Pain or illness can cause a cat to stop using the litter box. Cats are very adept at hiding illness, so if your cat is having litter box problems then the first thing you need to do is take the cat to a vet for a medical exam.
2) If you aren't scooping the waste out of the litter every day then you need to start and start now.
3) Perfumes or other odors can drive your cat away from the litter box. Scented litters are unacceptable to many cats, and the leftover scent from a cleaning product could also be a problem. Get rid of the perfumes, and scrub those cleaners away before giving the box back to the cat. Remember that cats have an acute sense of smell.
4) Your cat may feel vulnerable when in the litter box. Is it in a noisy location (such as next to the washing machine)? Is it secure from little marauders like dogs and children, or even other cats? If the box is not semi-private, move it to a better location.
5) Remember those preferences that we talked about earlier. You may need to offer several different types of litter before finding the right one. Strange but true, some cats will not use the same box for urine and feces, in which case you'll have to provide two boxes. The type of box could also be a problem. If the box has a cover, try removing it.
6) Anxiety can lead to litter box lapses. Did some event scare your cat? This could be anything from a new couch to a new cat or even a new person in the house. If you suspect anxiety, confine the cat to a safe and secure place (maybe a bed room) until the anxiety has passed. Cats seem to hang on to their emotions, so the anxiety could last much longer than the actual event. No need to rush, leave that safe haven available to the cat for as long as possible.
7) If you have multiple cats, chances are you'll need multiple boxes, maybe even with different materials in them.
There is one more important distinction that you'll need to make. Is the cat refusing to use the litter box, or is the cat spraying? Spraying is a territorial behavior and has nothing to do with disliking the box. For more information on litter box problems or spraying, consult with a trained behaviorist.

Correcting the Problem
The key to solving elimination problems is to make the litter box more attractive, and the area where the cat is soiling instead, unattractive. Sometimes, just cleaning the litter box more frequently or changing its location will correct the problem. Other times, you may need to experiment with different combinations of location and kitty litter to find a solution. You may even want to offer your cat the choice of several different boxes, each with different kinds of litter, to see which he or she prefers. At the same time, you must break the cat's habit of soiling in the new location. Be sure to clean the soiled area thoroughly with a pet odor remover to get rid of any urine scent -- or your cat may be attracted back to the same spot. It's important to keep the cat away from the area. Try covering the spot with carpet runner, prickly side up, or use a device that delivers a harmless static shock or that produces a loud noise when the cat comes near, to help redirect kitty to his litter box. Adding a room deodorizer with a scent the cat finds offensive - such as a strong citrus or floral - can also keep the cat away from the area.

When to See the Vet
If your cat continues to eliminate outside of the litter box, a trip to the vet is in order to check for health problems. No behavior techniques will help a cat with a problem that requires the attention of a veterinarian.
Urinary tract infections are a common cause of litter box problems, which your pet's doctor can diagnose and treat. A urinalysis can also rule out diabetes. Other conditions that may affect elimination behavior include arthritis - which makes is painful to climb in and out of the box - and constipation.

Always scoop litter boxes twice a day. When cleaning the litter box, use a mild detergent and finish by rinsing very thoroughly. Never use strong-smelling pine cleansers or ammonia. If you want to disinfect the box with bleach, dilute it with water first. Rinsing the box with boiling water is also effective. With covered cat boxes, the smell can be worse, especially with high humidity, so you must be willing to clean it more.

Odor removing tips:
Remember, a catâs sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than that of a human. This is why it is so important for you to thoroughly clean the urine spots. You cat probably still smells the urine in the carpet, and this can make them want to âre-markâ that spot over and over.

To remove the smell of urine from just about anything, first clean it with some sort of soap or kitchen cleaner. Then clean it with lemon juice. If you donât like the smell of lemon juice follow it up with a little bit of vanilla extract. One of the most effective formulas Iâve found for removing ANY odor was from Popular Science Magazine. Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen Peroxide, with 1/4 cup of Baking Soda, and one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. Saturate the affected area, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and the smell is gone. This is non-toxic and safe for your animals and children, and those with allergies. This is especially helpful for removing skunk odor from your outdoor animals. As always, test a small portion of fabric for color fastness, before treating a large area.

