dog crates victoria bc image
I've got some problems with my two dogs. My dogs have separation anxiety. Whenever I leave the room, for a few examples...When I leave the house, when I take a shower, when I go to sleep, when I go on the computer and close the door, when I leave the house for 15 minutes, and once when I was standing outside the house on the other side of the door.
I've recorded them on tape a few times to see how long it takes before they get into the trash and to see which dog does what. It only takes 2-5 minutes for my first dog to get into the trash and kitty litter. Then, my second dog comes along in another 5 minutes and goes through the trash that is already out and gets into the kitty litter.
They get into the trash, they get into the kitty litter, and I'm fearing they will start tearing up furniture because they've done it before. The landlord forbids people to leave dogs outside without supervision. I would crate train them, but I have no room for the crates (They are BIG dogs and would need really BIG crates and I just don't have the room). I would stick them in rooms while I leave, but all the rooms I have are occupied. I thought about telling them "no" every time they got into the trash or kitty litter, but I'm NEVER around when they do get into the trash or kitty litter. My trashcan is not in a cupboard that I can close or lock and I have no pantry to stick it in. I've thought about gating in the kitty litter so that they can't get into it, but the only kind of gate that can fit is one that is an "L" shape or curve with screws on both sides that can go into a wall. I found one, but itâs near $300 and I cannot afford it right now.
I will soon start walking them in the morning and evening in hopes that it will help some. They also get plenty of exercise when I take them to the dog park for an hour or so every day when I get home. Please help with any suggestions you may have.
If it helps, they are an Akita/German Shepherd and a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees.
I've recorded them on tape a few times to see how long it takes before they get into the trash and to see which dog does what. It only takes 2-5 minutes for my first dog to get into the trash and kitty litter. Then, my second dog comes along in another 5 minutes and goes trough the trash that is already out and gets into the kitty litter.
They get in to the trash, they get into the kitty litter, and I'm fearing they will start tearing up furniture because they've done it before. The landlord forbids people to leave the dogs outside without supervision. I would crate train them, but I have no room for the crates (They are BIG dogs and would need really BIG crates and I just don't have the room). I would stick them in rooms while I leave, but all the rooms I have are occupied. I thought about telling them "no" every time they got into the trash or kitty litter, but I'm NEVER around when they do get into the trash or kitty litter. My trash can is not in a cupboard and I have no pantry to stick it in. I've thought about gating in the kitty litter so that they can't get into it, but the only kind of gate that can fit is one that is an "L" shape or curve with screws on both sides into a wall. I found one, but it near $300 and I cannot afford it now.
I will soon start walking them in the morning and evening in hopes that it will help some. They also get plenty of exercise when I take them to the dog park for an hour or so every day when I get home. Please help with any suggestions you may have.
If it helps, they are an Akita/German Shepherd and a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees.
You say you have no room for crates! Then how do you believe you have room for two large dogs? The crate is supposed to be just big enough for the dog to turn around and lie down in. And I have a link below for a crate my neighbor uses that's 40"x27"x30" and is for large breed dogs. This one costs ONLY $119. I don't recommend the wire crates for YOUR dogs as they will rip that kind of crate apart. You can use the crate as end tables on either side of your couch or your bed, if room is at a premium. You didn't tell us what your square footage is and if you're in a house or an apartment and how many rooms you have, so it's hard to know where else to recommend putting these crates.
You didn't give us enough information to help you better.
How old is each dog?
What sex is each dog?
Are the dogs intact or neutered?
How old were they when you got them & how long have you had them?
How long have these problems been going on?
Which dog gets into trouble FIRST? Which one comes later?
I have an 8mo old pup who jumps on the door when I go outside. It's puppy impatience and I'm working on training him to be calmer. You don't say anything that indicates you've made any effort to train these dogs.
If you recorded them, why didn't you upload your videos to YouTube and give us a link so we could SEE what's happening? That would help.
When my cats were inside the house, I put a baby gate up in the door to the bathroom and the litter box was inside the bathroom so the cats could get to it and the dogs could not . The other option is to put the kitty litter box inside a small wire crate that's too small for the dogs to get inside, but the cat can come and go as needed.
Since they get into the trash, take your trash out when you go out, as someone else recommended.
They WILL start tearing up your furniture because they are untrained and under exercised and terribly bored. Akitas, GSD's and BC's are ALL VERY HIGH ENERGY breeds. Only the pyr can be quite for prolongued periods of time and are medium energy dogs.... so your dogs parentage indicates they need a LOT of exercise. Training in carting (if they're old enough) or agility training would help. You needed to learn about these breeds BEFORE you got these dogs to make sure you were the right owner for them who would give them proper discipline and guidance and adequate exercise to make them happy and calm.
