my labrador has lived her entire life outside (in the garden/backyard inside a doghouse). we are planning to build a new house and i want her to actually sleep in my room. but of course, since shes not adapted to that, how can i train her to be normal with that environment? because she might destroy the things in the room and stuff (something she so cant do outside lol cause theres nothing there except for plants)
shes 3 years old :)
This takes time and patience. Your dog doesn't know the house rules and you may need to take your time to train him how to behave. Probably you should use a crate to help you train him. Also you don't have to hurt him to correct a bad behavior just a simple strong NO! will show him when something is wrong, if he does something right you should give him a treat and if he does the something wrong again a simple now or hit a news paper in your hand will let him know. Also the crate has to be big enough for your dog o move an turn but not to big. Dogs doesn't pee or poop where they sleep so they won't do it in the crate. If he behave you can let him in the house, if he doesn't just put him back for a while in the crate and he would understand that if he behave he wold be abble to stay out. Also here is some info on house breaking:
Course 101 in Becoming the âAlphaâ
âIn the beginning, our puppy was very affectionate and just licked us, now he is starting to play very rough with us as soon as we walk in the door. Although no one has really been injured, he is grabbing our hands with his mouth so hard it is starting to hurt.â
âWhen I went into the kitchen, I found that my dog knocked over the trashcan and was eating the garbage. I went over to scold him and he growled at me. I thought he loved me. Why is he now growling at me?â
âOur dog loves us and is sweet most of the time, but any time that we try to make him do something we want him to do, he snaps at us.â
Are these all âbadâdogs? No. What all of the above dogs have in common is that they have all started on their way to be âalphaâ dogs. Even though the families love them very much, these dogs are following natureâs guide for becoming leaders of their packs. These dogs have easily learned that with a little assertiveness, they came be the real boss of the family!
Here are a few âdogâ body language signs to determine if you have an âalphaâ type dog.
1. Your dog jumps up on you or even puts his foot on you leg or on top of your foot, he is clearly telling you he is a higher pack member.
2. If, when you are walking him, you dog puts the leash in his mouth, he is telling you he is a higher pack member.
3. If he is dominant over food or toys, he is telling you that he is a higher pack member.
4. If he forces you to pet him frequently, he is telling you that he is a higher pack member.
All animals have prewritten internal programs, such as migratory birds, dogs or âcaninesâ have prewritten social pack social order programs. Similar to the military or corporate business structures with people, all canines must clearly see where they rank in your familyâs pack.
The leader of the pack is known as the âalphaâ or supreme boss. The big cheese of the pack is the first to eat, getting the best of everything when and where they want. The âalphaâ may be a male or female. The âalphaâ forces their demands on the rest of the pack through force and intimation.
Many dogs are very comfortable being lower members of your âpackâ or family. They always listen to all human members of the pack. Other dogs desire to have more say in the pack and will start not listen to certain members of your family. The dog generally will not listen to members of the pack who do not display confidence in themselves.
Many times we unintentionally tell our dogs that we want them to take over leadership of the pack from us. We do this by treating the dog as an equal. We sit on the floor with them, we feed them before we eat, and when we take the dog for a walk â we let the dog go where he wants. We think that by doing these things, he or she will realize how good they have it and how much we love them. In reality, it is just the opposite. It is like spoiling the child and the child then treating the parent with disrespect. Ironically, the smaller they are, the more that we tend to spoil and baby the dog. This makes the dog feel like he or she is expected to be the dominate one and that we want them to boss us around through aggression.
Many people admire many of the characteristics of an alpha dog. They are normally smarter than the average dog, they are affectionate when they want something, their aire of confidence makes them look very majestic, and 95% of the time they make us very proud. It is the 5% of the time that they suddenly turn into the worst dogs in the world!
In the animal kingdom, the leader of the pack does not have to answer to anyone. When the âalphaâ is forced to do something that they do not want to do, they will normally show their dislike for the situation through one or more of the following domino or stepped levels.