What Wonât Work⦠There are many home remedies for treating pet stains and odors, and let me stress that most of them are not too bad as far as removing odors for humansâ noses. Vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, laundry detergents, lemon juice, fabric softeners, and commercial strength pet stain removers are all great for removing the odors that humans can smell. However; you will need more to remove the odor for your catâs nose. An enzymatic cleaner is the best answer, but it is slow and may take more than one application, (Natureâs Miracle is one of them). The Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda combo is fast, but can alter the colors of some fabrics. In the end, you must decide which application is best for your situation.

Even if you clean a pet stain with soap and water certain micro-organisms remain behind and your pet can smell them. Enzymatic Cleaners are designed to completely eliminate the source of the odor by using enzymes to eat away the micro-organisms that cause the odor. The one drawback to these cleaners is that they are slow; it could take several weeks for them to completely eliminate an odor. Enzymantic Cleaners are available at most pet stores, organic/natural/health food stores, and even some hardware stores. You can also ask your vet for suppliers.

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Ideal dimensions of dog crate for Jack Russell Terriers?

dog crates 38 on Deluxe Wide Dog Ramp
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Looking into buying a Vari Kennel Dog Crate and they have two options:
Size 1 (S): L 53 x W 41 x H 38 cm (L 20", W 16", H 15")
Size 2 (M): L 71 x W 52 x H 55 cm (L 28", 20.5", H 22")

Is the S to small for a full grown Jack Russell?

It depends on the size of your dog. I think that the crate is supposed to be big enough for them to stand up in and one and a half times the length of the dog. Good luck!

How much does it cost to take care of a dog?


My brothers friend's dad found a dog that was left at his work and they cannot find the owner, so my mom said we could maybe keep it. she just wants to know how much the crate will cost and all of the accessories, plus the trips to the vet. please tell me the prices of the things listed below if you know! thx in advance!
Vet trips?

Food: I double checked this on the walmart website and a medium size 8kg bag of of regular food (Dog Chow, Beneful) costs around $20.00. Dogs really only need fed twice a day and if you avoid overfeeding (follow directions from the bag or ask your vet) you shouldn't be over spending on food. Shop around, different stores can have different prices or sales. My large dog probably goes through a large bag at least once a month but she is a puppy (technically doesn't look like it though) so she gets fed more/ Our medium sized dog (cocker spaniel) takes around a month to work through a medium bag if that helps.

Crate: Dog crates can be upwards from $50 (again wal-mart) but its not a necessary thing right away so you can take your time trying to find used ones for cheaper. My dogs don't have crates, instead they each have an old comforter (the spaniel destroyed his last bed when he got mad at us so no more expensiive bedding in our house) and they both like to lay in their corner or wherever the blanket is at that moment. A dog should have something soft (and their's, not your mom's favorite rug) to lie on available most of the time, especially if you don't want them on the couch.

Vet bills: I don't know where you live but I can give you the prices from my clinic, however keep in mind that this one is rural are government subsidized so a city price can be several times as much depending on where you go.

Because its a stray, vaccinations should be started from scratch as you don not know for sure if the dog has ever been vaccinated. The dog will need it's first distemper shot (approx $38) and in a month it will need a booster for this, same price as before. This is necessary or the first shot will be useless, this shot protects against several life threatening illnesses. The next shot is the rabies shot(approx$26) which for obvious reasons is necessary to be given to your dog. Both of these vaccinations will need to be boosted again in a year and then you can move to having them done every other year. At my clinic an examination is included with each vaccination so most people eventually switch to a program wherethey altenate shots every year, that way they don't pay as much in a single shot and their dog gets the health check each year.

In addition to shots you can deworm the dog, which I recommend just in case it has eaten something like a bird or a muskrat. Deworming can cost $10-15 I think, it really depends on the size of your dog. You can also do a topical flea treatment that also deworms so you basically hit two birds with one stone. (similar in pricing as dewormer)

These are just the basic components to keeping up with your dogs health care, I really recommend taking the dog to the vet and asking for "the works" basically. You want to start out right with your dog and getting him healthy with go a long way to making him/her a great pet. While there they can help you with any questions you may have. They can also check to see if the dog has been spayed/neutered, if it hasn't then please please please do, I know its an added cost but it makes for a much nicer pet and reduces their risk of developing cancer (mammary/prostate). I know the initial cost of everything seems like quite a lot but after the first visit its not as bad.