Cripes... you duplicates most of your message twice. That's awkward.
If you join the group below, you can get some help from pyr owners many of whom know some of those other breeds as well.
You describe an L shaped gate which is the impossible dream, and I have NO idea where you would put that. You didn't upload a photo of your floor plan to clarify that comment so it makes NO sense. If you gate your bathroom for the cat's litter box, you should be able to use a regular epansion gate like I use. If you put the litter box inside a wire crate, that also solves that problem.
If these dogs are pups, this kind of disruptive activity is often part of puppy over-curiosity. If they are adults, then you have a more serious problem and should contact either Cesar Millan or Victoria Stillwell and ask to be on one of their programs. I think they do the behavior training free maybe if your dog is going to be on the show. -!-
You say you have no room for crates! Then how do you believe you have room for two large dogs? The crate is supposed to be just big enough for the dog to turn around and lie down in. And I have a link below for a crate my neighbor uses that's 40"x27"x30" and is for large breed dogs. This one costs ONLY $119. I don't recommend the wire crates for YOUR dogs as they will rip that kind of crate apart. You can use the crate as end tables on either side of your couch or your bed, if room is at a premium. You didn't tell us what your square footage is and if you're in a house or an apartment and how many rooms you have, so it's hard to know where else to recommend putting these crates.
You didn't give us enough information to help you better.
How old is each dog?
What sex is each dog?
Are the dogs intact or neutered?
How old were they when you got them & how long have you had them?
How long have these problems been going on?
Which dog gets into trouble FIRST? Which one comes later?
I have an 8mo old pup who jumps on the door when I go outside. It's puppy impatience and I'm working on training him to be calmer. You don't say anything that indicates you've made any effort to train these dogs.
If you recorded them, why didn't you upload your videos to YouTube and give us a link so we could SEE what's happening? That would help.
When my cats were inside the house, I put a baby gate up in the door to the bathroom and the litter box was inside the bathroom so the cats could get to it and the dogs could not . The other option is to put the kitty litter box inside a small wire crate that's too small for the dogs to get inside, but the cat can come and go as needed.
Since they get into the trash, take your trash out when you go out, as someone else recommended.
They WILL start tearing up your furniture because they are untrained and under exercised and terribly bored. Akitas, GSD's and BC's are ALL VERY HIGH ENERGY breeds. Only the pyr can be quite for prolongued periods of time and are medium energy dogs.... so your dogs parentage indicates they need a LOT of exercise. Training in carting (if they're old enough) or agility training would help. You needed to learn about these breeds BEFORE you got these dogs to make sure you were the right owner for them who would give them proper discipline and guidance and adequate exercise to make them happy and calm.
Cripes... you duplicates most of your message twice. That's awkward.
If you join the group below, you can get some help from pyr owners many of whom know some of those other breeds as well.
You describe an L shaped gate which is the impossible dream, and I have NO idea where you would put that. You didn't upload a photo of your floor plan to clarify that comment so it makes NO sense. If you gate your bathroom for the cat's litter box, you should be able to use a regular epansion gate like I use. If you put the litter box inside a wire crate, that also solves that problem.
If these dogs are pups, this kind of disruptive activity is often part of puppy over-curiosity. If they are adults, then you have a more serious problem and should contact either Cesar Millan or Victoria Stillwell and ask to be on one of their programs. I think they do the behavior training free maybe if your dog is going to be on the show. -!-
can I fix my dog?
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I have a very stubborn German Shepard/Border Collie Mix male dog! and I can't train him to save my life. in all honesty I don't care if he sits on demand and what not but I have been trying to teach him like crazy because he has started to show some aggressive behaviors! and I can't figure out what his trigger is (he has snaped at 3 people over the last year and a half and all of them were being nice to him and the most recent one I know he was fond of! the only thing I can link them together with is baby talk "OOOHHH ROCKY" and they were all touching him at the time. and what's weird is that he seems to know it was wrong because he mopes around for days after each one. the only thing is my Fiance and I want to start having kids next year and I am afraid to have him around people! I got him a crate and he seems okay sleeping in it. He's so good 95% of the time and has stopped barking at so many people (like roofers and kids climbing the fence) but I need more help training him! any
thing will help! I can't stand the thought of putting him down but am reaching the end of my rope. He loves Dogs (like at the Dog park he is okay with everyone there) but if say my fiance and I do the whole piggy back thing or wrestle it freaks him out! and he doesn't like people coming to our house or on the leash but if he gets out and can run free he loves everyone! so he's not just aggressive for the sake of being aggressive he even shares his food with our much smaller welsh terrier. I plan on consulting a dog behavioralist as soon as I get the money in about a month but until then I need something has anyone else had this problem or know how to train particularly protective and stubborn dogs?
