best dog kennel in winnipeg image
besides Miami
Ontario, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be imported into or brought through Ontario. there is a grandfather clause, meaning anyone that had a pit before this ban can keep their pit but they MUST be spayed or neutered. Banned in 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be in Winnipeg by law, banned in 1990.
Australia- banned 2006
France- Ownership restricted; non-pure-breed animals resembling pit-bulls are to be surgically neutered, 1999.
Norway- banned, 1991
Iceland- banned, 1995
United Kingdom- Specific breeds and similar cross-breeds banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
Denmark- Banned alongside the Tosa in 1991 along with any non-pure-bred dog where either of the races are among the parent or grandparent animals.
New Zealand- Must be microchipped, muzzled in public, and cannot be publicly advertised for sale.
The Netherlands- On June 9, 2008 Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Gerda Verburg announced the ban on Pitbulls will be canceled before the end of the year. The reason for this was that there was no reduction of biting incidents with dogs since Pit Bulls were banned. The ban was installed in 1993 after three biting incidents where three children were killed. New rules will no longer select on breed or Molosser looks but require a behavior test for any large dog that shows signs of aggression.
**Now here's a country w/a BRAIN!**
Serbia- Pitbulls are banned and all other breeds must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs. banned, sometime in early 2000s.
Italy- Pitbulls and other breeds such as Rottweilers must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs.
Sioux City, IA- Pit bulls ban ordinance passed on September 15, 2008
Livingston County, Michigan- All "bully breeds" (American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, and American Bull Dogs), banned 2008
Delta, Utah- banned, date ??
Independence, Missouri- banned 2006
Overland Park, Kansas- banned, date??
Springville, Utah- banned, date??
Miami-Dade County, Florida- Section 5 Code 17: "It is illegal in Miami-Dade County to own any dog which substantially conforms to a Pit Bull breed dog, unless it was specially registered with Miami-Dade County prior to 1989. Acquisition or keeping of a Pit Bull dog: $500.00 fine and County Court action to force the removal of the animal from Miami-Dade County.", banned 1989.
Council Bluffs, Iowa- banned 2004.
Royal City, Washington- banned 2007
Denver, Colorado- First banned in 1980s, but later revoked, new ban began 2005
Prince George's County, Maryland- banned 1996
Springfield, Missouri- banned 2006
Oklahoma- ban proposed in 2005
Shelbyville, Tennessee- ban proposed in 2006
Aurora, Colorado- ban proposed in 2005
Youngstown, Ohio- due to the illegal dog fighting banned in 1999
Richland, Washington- proposed ban in 2006
Tupelo, Mississippi- proposed ban in 2006
Parker, Colorado- proposed ban in 2006
Chicago, Illinois- proposed ban in 2005
Enumclaw, Washington- banned
Garfield Heights, Ohio- 60 days in jail and or $1,000 fine if owner does not comply with city law. banned in 2007
Sparta, Tennessee- banned
Melvindale, Michigan- $100.00 fine or 30 days in jail. banned in 1990
Union County, Kentucky- It is illegal to breed "pit bulls" and anyone who owns a "pit bull" inside county lines must register it as a vicious animal with the county clerks office. Owners must also have them fixed. And if owners keep pets outdoors they have to be kept in a Kennel with a concrete floor and on a chain. ownership limitations, 2008.
** oh fabulous, in a kennel all alone on a chain, that SURELY wont make things worse! F'in idiots**
Wheeling, West Virginia- Pit Bull Owners must register their dog. Must have liability insurance to own a Pit Bull. Must also have a 6 foot high fence to allow dog in yard without leash. When walking your dog you must have a muzzle on it as well as a leash no longer than 6 feet. ownership limitations 2006
there are many more i'm sure.
i find this whole BSL thing a bunch of CRAP and i'm sure that when people realize that it will have little to no effect on the reports of dog bites, they (like the Netherlands) will realize how STUPID, BSL really is.
Ontario, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be imported into or brought through Ontario. there is a grandfather clause, meaning anyone that had a pit before this ban can keep their pit but they MUST be spayed or neutered. Banned in 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be in Winnipeg by law, banned in 1990.
Australia- banned 2006
France- Ownership restricted; non-pure-breed animals resembling pit-bulls are to be surgically neutered, 1999.
Norway- banned, 1991
Iceland- banned, 1995
United Kingdom- Specific breeds and similar cross-breeds banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
Denmark- Banned alongside the Tosa in 1991 along with any non-pure-bred dog where either of the races are among the parent or grandparent animals.
New Zealand- Must be microchipped, muzzled in public, and cannot be publicly advertised for sale.
The Netherlands- On June 9, 2008 Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Gerda Verburg announced the ban on Pitbulls will be canceled before the end of the year. The reason for this was that there was no reduction of biting incidents with dogs since Pit Bulls were banned. The ban was installed in 1993 after three biting incidents where three children were killed. New rules will no longer select on breed or Molosser looks but require a behavior test for any large dog that shows signs of aggression.