Toys: Most dogs like to be busy so toys can be fun. Its really up to you to find out what your dog likes to play with and go from there but I'll tell you what my dogs like: Lucy(large dog) loves to chew, I got her a kong, which I totally recommend as an awesome toy. Kongs come in different shapes and types of toys but they are virtually indestructible ($5-15) on average it depends what you are getting. Rawhides can be expensive when you think about it, som type sell for like $7 for two but you can get a bag of them for around 10.
Charlie(medium) loves balls, especially the rubber ones with bells inside, they cost about four dollars at superstore. Both dogs love milkbones (they get one at bedtime) again its a choice to spend the money and different stores have different prices, in my experience petvalu sells them at a decent price. the dogs also love empty milk jugs, which cost the price of...milk, they love runing around with them and pushing them across the snow same goes for 2L pop bottles (wouldn't let them chew them though)

Clothes: I would say not necessary unless its a short haired dog like a doberman or a chihuahua and is in contact with cold weather, then its nice to get them a winter coat if they`re spending an extanded amount of time outside. Don`t know the price though...

Extras: licensing, some areas ask for your dog to be licensed. (price will vary too for depending on area I`m sure)Also you will need a collar, and leash for sure. My clinic sells collars and leashes 10-15 dollars each, rogz is a great brand with fun styles and sturdy designs!

Hope this helps!

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Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Can I take my chihuahua on the plane with me?

dog crates los angeles on Blue Puppy Pitbulls
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I am traveling from Los Angeles to San Antonio TX.Oh and what about traveling with birds? (I have one cockatiel)

I'll answer your second question first - unless absolutely necessary, I highly discourage traveling with birds. Birds are very easily stressed - and excessive stress can literally kill them.

As for flying the Chihuahua - absolutely. You'll need to do several things in preparation:

1. Purchase an airline-certified carrier (as she should be small enough to ride in the cabin with you).

2. Within 10 days of your departure, get a health certificate for interstate travel from your veterinarian. If you're staying for an extended period of time, this will need to be repeated for the flight home.

3. Contact the airline you plan to use, or go to their website - while similar, each airline has its own requirements for pet flights.

4. Make sure your dog (and his/her crate) is properly marked with identification - with contact information for you, and both your departure and destination addresses.

5. Bring a copy of your pets medical/vaccine history with you, in case you need to provide proof of immunizations.

Shipping my dog from Lima, Peru to Vancouver, Canada?


I am going to be shipping my puppy from Lima, Peru to Vancouver Canada on July 21st and I was wondering what the best airline is to do it from. Also the cheapest, I want to pay at least under $500 and i know thats possible.She is under 30lbs including the crate weight. If anyone knows any airlines that will ship dogs all year round and that are a reasonable price, please answer. Thanks

There are no direct flights from Lima to Vancouver. You must use connections with changes of airlines.

Don't accept any flight routing via Bogota, especially anything on Avianca. All luggage arriving in Bogota from Peru is delayed and has to be forwarded on a later flight after you have filed a missing baggage declaration in Vancouver. Transited Mexico City is also risky as all baggage is offloaded and inspected by Mexican Customs. Your dog might die during the waits.

A far safer routing is via San Jose, Costa Rica, with addition stops in San Salvador and Los Angeles. No problems with baggage there. Taca flies that route, switching to Air Canada in Los Angeles.

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Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

How to get my new cat used to my resident cat?

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I just got a new young cat and he hates my older cat, i live in a 2 beroom apartment and i cant do the thing where you put them in different room so they can sniff eachother through the door because my second room is too cold. Should i get something like a puppy pen or a big dog crate for the new cat to hang out in when im not home? Is there anything else i can do to make this go smoother??

introduce them slowly, don't just throw them together.

Also, make sure that you show the younger cat, that the older cat is the boss. When you're introducing them, if the younger one hisses, or throws a paw out, make sure you pop him on the butt or something, and be sure to focus your attention on the older cat. The younger cat needs to learn that the older cat is the alpha.

Why is my dog tearing everything up?


My dog is locked in my bedroom when i leave for work, she has already went through 2 doors, clothes, carpet, blankets, why is she acting like that?
I do have a yard, but it is 20 degrees here today, would you like to be tied outside????
I do spend a lot of time with my dog, she sleeps with me everynight. I am only at work until 4 evryday, and when I come home I am home all night.

mine did the exact same thing over and over no matter how may toys a got or tv radio on does not matter he did not stop....
it is seperation anxiety, but you cannot do any thing about it because you have to catch them on act to actually be able to change their behavior. if yours is like mine he never did it when i was there only when i am gone so it is not possible to actually catch it....
what i did is i went to pet store and got the "great dane" crate!!!!. my dog is medium size but i got the BIGGEST crate possible. so when he is in there its like a small room to him...
at first he was mad and didnt want to get in but then he didnt mind when i said go to your kennel he went in and lay down. i tried every month to see if i put him back outside he will stop tearing but it took very long time to get over his anxiety( 1 year for mine) but now he has stoped i think he got over it and realized that i need to go to work there is nothing he can do about so ...
he is perfect now he lays on my bed all day long i think because i leave and come back he is sleeping on the same spot only when he sees me he jumps up and starts playing around...
go buy a crate very big one( so he doesnt feel like prison.)
good luck:)
ps put in the corner some 1/5th filled water just in case he gets thristy but not enough that if he spills it he will be laying in a lake...