1. Intense stare.
2. Tensing of body language.
3. Brisling of hair
4. Growl.
5. Bite.
Just as the rattlesnake shakes the rattle at the end of itâs tail before it bites, all dogs go through the following five steps before they bite. Dogs never skip one of these steps. They might go through the steps very quickly, but ne
This takes time and patience. Your dog doesn't know the house rules and you may need to take your time to train him how to behave. Probably you should use a crate to help you train him. Also you don't have to hurt him to correct a bad behavior just a simple strong NO! will show him when something is wrong, if he does something right you should give him a treat and if he does the something wrong again a simple now or hit a news paper in your hand will let him know. Also the crate has to be big enough for your dog o move an turn but not to big. Dogs doesn't pee or poop where they sleep so they won't do it in the crate. If he behave you can let him in the house, if he doesn't just put him back for a while in the crate and he would understand that if he behave he wold be abble to stay out. Also here is some info on house breaking:
Course 101 in Becoming the âAlphaâ
âIn the beginning, our puppy was very affectionate and just licked us, now he is starting to play very rough with us as soon as we walk in the door. Although no one has really been injured, he is grabbing our hands with his mouth so hard it is starting to hurt.â
âWhen I went into the kitchen, I found that my dog knocked over the trashcan and was eating the garbage. I went over to scold him and he growled at me. I thought he loved me. Why is he now growling at me?â
âOur dog loves us and is sweet most of the time, but any time that we try to make him do something we want him to do, he snaps at us.â
Are these all âbadâdogs? No. What all of the above dogs have in common is that they have all started on their way to be âalphaâ dogs. Even though the families love them very much, these dogs are following natureâs guide for becoming leaders of their packs. These dogs have easily learned that with a little assertiveness, they came be the real boss of the family!
Here are a few âdogâ body language signs to determine if you have an âalphaâ type dog.
1. Your dog jumps up on you or even puts his foot on you leg or on top of your foot, he is clearly telling you he is a higher pack member.
2. If, when you are walking him, you dog puts the leash in his mouth, he is telling you he is a higher pack member.
3. If he is dominant over food or toys, he is telling you that he is a higher pack member.
4. If he forces you to pet him frequently, he is telling you that he is a higher pack member.
All animals have prewritten internal programs, such as migratory birds, dogs or âcaninesâ have prewritten social pack social order programs. Similar to the military or corporate business structures with people, all canines must clearly see where they rank in your familyâs pack.
The leader of the pack is known as the âalphaâ or supreme boss. The big cheese of the pack is the first to eat, getting the best of everything when and where they want. The âalphaâ may be a male or female. The âalphaâ forces their demands on the rest of the pack through force and intimation.
Many dogs are very comfortable being lower members of your âpackâ or family. They always listen to all human members of the pack. Other dogs desire to have more say in the pack and will start not listen to certain members of your family. The dog generally will not listen to members of the pack who do not display confidence in themselves.
Many times we unintentionally tell our dogs that we want them to take over leadership of the pack from us. We do this by treating the dog as an equal. We sit on the floor with them, we feed them before we eat, and when we take the dog for a walk â we let the dog go where he wants. We think that by doing these things, he or she will realize how good they have it and how much we love them. In reality, it is just the opposite. It is like spoiling the child and the child then treating the parent with disrespect. Ironically, the smaller they are, the more that we tend to spoil and baby the dog. This makes the dog feel like he or she is expected to be the dominate one and that we want them to boss us around through aggression.
Many people admire many of the characteristics of an alpha dog. They are normally smarter than the average dog, they are affectionate when they want something, their aire of confidence makes them look very majestic, and 95% of the time they make us very proud. It is the 5% of the time that they suddenly turn into the worst dogs in the world!
In the animal kingdom, the leader of the pack does not have to answer to anyone. When the âalphaâ is forced to do something that they do not want to do, they will normally show their dislike for the situation through one or more of the following domino or stepped levels.
1. Intense stare.
2. Tensing of body language.
3. Brisling of hair
4. Growl.
5. Bite.
Just as the rattlesnake shakes the rattle at the end of itâs tail before it bites, all dogs go through the following five steps before they bite. Dogs never skip one of these steps. They might go through the steps very quickly, but ne
How to potty train a dog without using a crate?

Rena Fermi
Ok so I want to potty train my puppy girl so my mom won't sell it but I don't want to use a crate and pee pads, I want to take it outside to pee or let it pee on the newspaper! Please answer!!!
The best method for training ANYTHING is Positive Reinforcement (+R) +R uses Praise and Treats or Praise and a special toy that is ONLY used for training. When your pup or dog does a behavior you want them to do...such as going potty when you have taken them outside, YOU Praise and Treat them the moment they have finished going potty. You can even SAY..."Oh GOOD DOG!" the moment they squat and START to go potty. Of course if your pup is a little shy, don't yell out the praise, tone it down a little and sound very happy, proud of your smart little pup, just not too loud. If your pup is quite "full of himself" a real "happy-happy, joy-joy personality, you can be a bit more excited without scaring the pup or dog.
If you want to really set your young pup up for success, YOU initiate trips outside to start, till they advance enough to learn to âtell you.â I suggest with pups 8 to 12 weeks of age that they be given a chance to go out every time they transition from one activity to another.
This means: they wake upâ¦.go out, eatâ¦go out, playâ¦.go out, take a nap and wake up againâ¦you got itâ¦they go out! Young puppiesâ bodies are not developed enough to hold it, but a short time.