**Now here's a country w/a BRAIN!**
Serbia- Pitbulls are banned and all other breeds must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs. banned, sometime in early 2000s.
Italy- Pitbulls and other breeds such as Rottweilers must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs.
Sioux City, IA- Pit bulls ban ordinance passed on September 15, 2008
Livingston County, Michigan- All "bully breeds" (American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, and American Bull Dogs), banned 2008
Delta, Utah- banned, date ??
Independence, Missouri- banned 2006
Overland Park, Kansas- banned, date??
Springville, Utah- banned, date??
Miami-Dade County, Florida- Section 5 Code 17: "It is illegal in Miami-Dade County to own any dog which substantially conforms to a Pit Bull breed dog, unless it was specially registered with Miami-Dade County prior to 1989. Acquisition or keeping of a Pit Bull dog: $500.00 fine and County Court action to force the removal of the animal from Miami-Dade County.", banned 1989.
Council Bluffs, Iowa- banned 2004.
Royal City, Washington- banned 2007
Denver, Colorado- First banned in 1980s, but later revoked, new ban began 2005
Prince George's County, Maryland- banned 1996
Springfield, Missouri- banned 2006
Oklahoma- ban proposed in 2005
Shelbyville, Tennessee- ban proposed in 2006
Aurora, Colorado- ban proposed in 2005
Youngstown, Ohio- due to the illegal dog fighting banned in 1999
Richland, Washington- proposed ban in 2006
Tupelo, Mississippi- proposed ban in 2006
Parker, Colorado- proposed ban in 2006
Chicago, Illinois- proposed ban in 2005
Enumclaw, Washington- banned
Garfield Heights, Ohio- 60 days in jail and or $1,000 fine if owner does not comply with city law. banned in 2007
Sparta, Tennessee- banned
Melvindale, Michigan- $100.00 fine or 30 days in jail. banned in 1990
Union County, Kentucky- It is illegal to breed "pit bulls" and anyone who owns a "pit bull" inside county lines must register it as a vicious animal with the county clerks office. Owners must also have them fixed. And if owners keep pets outdoors they have to be kept in a Kennel with a concrete floor and on a chain. ownership limitations, 2008.
** oh fabulous, in a kennel all alone on a chain, that SURELY wont make things worse! F'in idiots**
Wheeling, West Virginia- Pit Bull Owners must register their dog. Must have liability insurance to own a Pit Bull. Must also have a 6 foot high fence to allow dog in yard without leash. When walking your dog you must have a muzzle on it as well as a leash no longer than 6 feet. ownership limitations 2006
there are many more i'm sure.
i find this whole BSL thing a bunch of CRAP and i'm sure that when people realize that it will have little to no effect on the reports of dog bites, they (like the Netherlands) will realize how STUPID, BSL really is.
What cities are pit bulls banned?
Ontario, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be imported into or brought through Ontario. there is a grandfather clause, meaning anyone that had a pit before this ban can keep their pit but they MUST be spayed or neutered. Banned in 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be in Winnipeg by law, banned in 1990.
Australia- banned 2006
France- Ownership restricted; non-pure-breed animals resembling pit-bulls are to be surgically neutered, 1999.
Norway- banned, 1991
Iceland- banned, 1995
United Kingdom- Specific breeds and similar cross-breeds banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
Denmark- Banned alongside the Tosa in 1991 along with any non-pure-bred dog where either of the races are among the parent or grandparent animals.
New Zealand- Must be microchipped, muzzled in public, and cannot be publicly advertised for sale.
The Netherlands- On June 9, 2008 Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Gerda Verburg announced the ban on Pitbulls will be canceled before the end of the year. The reason for this was that there was no reduction of biting incidents with dogs since Pit Bulls were banned. The ban was installed in 1993 after three biting incidents where three children were killed. New rules will no longer select on breed or Molosser looks but require a behavior test for any large dog that shows signs of aggression.
**Now here's a country w/a BRAIN!**
Serbia- Pitbulls are banned and all other breeds must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs. banned, sometime in early 2000s.
Italy- Pitbulls and other breeds such as Rottweilers must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs.
Sioux City, IA- Pit bulls ban ordinance passed on September 15, 2008
Livingston County, Michigan- All "bully breeds" (American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, and American Bull Dogs), banned 2008
Delta, Utah- banned, date ??
Independence, Missouri- banned 2006
Overland Park, Kansas- banned, date??
Springville, Utah- banned, date??
Miami-Dade County, Florida- Section 5 Code 17: "It is illegal in Miami-Dade County to own any dog which substantially conforms to a Pit Bull breed dog, unless it was specially registered with Miami-Dade County prior to 1989. Acquisition or keeping of a Pit Bull dog: $500.00 fine and County Court action to force the removal of the animal from Miami-Dade County.", banned 1989.
Council Bluffs, Iowa- banned 2004.