sorry for the confusion he has been nutered and I absoultly don't want to put him down! that is what I am trying to avoid! I tried taking him in to a no kill shelter and they refused him and the regular one said they wouldn't even try before putting him down. and nobody I know will take him! this is my last resort. as for the pining thing we have tried that it only works for 15 or so minutes once the scenery changes he's back to normal (like if we do it on a walk he's good for the rest of that walk only!) he didn't used to be like this and I know it's my fault I just want to fix the behaivor!
Glad you're going to a behaviorist in the next month. I suspect the evaluation will say your dog has fear aggression and you are NOT Alpha Pack Leader, which IS YOUR JOB!
Both GSD and BC are FABULOUS TRAINABLE DOGS! Unless your dog has something like a brain tumor, these breeds are well known for being SMART and among the fastest and easiest to train. They were BRED to be trainable and to work with a human handler.
SO... the problem is you! Sorry... but it's a fact.
If YOU cannot train your dog, then you are NOT Alpha Pack Leader. Alpha Pack Leader is always listened to by the dogs in the pack. The Pack Leader's wishes MUST be listened to and followed! That's the law of the pack.
I'll give you links to 2 excellent websites to learn how to be Alpha Pack Leader. READ them! LEARN & DO what they tell you.
I'll give you 3 excellent websites that give you insights into dog behavior. READ them! Learn to understand your dog.
His trigger is that he's got the heavy job of being the Pack Leader, so, instead of enjoying just being a dog, he has the responsibility of controlling everything around the pack. If in his doggie mind, someone's actions are a potential threat, his response is to lunge to bite. He's trying to protect you. He's trying to ward off perceived threats to himself as well.
If you have the right channels, watch the shows "It's Me or the Dog" with Victoria Stillwell, and The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. What I've learned from watching them is the fact that the majority of major dog control problems come from the fact that the owner is NOT the Pack Leader. This always leads to the WORST offenders and LEAST socialized dogs
AND ... as another responder said... if he's intact, get him neutered... That's a must
Addendum: both GSD and BC are high energy dogs. They need a JOB to do, and if you haven't given him a job, he's selected guarding YOU as his job. You need to give him more exercise... he needs a LOT of running and a LOT of exercise. I suspect you don't give him enough exercise to tire him out and challenge and excite him. That is another part of the problem.
And ignore the comment by "Petsitter" who shouldn't be a petsitter with that uneducated view of dogs. -!-
Glad you're going to a behaviorist in the next month. I suspect the evaluation will say your dog has fear aggression and you are NOT Alpha Pack Leader, which IS YOUR JOB!
Both GSD and BC are FABULOUS TRAINABLE DOGS! Unless your dog has something like a brain tumor, these breeds are well known for being SMART and among the fastest and easiest to train. They were BRED to be trainable and to work with a human handler.
SO... the problem is you! Sorry... but it's a fact.
If YOU cannot train your dog, then you are NOT Alpha Pack Leader. Alpha Pack Leader is always listened to by the dogs in the pack. The Pack Leader's wishes MUST be listened to and followed! That's the law of the pack.
I'll give you links to 2 excellent websites to learn how to be Alpha Pack Leader. READ them! LEARN & DO what they tell you.
I'll give you 3 excellent websites that give you insights into dog behavior. READ them! Learn to understand your dog.
His trigger is that he's got the heavy job of being the Pack Leader, so, instead of enjoying just being a dog, he has the responsibility of controlling everything around the pack. If in his doggie mind, someone's actions are a potential threat, his response is to lunge to bite. He's trying to protect you. He's trying to ward off perceived threats to himself as well.
If you have the right channels, watch the shows "It's Me or the Dog" with Victoria Stillwell, and The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. What I've learned from watching them is the fact that the majority of major dog control problems come from the fact that the owner is NOT the Pack Leader. This always leads to the WORST offenders and LEAST socialized dogs
AND ... as another responder said... if he's intact, get him neutered... That's a must
Addendum: both GSD and BC are high energy dogs. They need a JOB to do, and if you haven't given him a job, he's selected guarding YOU as his job. You need to give him more exercise... he needs a LOT of running and a LOT of exercise. I suspect you don't give him enough exercise to tire him out and challenge and excite him. That is another part of the problem.
And ignore the comment by "Petsitter" who shouldn't be a petsitter with that uneducated view of dogs. -!-
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