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How cold is too cold to leave a dog outside in the elements all day?

dog crate 10 hours on 2004 Vital Hour| Dont Jack Our Stuff
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I live in Las Vegas NV and the high temperature is 65 degrees and the low is about 47 degrees. I have a new job and I will need to leave my two dogs outside 10 hours while I am at work. Are these temperatures too cold? Or should I leave them in the house all day for 12 hours and let them out when I get home? They are big dogs and crate trained.

What kind of dogs are they to start with? A long haired dog like a shephard, husky etc would have absolutely no trouble with 47 degree temps. Even a short haired dog wouldn't have too much trouble if they had an enclosed area to stay out of the wind and had blankets etc.

How to get my dog to stop freaking out when someone leaves my house?


I have a seven almost eight month old Labrador. When, not only myself but, anyone leaves my house, he insists on jumping up on the recliner to watch them out the window. I can't crate my dog every time someone goes to leave my house. It's almost to the point where I have to hold him back every time someone leaves. He's a very strong dog and after 10 hours of working and constant moving, it's starting to take a toll on my muscles, having to do it every day. There are several people coming in an house of the house due to a personal care, but it's just when ANYONE leaves my house, he jumps up there and has to stare out to see where they are going. He doesn't care if anyone is sitting there or not.

Can someone please help!?!??

Id definetly check out this video, and even a few of his other videos.
His channel is all based on dog/puppy tricks, so after you teach calmness, you can teach him a few other cool things such as balancing a treat, wiping his paws, and lots of other stuff! Check out the video, it's great.

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Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

What's the difference between the AKC and the ACA dog clubs ?

best base for dog kennel on Galvanised Weld Mesh Dog Kennels Panelsin stock to take away
best base for dog kennel image

fairly odd

Bought a dog recently and it is registered with the ACA club . I've heard of the AKC but not the ACA . I don't plan on breeding my Westie . Should I bother paying the registration for my dog ? What are the benefits ? Any ?

The AKC is the American Kennel Club. It has tracked the registrations of dogs in the USA for a very long time. Having a dog registered with the AKC does not mean anything as far as health or temperment, just whether the dog is bred from two dogs of the same breed. There is also a slight chance that a dishonest breeder could fake these records. The AKC though is very concerned about that and has doubled and tripled it's checks making sure that breeders stay honest about whether they are breeding purebred dogs to each other and exactly who the sire and dam are of the puppies are.

As soon as the AKC started these major checks to determine that people are being honest about who they are breeding, including DNA tests on multi-used sires, many of the dishonest or large facility/careless breeders found that litters of theirs were being rejected by the AKC as not bred by the dogs they said they were bred the ACA, ConKC, and many other easy registries were born. These registries are based on the idea that their breeders don't lie, that all dogs they say are purebred are, no proof necessary. If someone says their litter of puppies are beagles, they register them as beagle, even if they're 100 lbs or covered in bushels of fur.

The AKC is not a guarantee of anything, but that the puppies are the right breed to the best of their knowledge and they try very very hard to make sure of it.

The ACA means even less. In fact it means nothing at all.

What's the difference between Show-line and a normal purebred dog?


and is there anyway of getting our normal purebred dog to a show dog?
I am living in India?

The major diference between "show"bloodlines and non show bloodlines is the quality of the entire bloodline, which leads to quality in the individual.
Show breeders, or at least 99% of them, only breed the best to the best that they can possibly find to breed. That means basing breeding decisions on such things as health, temperament, and conformation to the standard of the breed. There are almost always pet quality puppies in every "show" litter. These are the pups that maybe have a small mismark, or might have a little too wide a head, or whatever, that keeps them from the show ring. These puppies make great pets. They are almost always crate, leash and potty trained by the time they are old enough to "grade". We "grade" a litter at around 8 wks, and 10-12 weeks.
A non show bloodline has been bred for money, or "because we heard they need to have a litter", or because "he/she is so sweet", or to teach the kids about the birds and bees. No careful, and expensive health testing, no expensive stud fees, ultrasounds or screening of prospective homes.
Non show breeders rarely do rescue or take back the dogs they breed,
Show breeders are known for their work in rescue and for taking back any dog they are responsible for.
Dogs that are from show lines are almost NEVER found in shelters, the non show bloodlines are almost always the purebreds you find in shelters.