THE FORMULA: number of months old + 1 hour is about how long your pup
MIGHT successfully âhold it.â (3 month old puppy + 1 hr = 4 hours MIGHT HOLD IT)
This does not mean that an older dog can keep from having an accident for over eight, ten or twelve hours. A dog/puppy/for that matter, anyone, drinking a healthy amount of water and eating a healthy amount of food, will need to GO POTTY in a reasonable time frame. How long can YOU hold it, if you are drinking and eating normal, healthy amounts? I would bet youâd want to visit a bathroom for something during an eight hour time period!
The Formula is merely a guideline as to the development of your puppyâs body ability. Itâs not written in stone. If you are crate training your pup, it gives you a reasonable time
frame to consider if you or someone needs to visit the pup during the workday for a mid-day potty break or two.
Crates, Baby Gates and a Tether are just tools to help you and help set your dog up for success. The Baby Gate can keep your puppy contained in a puppy proofed safe room with an easy to clean floor. The crate is NOT a punishment, but is supposed to be your puppy's own personal place to sleep or be safely contained when you need to be away from home for a few hours. The Tether is what you can attach to yourself and your puppy so that you are totally aware of where the pup is and can easily look up and check on what the puppy is doing at any given time.
If you allow an untrained puppy or dog to run loose in the house without CONSTANTLY watching it, you WILL have accidents, they can't help it. So, that is why we take advantage of "tools" to help set the puppy up for success in NOT having accidents all over the house.
You don't HAVE TO use a crate, but using one helps you to keep your puppy or dog from having accidents when you must be gone from the house. That's all.
A copy of POTTY 101 is listed in my source below, it's what I give my clients for House Training. Small not use garlic on anything any time, it can build up to toxic levels with dogs. I'm in the process of updating this document.
The best method for training ANYTHING is Positive Reinforcement (+R) +R uses Praise and Treats or Praise and a special toy that is ONLY used for training. When your pup or dog does a behavior you want them to do...such as going potty when you have taken them outside, YOU Praise and Treat them the moment they have finished going potty. You can even SAY..."Oh GOOD DOG!" the moment they squat and START to go potty. Of course if your pup is a little shy, don't yell out the praise, tone it down a little and sound very happy, proud of your smart little pup, just not too loud. If your pup is quite "full of himself" a real "happy-happy, joy-joy personality, you can be a bit more excited without scaring the pup or dog.
If you want to really set your young pup up for success, YOU initiate trips outside to start, till they advance enough to learn to âtell you.â I suggest with pups 8 to 12 weeks of age that they be given a chance to go out every time they transition from one activity to another.
This means: they wake upâ¦.go out, eatâ¦go out, playâ¦.go out, take a nap and wake up againâ¦you got itâ¦they go out! Young puppiesâ bodies are not developed enough to hold it, but a short time.
THE FORMULA: number of months old + 1 hour is about how long your pup
MIGHT successfully âhold it.â (3 month old puppy + 1 hr = 4 hours MIGHT HOLD IT)
This does not mean that an older dog can keep from having an accident for over eight, ten or twelve hours. A dog/puppy/for that matter, anyone, drinking a healthy amount of water and eating a healthy amount of food, will need to GO POTTY in a reasonable time frame. How long can YOU hold it, if you are drinking and eating normal, healthy amounts? I would bet youâd want to visit a bathroom for something during an eight hour time period!
The Formula is merely a guideline as to the development of your puppyâs body ability. Itâs not written in stone. If you are crate training your pup, it gives you a reasonable time
frame to consider if you or someone needs to visit the pup during the workday for a mid-day potty break or two.
Crates, Baby Gates and a Tether are just tools to help you and help set your dog up for success. The Baby Gate can keep your puppy contained in a puppy proofed safe room with an easy to clean floor. The crate is NOT a punishment, but is supposed to be your puppy's own personal place to sleep or be safely contained when you need to be away from home for a few hours. The Tether is what you can attach to yourself and your puppy so that you are totally aware of where the pup is and can easily look up and check on what the puppy is doing at any given time.
If you allow an untrained puppy or dog to run loose in the house without CONSTANTLY watching it, you WILL have accidents, they can't help it. So, that is why we take advantage of "tools" to help set the puppy up for success in NOT having accidents all over the house.
You don't HAVE TO use a crate, but using one helps you to keep your puppy or dog from having accidents when you must be gone from the house. That's all.
A copy of POTTY 101 is listed in my source below, it's what I give my clients for House Training. Small not use garlic on anything any time, it can build up to toxic levels with dogs. I'm in the process of updating this document.
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