Royal City, Washington- banned 2007
Denver, Colorado- First banned in 1980s, but later revoked, new ban began 2005
Prince George's County, Maryland- banned 1996
Springfield, Missouri- banned 2006
Oklahoma- ban proposed in 2005
Shelbyville, Tennessee- ban proposed in 2006
Aurora, Colorado- ban proposed in 2005
Youngstown, Ohio- due to the illegal dog fighting banned in 1999
Enumclaw, Washington- banned
Garfield Heights, Ohio- 60 days in jail and or $1,000 fine if owner does not comply with city law. banned in 2007
Sparta, Tennessee- banned
Melvindale, Michigan- $100.00 fine or 30 days in jail. banned in 1990
Union County, Kentucky- It is illegal to breed "pit bulls" and anyone who owns a "pit bull" inside county lines must register it as a vicious animal with the county clerks office. Owners must also have them fixed. And if owners keep pets outdoors they have to be kept in a Kennel with a concrete floor and on a chain. ownership limitations, 2008.
** oh fabulous, in a kennel all alone on a chain, that SURELY wont make things worse! F'in idiots**
Wheeling, West Virginia- Pit Bull Owners must register their dog. Must have liability insurance to own a Pit Bull. Must also have a 6 foot high fence to allow dog in yard without leash. When walking your dog you must have a muzzle on it as well as a leash no longer than 6 feet. ownership limitations 2006
there are many more i'm sure
Ontario, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be imported into or brought through Ontario. there is a grandfather clause, meaning anyone that had a pit before this ban can keep their pit but they MUST be spayed or neutered. Banned in 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada- Pit Bulls are not allowed to be in Winnipeg by law, banned in 1990.
Australia- banned 2006
France- Ownership restricted; non-pure-breed animals resembling pit-bulls are to be surgically neutered, 1999.
Norway- banned, 1991
Iceland- banned, 1995
United Kingdom- Specific breeds and similar cross-breeds banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
Denmark- Banned alongside the Tosa in 1991 along with any non-pure-bred dog where either of the races are among the parent or grandparent animals.
New Zealand- Must be microchipped, muzzled in public, and cannot be publicly advertised for sale.
The Netherlands- On June 9, 2008 Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Gerda Verburg announced the ban on Pitbulls will be canceled before the end of the year. The reason for this was that there was no reduction of biting incidents with dogs since Pit Bulls were banned. The ban was installed in 1993 after three biting incidents where three children were killed. New rules will no longer select on breed or Molosser looks but require a behavior test for any large dog that shows signs of aggression.
**Now here's a country w/a BRAIN!**
Serbia- Pitbulls are banned and all other breeds must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs. banned, sometime in early 2000s.
Italy- Pitbulls and other breeds such as Rottweilers must be muzzled and leashed in public and the owners must pay an annual fee for any injuries caused by these dogs.
Sioux City, IA- Pit bulls ban ordinance passed on September 15, 2008
Livingston County, Michigan- All "bully breeds" (American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, and American Bull Dogs), banned 2008
Delta, Utah- banned, date ??
Independence, Missouri- banned 2006
Overland Park, Kansas- banned, date??
Springville, Utah- banned, date??
Miami-Dade County, Florida- Section 5 Code 17: "It is illegal in Miami-Dade County to own any dog which substantially conforms to a Pit Bull breed dog, unless it was specially registered with Miami-Dade County prior to 1989. Acquisition or keeping of a Pit Bull dog: $500.00 fine and County Court action to force the removal of the animal from Miami-Dade County.", banned 1989.
Council Bluffs, Iowa- banned 2004.
Royal City, Washington- banned 2007
Denver, Colorado- First banned in 1980s, but later revoked, new ban began 2005
Prince George's County, Maryland- banned 1996
Springfield, Missouri- banned 2006
Oklahoma- ban proposed in 2005
Shelbyville, Tennessee- ban proposed in 2006
Aurora, Colorado- ban proposed in 2005
Youngstown, Ohio- due to the illegal dog fighting banned in 1999
Enumclaw, Washington- banned
Garfield Heights, Ohio- 60 days in jail and or $1,000 fine if owner does not comply with city law. banned in 2007
Sparta, Tennessee- banned
Melvindale, Michigan- $100.00 fine or 30 days in jail. banned in 1990
Union County, Kentucky- It is illegal to breed "pit bulls" and anyone who owns a "pit bull" inside county lines must register it as a vicious animal with the county clerks office. Owners must also have them fixed. And if owners keep pets outdoors they have to be kept in a Kennel with a concrete floor and on a chain. ownership limitations, 2008.
** oh fabulous, in a kennel all alone on a chain, that SURELY wont make things worse! F'in idiots**
Wheeling, West Virginia- Pit Bull Owners must register their dog. Must have liability insurance to own a Pit Bull. Must also have a 6 foot high fence to allow dog in yard without leash. When walking your dog you must have a muzzle on it as well as a leash no longer than 6 feet. ownership limitations 2006
there are many more i'm sure
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