Showing dogs is a very expensive, time consuming, life altering hobby.
If you are interested in showing your dog google Kennel clubs in India,
I know there are shows there, find one in your area and go meet some people with your breed and have them help you evaluat your dog.
I'm sure you have a great dog! But, there is a LOT to making a succesful show dog, one of which is money, a well bred dog, and practice and training.

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Where can I find the bottom plastic piece to a dog crate?

dog crates plastic on Dog Crates for Sale  What Types are Available? | The Dog Info Blog
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We've had our dog crate about a year and the bottom (plastic piece) split in half. I called petsmart and petco and niether of those stores carry them. I was wondering if there was somewhere I could find one online. THanks

Try then pick the state you live in On the right hand side of the page there is a place for pets. You can post a wanted ad and see if any one has one they want to get rid of

what can i use on the bottom of a crate if the plastic tray is broke?


I have a couple of dog crates ( the black wire cage ones). The plastic tray bottom that comes with them have cracks in them but the cages are still good. I put a blanket in there but the dog chews them. Does anybody have an idea of what i could use to replace it? I tried a kennel mat but the dogs chewed it. do they sell just the bottm for these cages some where?

Try depending on manufacturer and size of the crate they may have one. so will many pet suppy catologues.
Or cut a piece of plywood.

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How do I get my pekingese to stop peeing on the carpet?

dog crate x5 image


She is 7 months old now, but keeps peeing in the same spot on the dining room carpet. We keep her confined to a 5'x5' spot of linoleum and she will not go there, not even overnight. I put her out in the morning and she does her business, but if I give her free reign of the house, the first thing she does is pee on the carpet. I have tried spraying the pet odor neutralizers, shampooing the carpet, telling her no and taking her right outside when I catch her, but nothing works. She does it every time! And like I said, she will not go on the linoleum so I know that it isn't a weak bladder problem. How do I get her to stop?

water bottle and crate are good answers. however you should clean the area she continues to pee on with vinegar- as it destroys the odor enzymes. When a dog smells urine, it triggers their need to pee. Also walk your dog at least twice a day and be sure it gets plenty of outdoor time. You may try giving a treat when your dog pees outside- positive reinforcement- it worked for my stubborn pug!

how can i train a wild cat to use the litter box?


2 days ago a mommy cat was giving birth under the soda machines in my complex 3 kittens were already born and still wet when i grabbed her and her babies and brought them into my house, later that night she had 2 more 1 of them i had to help out cause it was stuck and the sac broke and it came out feet first but anyways i need to know if there is a way to house train her cause i plan on keeping her and getting her fixed as this is the 3rd litter that i know of but i dont want fecal matter and urine all over my apartment is there a way i can train her so my house doesent get trashed?
before i took her in i couldnt get near her she would run but ppl in the complex had been feeding her because she was prego, im just as shocked that she lets me near her but i belive that animals can sence good ppl, a few times i have come into the room and she had left the kittens she runs back and trys to protect them but then she will let me pick them up but im sure to be really calm she is really sweet and she even lets my 4year old pet the kittens and her but im always around and when she gets too excited i tell her no more.. but thanks everyone for the suggestions i will try them :)

We have trapped and taken in 10 feral cats - truly feral cats - and everyone of them has used the litter box with no action on our part.

When I mean truly feral, I mean cats born and raised with no contact with humans, who will not let humans approach them, and who will bite and scratch to get away if cornered.

What you are calling a wild cat is actually a stray cat - it might even been someones cat who they let roam freely.

Feral cats are wild animals unlike any stray you have ever encountered.

When we caught the first two, we put them in a huge 4'x5'x5' cage I had built with 5 level and two doors on every level.

I had a litter box on the bottom level. These cats had never seen a litter box before. They were about 5 months old and had lived out on their own since about 2 1/2 months of age when their mother took off and left them to fend for themselves. They had no contact with humans and ran when they saw us. They moved into our garage and we put out food and water.

After putting them in the cage, I kept worrying, as you are, there was going to be urine and feces all over every level of the cage.

About the 3rd or 4th time I checked on them, I saw that one of them had used the litter box.

Later that day I was there when one used the litter box - just like they had used it all their lives.

The other 8 ferals we have trapped - I mean we had to use a baited trap to catch them, no other way to do it - also took right to the litter box.

It is really rather spooky. These cats/kittens had never seen a litter box but they knew what it was far and how to use it.

If you can handle this cat, she is not feral - trust me. I've been bitten badly twice by trying to handle ferals before I realized that the are "wild animals" and nothing like a cat raised with human contact.

So - if you can handle this cat, you are way ahead of the game.

---- now, you said you took the cat and the kittens in, perhaps you already have them in a cage, but I'm going to assume you don't and just tell you everything I tell others in this sort of situation---

My advise would be to get a large cage, like for a large dog cage (some people call them crates), and see if you or someone else can use some pieces of wood for cross pieces and a piece of plywood to make a second level in the cage. Make it about 1 foott shorter than the length of the cage - make it as sort of a partial balcony or shelf. This will give her more room in the cage - a second level.

Cover the bottom of the cage with an old blanket or large towel, Anything to cover the wire mesh of the bottom to make it more comfortable - if there is a spill or a mess, you can wash it.

Put a cardboard box, on it's side, on the bottom level, at the back of the cage, under the balcony/shelf. It should be large enough for her to fit in comfortably - if she still has kittens, make it large enough for them too.

Put food and water up towards the door of the cage.

Put a small litter box, big enough for her to get into comfortably on the lower level. We usually put it along side the cardboard "hidey" box.

Put her in the cage and keep her there for a few days and judge how she is doing.

Pet and handle her as much as possible. If you think you can put her back in the cage without a fight, take her out in a closed room and let her nose around.

- adjust these instructions as needed to account for her having new born kittens -

When we are working with a new feral - or a stray we've adopted who needs a bit of calming down - we keep the cage on a table in the bedroom. Yes,it gets a little cramped in the bedroom but we find it better to have them near us as night - it lets them get used to our presence.

You just have to remember where it is so when you get up in the middle of the night you don't walk right into it -- it is usually on my side of the bed :-)

If after a few day she is calm and will let you handle her, and such, she might be ready to be let out of the cage, but still confined to the bedroom.

You might go ahead and leave the cage set up, she might feel safe going back inside it.

At this point you can either let her continue to use the litter box in the cage or put one on the floor in the bedroom.

If she is calm to begin with, you might keep her caged for just a short time - just to be sure she is going to use the litter box.

Once you see she is using the litter box - this might happen almost immediately - you should be able to let her out of the cage and into the bedroom. If she's raising kittens, it is best you let her pick a nesting spot or make one for her and just let her have the run of the room.

I've never dealt with a stray with kittens. We've only dealt with ferals or strays (who might be a bit wound up still) on their own.

You will have to be the judge, but if you are going to succeed in converting her to your cat, an indoor cat, there will come a day when you will want to open the bedroom door and let

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Where is the best place to buy a dog crate?

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I've been looking for a dog crate for my beagle/ basset hound but everywhere is so expensive! I bought a mesh one from walmart but she ripped that right up. Even Walmart for a cheap one is min 50 dollars for crappy quality! I keep looking on ebay but they are all too expensive too. If anyone knows of any place to buy a good quality dog crate for less money please let me know. Thanks!

You could try posting it as a need on could post a "want to buy" on, or you could try local rummage sales. Do any of your local radio stations have a program to buy/sell/trade items?

A crate is going to cost in the $50-$100 range for that size. I bought a nice one at Sportsman's Warehouse for my toy dog that was reasonably priced. Tractor Supply used to have the best prices on crates. Check out farm stores/hunting supply stores in your area for crates...they often have lower prices on pet supplies (and they are often much higher quality, as well).

Where can I get a good deal on a dog crate?


I'm hoping to find a wire dog crate that is at least 33" H for under $100. Right now my dog has a 30'' crate, and it's a tad short. They seem to be just over at places like Petsmart/ Petco. Is there somewhere where they are a tad cheaper, on-line is fine!

Ebay or Craigslist. Or you could find a local rescue near you, and see if they'll trade you for your 30" crate + a donation to their rescue =) I know the rescue I volunteer for would do it because they're not losing out and they'll get a donation.

If you go to and type in your zipcode it'll bring up some rescues near you that you can contact.

Good luck!

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